I hate video games


CRank: 5Score: 141600

I don't expect this game to be any good, but I don't see what's people's problem with always online. It never bothered me in Dark Souls.

Who, in 2017, doesn't have the internet?

2801d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Almost all VR devs that have spoken about whether or not VR was profitable have said that it isn't profitable at all and that their only real income were the subventions that Oculus/Sony/Vive give to push content creation

Example: http://www.gamesindustry.bi...

So in that sense, it hasn't been successful yet. V...

2803d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pokemon GO wouldn't work on the Switch, but I'm sure a Pokemon game on Switch would maybe take some inspiration from Pokemon GO, with the ability to play in wireless local multiplayer and all....

2803d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's no direct link between AR/VR and what Simplygon does. Simplygon basically makes a program that goes through your 3D models and automatically generates lower-polygons versions for doing LODs in games. There's plugins for Simplygon in UE4 and Unity.

However, there are several other alternatives to Simplygon for doing the same thing

2804d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well shadow of the colossus didn't have any voice acting (almost) or direct storytelling either, so I wouldn't say that's the problem

2811d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

not sure about that. Threadmills don't give you a sense of acceleration

2815d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't see what's so promising about this. It looks just like any other Unity/UE4 prototype mostly made out of asset store packages

Also, that control scheme is a recipe for disaster. The only sort of movement that would truly work for VR is moving with your actual body in a real-life facility built for the specific game. Otherwise, standing in-place is the next best option

2815d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's pathetic because you're not just excited about the game; you're excited about other people not having access to the game

that's pretty pathetic

2817d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

oh my god what is it with you people and thinking every comment is meant to be secretly part of a console war?
Go outside and take a breath of fresh air, jesus

2817d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's pretty pathetic to be this excited about console exclusivity, or even just exclusivity

You don't own Sony. Why do you even care?

2817d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

It's still very difficult to imagine what the actual gameplay is like, though

But if it focuses on those subjects, I'd rather have it be a very narrative-oriented game than an action game with cutscenes that seem completely disconnected from one another

2817d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's dead

and it'll never get as much love as The Last Guardian so they won't resurrect it

2818d ago 4 agree21 disagreeView comment

Feels refreshing to hear she doesn't like videogames, as opposed to those celebrities being paraded in front of us at E3 pretending they care

On an unrelated note, Assassins Creed seems like an absolute cancer of a film. Can't believe this appeals to anyone

2826d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Realistic in-engine-but-not-in-game car pics are also nothing new. This really doesn't impress much

2828d ago 3 agree18 disagreeView comment

yes I know all that. I don't see why this changes anything

2829d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

eh, there's more to Dark Souls than just the monster designs

2829d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

For a Berserk game, yes. But I kinda don't want FromSoft to work on liscenced franchises. To me, their original content is just waaaaay more interesting.

As a general rule, I just think every talented creator should always work on original material instead of doing adaptations. It's always more interesting that way. Adaptations are usually more of a safe bet, but originals have more potential for greatness

2829d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Let's hope FromSoft doesn't devolve into one of those substandard anime-game-adaptation studios

2829d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think it's a good move to cut support for the WiiU and discontinue it completely. It's the best thing to do whenever you have a failed product/project. It'll upset some people, but in the end, it'll be for the best.

Otherwise, it'll just end up dragging their future projects down with it. They better focus all of their efforts on what's next, without compromise

2830d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also they could've trimmed some of the more obscure games off of that list.
Voodoo Vince?
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku?
Niki – Rock 'n' Ball?

2831d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment