CRank: 5Score: 6280

uh no...sorry Kona. what i said was a passionate distaste in the quality of an overrated franchise. trolling is delivering intentional misinformation for the sake of getting some laughs or intensifying an nonsense discussion. i meant what i said and wasn't trying to get people mad...maybe just make them second guess their perspective (which i know they never will). i've owned both kz2 and kz3 and they are both horrible games. there isn't a quality worth mentioning between the...

4713d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

what support? a few more maps? of course Sony's only shooter franchise that tries to pretend it's not crap is going to get a few new modes or maps or whatever. killzone is an abomination to the death match game mode. it's just junk.

i'm sure this comment will get removed by the sony fanboy admins, but killzone is and has always been pure garbage. it's just a terrible franchise. halo wannabe, without the solid controls, interesting set pieces, and de...

4713d ago 3 agree27 disagreeView comment

their loss*

4713d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

it's pretty crap. but then was kz2. generic shooting with flimsy controls. resistance is a much more solid shooter

4713d ago 4 agree27 disagreeView comment
4714d ago Show

i'm not a big fable fan. every since fable 1 didn't come close to his promises...and i didn't deliver 5% of what he said it would be, i just don't care for the franchise. i think you really have to project into the game to make it better than it actually is.

with that said, i think this looks like a potentially fun rail game. i'll never buy a kinect or a move and have no interest in motion gaming; but if a friend had this game, i'd really...

4714d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

kinda sad many people were duped into buying brink. doesn't sound like it "flew under the radar" to me.

4714d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

god help us if a majority of people start thinking the way you do. that's such a flawed liberal attitude.

government intervention would only add regulation to the internet that would affect us all (something they want to do, btw -- Internet 2). not to mention how inefficiently and expensively they'd handle the problem that they would ultimately fail at anyway. government should just do what their basic role enforcement. they are making arrests so they are...

4714d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

maybe the worst interview ever. lame questions we already know the answers to asked by a guy who apparently can't speak or read his own writing.

lookin forward to this game as much as the next guy, but this interview (and interviews like it) add NOTHING to the hype. makes me feel bad for the developers...feeling obligated to answer questions asked by anyone and everyone who was able to shell the money for a press pass.

side bar: It would have been real...

4715d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

eating out would be expensive...

4715d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

willing to bet you and the rest of the sony troll patrol have never even played forza.

the n4g community never ceases to amaz...let me down.

4716d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

of course it is...cuz anytime an article shows any type of praise towards 360, it's just seeking attention. when it's praise for sony, it's just being honest. everyone (on n4g) knows that!

4716d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

The desperation in the comments here is unbelievable. I can't stand racing sims...i see no point in playing them...but give me a break. any retard with 1 eye can see the obvious visual difference here. if these images are accurate, then there's no competition: forza wins hands down.

both look phenomenal, but forza is definitely the clear winner.

"Regardless of pointless articles like this comparing photo's of unreleased games vs games that...

4716d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

he must be trolling. no way a person that has played through any CODs can think it's campaign is even worth mentioning. it's a poorly written, overly scripted, horribly placed (in that it has no pacing), POS game. which is why more than half the people that buy it never even play the campaign.

4716d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'd replace it with Deus Ex, Bioshock, or ME3. they didn't even show the game. you can't just put up the words "super smash bros" and get credit for having a showing. that's ridiculous.

4716d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

what's your point?

i don't think it would could live on the sales of COD alone. it sells about 10x as many copies on 360 as PC and more than ps3...though i dunno how much more (couple million). and it generally sells better with most 3rd party games. as for halo...why would they get rid of it? would nintendo get rid of mario? sony get rid of kratos?

people want more...give the people what they want. 360 is the only place to get halo.....

4716d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

i'm extremely excited for skyrim, just like i was excited for oblivion. but i thought oblivion was a bore as well. loved morrow wind, disliked oblivion, still can't wait for skyrim.

i'll tell you one thing...i hope they don't still have it where the quest givers just psychotically stare at you with the world frozen behind them while they are talking to you. that really takes you out of the experience...especially in this generation.

4717d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

now this, unlike legion's comment, is a good one.

legion is right...but that doesn't, at all, seem to be the case here. the guy is voicing an opinion...he's providing information...and he's not over exaggerating his perspective. just telling you about his 35 minute experience. seems like a perfectly fine article to me.

4717d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

such a typical, immature thing to say here on n4g. you people always say that if someone says something negative about something the majority likes. that's NOT flaimbait! and it's NOT about hits! reading negative perspectives is every bit as useful and important as positive ones.

god, you can't be a journalist anymore apparently unless you have unrealistically low expectations of quality.

this guy's opinion didn't change my own...but ...

4717d ago 13 agree15 disagreeView comment

when you MOVE UP in get closer to where you are going. when you move up on a list...same thing. TECHNICALLY it's not moving in a's changing it's position in time. but for all intents and purposes moving up means it's coming sooner. it is used incorrectly in this article.

4718d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment