
CRank: 7Score: 25930

"Yeah i know eh guys... now they're all in denial it's a good game... and it's not going on 360. don't worry guys. I'm sure Ninja Gaiden 2 will be just as good /end sarcasm."

I think I'm going to pass on Ninja Gaiden 2. I'll still be too busy playing Heavenly Sword. A game that in my opinion is better then Ninja Gaiden and one that has one of the most incredible stories ever.

Don't just assume that anyone who may have a distaste for a certain title me...

6019d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember playing Metal Gear as a kid on the NES. Then I graduated to the PS1 version. It was only after the first Metal Gear on the PS2 did I realize that this game wasn't for me anymore.

One reason, the story line. Whenever one of the characters shot another and exclaimed "I forgot. Your heart is on the other side." and including all the other WTF moments I knew it wasn't for me. The second reason was probably Splinter Cell. Which in my opinion has better steal...

6019d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Glad to see some love for Kameo. One of the best games for the 360!

6019d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I totally agree. If any of you have ever worked with people you too know how they can be. Some just ignore what is in front of their faces. Also when I purchased my PS3 it had no sticker, no gold letters just little tiny black ones on the back that said PS2 games aren't compatable. However I knew that already.

6022d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you really want to bring up screen tearing? Have you not played Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Uncharted? Last time I checked those were all PS3 games. I've played them as I'm sure you have too and guess what... they too had screen tearing.

Since we are nit picking here what's with the ridiculous load times whenever I first put in a new game on the PS3?

6025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I too think that Assassins Creed looks better than Uncharted (atleast where you play as Altair, the Lab parts do not look as good) I also think that Heavenly Sword looks better than Uncharted. Uncharted has brought nothing new graphically or gameplay wise. And I'm not saying that it looks awful, it's great looking but it's nothing I haven't seen before on Xbox or the PS3.

Sorry guys, but I think both machines are capable of the same graphics and each have their own pros and c...

6025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they actually scraped the Unreal Engine and made their own. That is if I remember what I read correctly. It looks awesome though, can't wait for this game!

6030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just a question. If blu-ray can hold all this information why does my Pirates 3 movie have one disk for actual play back and another for the special features. Couldn't they have put it all on one disk?

6032d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

2.4 - I don't get it....
...if everything looks better with these options on, why does Sony have them in the first place? I'm not trying to troll here. It just seems to me that if it looks better with these options on, why would Sony have them off by default? Why would they have an option at all that would make the video output look worse?

Good question, I don't know the answer but here is a better question. Why does the PS3 only come with Audio Video cables? Would it ...

6033d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They just have another way of distributing the games that will be coming to the 360 first. So if you buy these for the PC your supporting Microsoft. Besides it's usually a year or two before they hit the PC (ex. Halo, Halo 2, Fable, KOTOR, Gears of War).

So go ahead and play them on the PC do you think it's hurting Mircosoft any? You sony fan geeks need new arguments.

6034d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought a second Xbox and all I had to do to transfer my profile was put in my Gamer Tag and password and it transferred all of my gamer info. For my game saves and themes and pics just transfered them with a memory card. For everything else I just downloaded it again. This guy is making it alot harder then it needs to be.

6034d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure where you're located at but where I live the 60G is non-existant and I believe they have no plans of ever making them again. I am a miser $100 wouldn't have killed me but it couldn't have made me feel any better either. Anyway, I myself do not wish to revisit the games of the PS2. If I ever do however, (I do love ICO and the Xenosaga's) I still have a PS2 so no problem for me.

I disagree that they introduced the 40G with no BC to insure a cheaper selling price. Th...

6035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But at least Microsoft is continuing support for original Xbox games. Something Sony stopped with the introduction of the cheaper 40G PS3 in an effort to force people to buy PS3 software instead of PS2. With the exception of maybe 2 or 3 games in my collection all are compatible with my 360. Not something I can say about my PS3. But my 360 can't play blu-ray movies. Now that I think about it could be an even trade.

6035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

got to agree with you there. I've not played COD4 but my experience comes from playing Gears and Halo. Playing Gears of War was a more enjoyable time then with the Halo crowd.

6036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you start playing with the theater mode is when you are in awe of the detail and lighting.

6036d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I see what you are saying. Games borrow aspects from other games. Uncharted borrowed alot from gears. I have seen RE4 over the shoulder alot in games also but the button pressing during cut scenes did not originate from God of War, it was Shenmue.

By "borrowing" all these aspects so heavily it has not given it any originality. Then again how much originality is left in the world of video games? However yes it does make it a fun game if only I could get use to th...

6037d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for you Rick James, nice comment. I have recently purchased a PS3 myself and in my opinion everything looks on par with the 360 no more no less (well all except for the interfaces, Xbox blows it away). They are gaming consoles, pure and simple.

6039d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you really think they will drop prices again? Even before the 360 drops in price? The PS3 has barely been released for a year and it's already dropping prices. It took the PS2 what 2 years to drop it's price.

I see Microsoft dropping it's prices only after the Christmas rush. I'm not sure that Sony can afford to drop prices any more this soon. Maybe by it's second anniversary.

6040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I got Gears the same way. I would have to say both are better with a keybourd and mouse though. I think that will be a bad thing for 360 though all there hard hitters are not really exclusive eather. PC gets them all."

I've always wondered why people continue with this arguement. The fact is Micrsoft is getting your money either way those games are released. So why does it matter to them (microsoft) which the consumer buys? Just wondering.

6040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I picked up a 40G PS3 Friday when Wal-mart had a offer where you get a $50 gift card with it. Not a bad deal. They were selling like crazy too. Guess what though.... they still had plenty left over. There was like one 360 and of course no Wii. So I think Sony has a real good chance of out selling the other consoles if it's all consumers can find.

6040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment