CRank: 5Score: 78300

This game was so overhyped and you can tell with the quick 90% drop in player count that the content just isn't that good.

Why are the levels just bland and empty deserts? That and such limited customization is probably why it has so few players now.

42d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

There was a lot of detail missing in V compared to IV though, maybe they could improve that in VI. Also the campaign had way too many pointless missions just to hear Trevor or Michael talk and the heists had too much set up and no real choices. Rockstar also got greedy and overemphasized the mutiplayer in V and cancelled all single player dlc.

The tone could also be more consistent in VI. Trevor was just a sillier version of Lynch from Kane and Lynch with no depth. And the ...

58d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

That's one of the worst aspects of Rockstar campaigns recently. So much padding and unnecessary gameplay for obvious exposition. And a lot of it is bad or pointless ex. Trevor's nonsense or redundant Micah and Dutch.

The gameplay in those missions can also be tedious when they have you moving shipping containers or flying a helicopter across the map to drop something off.

58d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why would developers have made up "placeholder" specs based on speculation in their own documents? With specific features no less. Makes no sense.

61d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Now it's amazing? Really?

And it's so ridiculous that Pushsquare can't just legitimatly criticize a Sony product that really does look generic. They're bought and paid for. Whenever you start talking about "haters" instead of actually addressing any of the issues then you've lost.

68d ago 39 agree25 disagreeView comment

Agreed, at least a 6.5 or 7 just since the shooting and graphics are solid. It's just super repetitive and the UI should be more customizable and not as cluttered. Also who actually likes hub locations where all you do is talk to random npcs?

70d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People are always deflecting now, if the game had better content it wouldn't have lost this many players. Sure most games have a decrease after launch but not over 90%. This game was overhyped; levels take too long, bad customization, generic bug enemies. The robots are good but otherwise it's pretty bland.

It's a simple wave mode with no depth or variety, this type of gameplay used to be dlc or an extra mode. Not sure why it was ever as popular as it was, maybe...

70d ago 14 agree42 disagreeView comment

It's really not that bad, the UI is cluttered and you have to talk to too many people in the hub but otherwise the graphics and shooting etc are pretty solid. Definitely needs more mission variety and the bosses can be bullet spongey but how is that different from Destiny etc.?

Why do you dislike it so much?

73d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's really not that bad, the UI is cluttered and you have to talk to too many people in the hub but otherwise the graphics and shooting etc are pretty solid. Definitely needs more mission variety and the bosses can be bullet spongey but how is that different from Destiny etc.?

73d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


74d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No this was just way overhyped from the start; it's a simplistic wave mode that would be dlc in any other game. Levels are bland and empty, missions are way too long and it has no real customization.

81d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

What a joke, now you're saying microsft isn't "passionate" enough to receive third party ports? And then some vague nonsensical comparison to martial arts too? You're not even making any sense. And such a ridiculous elitist attitude, you sound like a cultist. Only companies you like are worthy?

Also Microsft has been making games and consoles for years, and before xbox one the consoles, ports and exclusives were successful so the idea that they have to...

94d ago 7 agree23 disagreeView comment

Jim Ryan is literally corporate scum who doesn't play games. Enjoy Concord.

100d ago 8 agree42 disagreeView comment

What trash you must be. Criticizing every fan of a brand you don't like. You're a great example of PS fans and bias. Anyone you don't agree with is wrong and stupid right? You must be a liberal.

100d ago 11 agree35 disagreeView comment

Wow so you all really loved corporate scum like Jim Ryan then? All the games as a service projects and no backwards compatibility unless it's an overpriced remaster? And abandoning Twisted metal, resistance, syphon, getaway and all of the other IPs?

And if Phil is so bad why did the xbox showcase/the games he greenlit annihilate PS last presentation?

"You scared bro?"

100d ago 8 agree42 disagreeView comment
100d ago Show

Another biased Sony fan heard from.

112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They definitely shouldn't have made Marathon an extraction shooter if that's what it is. There's way too many already. Extraction/horde modes used to just be a bonus or dlc, now there are entire games that are just that.

112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course their opinions are pointless since they're criticizing PS.

116d ago 27 agree45 disagreeView comment

Why did PS copy gamepass if it's so terrible and unprofitable? PS Now was before gamepass but it was streaming trash that no one had any interest in.

And honestly the way the industry releases overpriced and broken games with day one season passes and dlc who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?

Only biased PS fans would defend paying more to a corporation rather than an option that's cheaper for the consumer o...

116d ago 5 agree81 disagreeView comment