
CRank: 5Score: 51370

This was supposed to be in the list of games for the 360 over the summer. So much for great games for the summer. :( It'll be a great game either way.

6270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

then good for them! Bungie is doing a great job. We can't expect less from them. Just like with the PS3, when more developers understand and sucessfully create excellent games at a stable 1080P res. then we can take the next leap in technology. Look to the future!

At first, these companies (like Microsoft)didn't think it'd be possible to make games at 1080P, but we've come a long way, one step at a time. 720P can be the sweet spot, but 1080P will broaden it up for people with ...

6270d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe during the summer I'll finally buy a PS3. Who knows, maybe until fall or winter. BUT I'll be too busy with HL2: Episode 2 and Crysis. ^__^ Finally, I'll be getting my PS3/PC gaming combo. Sweet! I didn't buy a PS2 until a year after it was released, and I guess I'll be doing the same with the PS3. Patience is a virtue people!

For people who are a little slow, the more production of PS3's the less it'll cost, obviously. Which Sony had planned on. Blu-ray will take us farth...

6270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Learn how to construct complete sentences and calm down. I can just imagine you spitting all over your tv, yelling at it because you "own."

What a bad sport you are. You're the type of person who'd call everybody a cheater when you loose, but if you're winning you'd rub it in their faces. I swear, a lot of ppl. on N4G have no sportsmanship and no respect.

6270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to see what the R600 is capable of. If it's to smoke the G80, then obviously I'd just get an R600. I'm gonna upgrade this summer, so I'm just waiting for a tech showdown comparison from Then I'll know what to get. ^__^

Anybody with me on this?

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been playing if ever since it came out, the combos are SWEET! >:)

BTW, I can never forget the first time I played the original DMC. It was so AWESOME the first time I flung my foe into the air with my sword and juggled them in the air with Ebony and Ivory. It was a golden moment!

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The movies suck ass anyways. I see no "adventure" in it.

Pirates = yuck

6273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it'd be nice to have a few more of those 360 games come to pc. :)
It's all about the --


6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Idk, it's kinda entertaining.........

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is just sad. Does painting a PS3 cost all that much? I guess the paint job is from a real professional car painter.

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though I already beat this game on my friend's Xbox 360, I still enjoyed the game. What pushes me inside to buy this even more is that this'll support DX10. :)


6278d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't need a new motherboard, mine is a Evga nForce 680i mobo. All I have to do it upgrade to a new videocard: $500+ for R66 or G80. I have one GB of RAM right now, and all I'll have to do it add one more. Then tear out my E6600 and swap in a QUAD-CORE CPU: QX6700. Then I'm done upgrading. I already have a big HDD, 550W PSU, and DVD optical drive. I honestly don't see the money as a big issue.

BTW, why the hell do people think there's so little of games to play of pc!? I jus...

6279d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A gaming rig DOESN'T COST $5,000! Damnit, why does so many console fanboys think it costs that much money? I swear, I have to spell it out for everybody.

6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You 360 fanboys see the difference!? This is the power of DX10. This is only the beginning. Before pc ports always seemed terrible because the either the developers were lazy or just because the simple fact DX9 sucks in every way compared to DX10.

When more 360 games are ported to PC, they'll always look better with DX10 support. At first DX10 games will already look better than the inferior console version, but down the road when developers understand the API better, the games...

6279d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

He just thinks he knows EVERYTHING. My gaming pc only costed me about $1300 and it plays game like FEAR, Supreme Commander, Call of Duty 2 and Command & Conquer 3 super smoothly. Shut up, you arrogant punk.

6280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These new screens make me want to throw up.

6281d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, I got the demo for this game MONTHS AND MONTHS ago before it was redesigned. To be completely honest, the game just sucked...really badly. It wasn't that fun, the graphics were not up to par with current-gen shooters (Quake 4, FEAR, & STALKER), and the game mechanics were clunky. It was quite terrible, IMHO. I knew I wasn't even gonna buy it.

NOW, after I've seen this I KNOW I'm gonna buy this game. This game did need the redesign. From what I've seen in these screensho...

6282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With Final Fantasy XIII, it's your typical RPG style game with turn-based gameplay. Which is the same as every FF up to date.

With Final Fantasy Versus XIII, it's more like Kingdom Hearts. It's an action-RPG game, and it's not turn-based. If you know how KH is played then you'll get a rough idea how Final Fantasy Versus XIII works.

6282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Go play your Halo or GoW. Oh wait, they got boring didn't they? I expected as much. Stop complaining and taking other platform's exclusives. Crysis is ours. >:)

FYI, I enjoyed both Halo and GoW, but it got old FAST.

6285d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This makes TESIV: Oblivion's scenery look like crap! This is gonna be good....

6285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment