
CRank: 5Score: 98400

They denied that they downgraded the pro version. They figured it out and now fixing it.

2849d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not sure where you thought this game wasn't running through an upscale but okay lol. Games not even running 1080p ever on Xbox one.

2851d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Just saying, tvs have options to reduce lag. People can already experience hdr on the normal ps4. It may take a little more configuring but it's definitely not the issue you're making it out to be

2851d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Moldy they were giving vita numbers until like early last year or whenever they officially stopped making first party titles.

2851d ago 23 agree9 disagreeView comment

Looks great especially to the disappointment bears can't drift is. I hope it does come to ps4 with physical though it sadly won't be physical if so. But I hope if it comes to ps4 it'll be x to drive. R is great for simulators and typical arcade Racers. But I notice I enjoy a kart racer more with classic style controls. But either way I gotta look this game up

2855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is likely it. I tried it just now and the HUD doesn't adjust based off the ps4 settings. My Samsung tv be default would have the issue but I already knew that back when I got it to get a true 1080p image all on screen with no missing parts I had to switch from fullscreen to just scan

2855d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The issue is likely, the tv is set on full and not just scan. Full isn't even the correct res. Example if it's a native 1080p image and specifically on my Samsung tv, I have to adjust the ps4 corners in at all, the image is being stretched past the 1080p pixel count. Now to fix that you can go into the settings and change it to just scan. Not sure what they call it on other tv's but well, just google how to do it lol. I'm sure it's simply the HUD isn't moving based o...

2855d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hope they release FFIX on ps4 same time. I've been patiently waiting to platinum that one

2855d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel you haven't touched a pro. The pay pro looks no different in menus, or anything, just games look better and run better. It doesn't even say ps4 pro at any point. It's so similar I'm not even sure how you can tell a game has a pro mode without reading the update notes (or new games)

2862d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't watch kingsglave or brotherhood yet. I'll watch kingsglave while that's happening then start the game from that. Happy I waited till I got the deluxe to watch now lol

2862d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lmao wow people are this much of Ms haters... If a parity clause existed clearly dice wouldn't have even released a PS4 pro version at all. The ps4 pro version is literally missing now. And the ps4 version is still much better than the xbox one ver. Which is still the weakest ver. Also you think it was parity and the pc version was downgraded because that? How would that make sense when it's still better the the pro ver was. And it's downgrade is missing effects etc. While pros ve...

2865d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I suggest looking up trails in the sky as well. That's what got me hooked on the series

2865d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, the assumption is soo wrong on this one it's ridiculous.
Cold steel 1 is 77
Cold steel 2 is 80
Trails games are gaining popularity because they're stories with substance and great gameplay that fits it. These games can easily run you 100 hours a piece if you're not rushing through. These are also not fan service games either. You should look up reviews online and see the truth

2865d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

When the ps4 pro ver ran better than the base game with upgrades. You know that's not the reason. Pc I bet it's the same thing. Clearly when adding all the stuff in the new update, something in it went wrong and it wasn't just ps4 pro affected.

2866d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cold steel is a year old and cold steel 2 is already out. If you weren't already playing them, you've already got it wrong. Now if you think you should play them over FFXV, I think you need to think, if a game came out a year ago and it's soo great (it actually is, and it's one of my fav series of all time ever since I tried trails in the sky) you should have been promoting it then and not now... Just stop, always people acting despicable.

2866d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Never tried Tomb Raider on mine yet, but I can say I've literally never heard my systems fans being loud at all while playing Ratchet, Battlefield 1 etc. I do intend to get rottr but I'm almost 100% it's faulty my consoles almost always on when I'm home and the fans so quiet I alway go close to make sure it doesn't have a faulty fan that's not working because my original ps4 started getting like a engine after like a year and a half

2866d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Almost every game has a review embargo... Uncharted has review embargoes every time as does every other big release. They don't want certain info out at certain times. Hell persona 5 is getting big praise and the game basically has a would wide embargo to hide the game from the people who haven't played.

2867d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

People misread, but they aren't technically wrong. Square said they wanted the game to be on disc because they wanted it to be playable for the people who don't have Internet etc. They never said no day one patch but what the explanation they gave assumingly implied was that.

2867d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

BF1 is a prime example of why you should. Improved framerate basically locking 60fps, runs about 1440 and upscaled. If playing on 1080p. The game looks alot better in comparison. They'll probably add Extras later but it's a great example

2870d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Septic, you do realize even if all future first party games are 4K on xbox SC. It has almost no first party or exclusives released and if it does going forward it'll be on pc. Those things aren't really to relevant anymore. Ms is sabotaging themselves at this point

2870d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment