CRank: 5Score: 78330

Do you know what the comments would be if Microsoft was offering another Series X to people who already own one?

"That's becauzze no 1 wantz one!" "Xbox is tarrible!"

So whatever. And if you dont have a substantive response to refute anything I've said then don't bother. So tired of all the xbox hate and pro Sony bias on this site. How do you like it?

1183d ago 9 agree15 disagreeView comment

This is how you know there isn't as much demand. The design of the console is absolutely awful, the exclusives are either also on PS4 or overly diffiucly niche rpgs like dmons souls and returnal. Sony in their arrogance skipped E3 And offered nothing to entice people to buy a ps5 who don't already own one.

Also God of war and horizon, their biggest upcoming exclusives, are also on ps4...ooof. that plus 70 dollar games that are also on game pass day one, no multi or ...

1183d ago 8 agree31 disagreeView comment

Xbox one was ruined by Don Mattrick but now that he's been fired/replaced the Xbox can finally get back to where it was during the 360 era: the best selling console with the best features, best multiplatform games and great exclusives.

Xbox 360 had better multiplatform games compared to PS3 (the cell processor was a problem for non-Sony devs) so almost all multiplatform games ran worse and were lower resolution on PS3. All the valve games many EA games, the bethesda gam...

1184d ago 11 agree56 disagreeView comment

4 is actually a lot better than I remembered in general and definitely better than Halo 5 in every way.

1185d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only two of those games are actually exclusives, everything else is also on PS4. Pretty funny how all Xbox stuff that was also on the One was slammed but now that Sony is doing it it's compeltely okay.

1188d ago 18 agree44 disagreeView comment

So the Japanese are "weird" because they don't like Sony consoles and games as much as you do? This might ne the worst example of Sony fanboyism yet. What a joke.

Sorry but the Ps5 has a terrible design and only two exclusives, one of which is a remake and the other an overly difficult shooter. Plus they're greedy and charging $70 a game.

1188d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The characters are horrible, why do so many of these co op shooters have a generic cartoony style and awful and uninspired chatacters like these?

Second extinction is the same way.

1193d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

This article is a disgrace. Clearly written out of desperation since Nintendo only has $50 wii u ports and no new exlcusives lately.

Also the Xbox showcase was great, thats why there's so few comments around here because Sony fans can't admit that xbox actually has some quality games coming up. Especially considering all of the full priced third party games coming to game pass day one. Oh and now every PS fan suddenly hates bethesda, ninja theory and obsidian.

1194d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

A remaster would be great! This one is definitely a gem.

1205d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Still such an awful design though, definitely the worst of all the Playstation consoles. It'll be great when they finally do the Pro/Slim version and offer it in different colors. The current one is oversized and the design is just strange.

1213d ago 12 agree15 disagreeView comment

You're a Playstation fan. Guaranteed.

They'll be a lot more bethesda hate like this around here now that their games are Xbox exclusives.

1216d ago 36 agree24 disagreeView comment
1227d ago

THIS is the kind of company that people have been so loyal to? All those comments trashing epic just for giving games away and doing the same store exclusively stuff that valve has done too?

I honestly could never understand why anyone would defend corporate scum like gabe newell who taxes developers 30 percent and literally stopped making new games as soon as Steam became successful. All the stuff about steam having a monopoly is clearly true.

But hey th...

1234d ago 5 agree21 disagreeView comment

That's such a stupid thing to say, "renting games" wasn't even around when LRG got started so thats obviously not it. Jealous of game pass much?

All these people slamming gamepass would love it if sony announced the same thing tomorrow. Sony fans on here are becoming like Nintendo fans, making ridiculous arguments to justify why they should pay $70 for a game (MLb 21) when you could play that same game and hundreds more for $15 a month. Way to defend givin...

1237d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is article complete joke. Yeah keep paying $69.99 for new releases then. The recent MLB game is a perfect example. So is Outriders. Both AAA, full priced titles that were on game pass day one. And they're multiplatform so this isnt even including any of the Xbox studios and Bethesda games coming out or any of the hundred plus backwards compatible titles from 360 and Xbox One. How is it not a good value? Only if you just have a playstation.

Oh but i forgot; Playsta...

1245d ago 20 agree52 disagreeView comment

Hah I said the same thing about Ledger at first too. But that was still Nolan working with him. The deadpool and cobra kai guys....not a good fit for twisted metal.

1248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry but Days Gone is one of the few games that really did deserve the review scores it got. The guy who said the "full price" comment and also complained about metacritic was the writer and you can tell its just sour grapes. If he had done a better job it would have gotten better reviews.

That being said the game itself is really good. The shooting, the motorcycle, the world and the upgrade system are all excellent and fighting the hordes was great too. ...

1249d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's been acceptable. Somehow trash like no mans sky where the whole e3 presentation was a lie and they shipped the game with tons of missing features got a complete pass. People even paid for a billboard just to thank the developers for delivering what they promised to do at launch. What a joke.

Fallout 4 was also complete garbage that was filled with glitches poor graphics etc and yet no one complained. That whole franchise has been that way.

This i...

1262d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yeah sorry but the cobra kai people and the deadpool people doing twisted metal with will arnett as sweet tooth sounds like the worst possible, overly comedic way they could've chosen to do this.

Twisted Metal has always had some comedy but it's never been a complete joke.

1306d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Assassin's Creed Rogue also had a great story and was one of the last Assassin's Creed games that felt like the first three. I never even finished revelations.

1310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment