
CRank: 5Score: 51370

I think this is interesting, because these ppl. with there cars remind of of the Blacklist of NFS:MW. Ya know what I mean?

6625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do you need to be immature about this? I Don't care that the PS3 will be, "delayed until feb.07." Did you not just read the rest of my post? Geez! I'm an f'n PC gamer, ok? I guess it makes you feel good that "I get to play my 360 when you guys have to wait for the PS3." I swear, you make it seem like we're waiting in a dark cave staring at the damn wall, just mindlessly waiting for the f***ing PS3! We have lives dude, unlike you swarming the net bashing on the PS3, bec...

6625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I meant ZOE3, sorry. :S LONG LIVE JEHUTY!!

6625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It seems that by every passing day there is more, more, and MORE terrible news for the PS3.To tell you the truth it's a bit depressing, because I was thinking of getting one. Anyways, why do these guys say that the PS3 is difficult to develop for when it's supposed to be easier to work with than the PS2!?I'd still want to get one for other games like RE5, DMC4, MGS4,SH5,and ZOE4. BUt idk about spending most likely nearly $1000 just to play those 5 games. And it also makes me laugh when some i...

6625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't forget ZOE 3 and FFXIII VERSUS

6629d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

4D? You make me laugh, what a load of BS!

6629d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What the hell are you talking about?

6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is TOTAL BS! Of course, I live in Vegas too and I think this is stupid as hell. I hate how the rest of the US thinks we're the drug and sex infested capitol of the world and that's what everybody does here. No, we that live here are normal and build up the city from the money losers from the rest of the US gamblers lost. We uphold the gambling and entertainment, but it's the damn tourists that are the "drug addicted, compulsive gambling, whore screwing" ppl. Besides the family ...

6638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

in which a stupid chair was called the iJoy, it's so, grrr

6642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummmm, I'm pretty sure that Valve said that this episodic content IS HL3. So, for the 360 and PS3, they'll be getting Half-Life 2.6 and then being able to download HL EP.3 later.

6646d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG, I really hope from what I've heard, that these processors will be compatible with the LGA775 socket, 'cause I'll TEAR OUT my Pentium 4 processor for a new Core 2 Duo processor...

6647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

last time I looked, my pee wasn't green...

6647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But looking at THIS list of games I want, it makes me want a PS3 soooo damn badly! Especially DMC4, GTAIV, FFXIII, MGS4, SH5, and the best of them ALL ZOE3!!!

-Resident Evil 5
- Devil May Cry 4
- Assassin's Creed
- Grand Theft Auto IV
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Silent Hill 5
- Killzone 3
- Fatal Frame 4
- Sequel to Shadow of the Colossus
- Sneak Peak at God of War 3
- Sneak Peak at Zo...

6647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's idiotic and childish! We ALL know that you don't like Sony, TheMART! I might get the PS3, but won't get the 360 or Wii, 'cause pc gamers are getting Crysis first! >,< And I'm REALLY sick of fanboys like you that have nothing better to do with your days than find ANY piece of news or rumors to bash on the PS3. And finally, I LOATHE how 360 fanboys like you say the 360 will have a great fall/winter line up, and say,"...with games like Gears of War...", it's always Gears of ...

6647d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


6654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All I know is that THIS game will be remembered for being THE FIRST TRUUUE next-gen title. Most Xbox360 and PS3 games claim to be next-gen, but don't even compare to THIS game! Just watch the gameplay trailers and you'll know EXACTLY what I mean. This fps looks AMAZING!

6656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well aricha forgot Silent Hill 5 and Z.O.E. 3. I REALLY don't care if the PS3 has a bunch of sequels, I love MGS, ZOE, DMC, and SH! And since I've been hearing soooo much that the PS3 is only surviving on sequels then let ME just cut down your list of games taht aren't sequels or multiplatform, in which you said was exclusive.

Xbox 360:
APB <-this game is even coming out until '08, lol
Battle Angel <- wtf?
Blue Dragon <- looks like it was made for ...

6660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know exactly what you mean, lol. That'd be kind of embarrasing to watch, a fight like that.

6660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...I wouldn't mind watching this movie. As long as it doesn't get all corny, especially like the tv shows, but those where STILL cool to watch when I was younger.

6660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment