CRank: 5Score: 78330

I don't know about this game really being so great; the enemy designs were cool but other than that all of the best gameplay stuff was taken directly from the Tomb Raider reboot (campfires, zip lines, bow and arrow combat. Even right clicking to see the environment/objects highlighted was the same.)

The graphics were great but the story was pretty flat and I was never even compelled to finish it. Also the world is pretty but mostly empty and they didn't do anything ...

1417d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

No way. Dawn of dreams was not as good as the first three. Pretty sure it didn't sell as well as any of the other games either and maybe was the reason we never got another one. Onimusha 2 would be the best to remaster but 3 would still be a better one to remaster than 4.

Dawn of Dreams is still great but definitely shouldn't be the next one they remaster unless they just remaster them all.

1418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bloodrayne 2 was good but the first one was amazing once you got out of the swamps. Great shootouts and dual wielding. Slowmo. Memorable levels. Hard Mature rating and Rayne was and is really cool to play as. Can't wait for these remasters.

1418d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's a joke right? One single player game to decide all of next gen? I doubt it. Plenty of people would rather have some co op or even competitive multiplayer games. The overly padded campaigns like last of us 2 and god of war or the solid but generic open world gameplay of horizon and spiderman were extra well received since xbox had almost nothing to offer exclusive wise this generation but that is definitely about to change.

New co-op exclusives and games from nin...

1424d ago 4 agree70 disagreeView comment

How is a song called "highest in the room" a vague reference, c'mon haha

1428d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

They didn't bother to make anything about it feel next gen except the graphics. The platforming is identical to earlier installments and the levels are uninspired. The gameplay is literally exactly the same as the crash trilogy remaster it just has worse levels. The things they did add like Tawna and Crash's new ability are nothing to write hone about. They didn't even bother to update the way you choose levels.

It's a well made game but it definitely doesn&...

1433d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People keep defending the story but honestly who really wanted to play as kamala khan in the first real Avengers game? Such a generic character too and the way she just happened to meet all of the avengers in the intro was so...corny.

1434d ago 19 agree22 disagreeView comment

This one should be great. Why did ubsioft fire the creative director because he had an extramarital affair though? It's too bad since the same guy also did Origins and Black Flag so it's definitely a loss for the series going forward.

1436d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment


1444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can we please finally admit that the fan noise on the ps4 pro is absurdly loud? It sounds like it's going to explode whenever I'm at the main menu in COD.

1448d ago 21 agree5 disagreeView comment

The sad truth is there are always articles like this concerning nintendo stuff, somehow always attempting to justify nintendo NOT doing something.

When the wii u came out there was literally an article called "the wii u can't play DVDs or use Netflix and I'm okay with that." Before 3D all stars people said the gamecube controls for the fludd backpack in mario sunshine were "too hard" to port to switch (?¿¡?) and now here's an articl...

1451d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Haha says someone from the loudest group of fanboys on n4g who vocally trash everything related to xbox and anything related to nintendo but love medicore trash like knack and act like every 1st party sony game is flawless. Please. Just admit bethesda makes some very popular game series that people love and that gamepass is a good value and stop being in denial just because something isn't on playstation. Or buy both consoles and appreciate both for what they do well and stfu.

1459d ago 24 agree8 disagreeView comment

Gamepass really is an incredible deal, it's the best/cheapest way to try new games and it just got even better. Now watch sony fanboys continue to downplay bethesda games (which before they loved), and act like psnow streaming is actually competition when its an antequated joke with a terrible selection of games. There are already articles trying to rationalize paying $70 for games that you can now play day one with a subscription. Yeah keep trying to spin it, it's really working.

1459d ago 26 agree10 disagreeView comment

You're kidding right? So you'd rather pay $65-$70 dollars per new game than $15 a month for a subscription? And the alternative should be that they have more $10 and $2 indie games instead?!?! Hahahahah. Nice attempt at spinning it.

There are enough generic indie games out there and those are always the ones given for free anyway on ps now and gamepass etc. Maybe small indie titles would be great for psnow since its only a streaming service

1460d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What a joke article, if those corporate scum at Disney can own ABC, fox, marvel, star wars, etc. without any issues then why would this even be considered?

1460d ago 18 agree6 disagreeView comment

Hahaha riiight. So because you "only like dishonored" all of those other multi-million selling, hugely popular game series (except Prey) are irrelevant. Got it

1460d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

"It has a lot of bad things that needs to be worked on until it is worth the price they ask for it, but it also has good things and potential."


1474d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said. Sunshine is an underrated gem. Can't wait for the remaster.

1477d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How is the George R.R. Martin game anything like Bayonetta?

1477d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't have tried this if it wasn't on gamepass and I'm really glad I did, it's great. It's just like a classic 90s PC strategy game. Reminds me of fallout 1 and 2. It even has a co op campaign!

1482d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment