
CRank: 5Score: 98400

I'm pretty that's because it released on everything and people wanted cod4. Almost everyone i know, even YouTubers bought it for that alone. I wouldn't, I'll wait but it's what they choose. If you speak by platform I think uncharted 4 might be the best seller on a single platform for the year

2768d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It was created by the teams making the 2 games a swear

2768d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I completely understand what you mean and I hope to get the platinum this weekend if I can speed up the process. I move too slow lol. 31 hours and only 57% through the story lol.
But yeah, this game is hands down one of my favourite games this generation and even the original. It's for the same reason you said, it's so fresh and unique. Not really ever done and the art + music. It's just beautiful and even just going lunar and jumping about is Soo satisfying. I would rar...

2768d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because the story continues from the first game. It's fine without but you'll understand 8t way more if you do play the first. You'll also appreciate Kat's evolution

2769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got the notification from the game last night after I did a few missions. I like that it gives you the notifications in game like it does.
One of my favourite games this generation. I'm only 57% complete so far though

2769d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well Sony's Yoshida had multiple Wii U's and was open about it too. He even got banned at one point for putting his job title at sony lmao

2770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Basically sailor moon the RPG without actually using the IP? I've seen some videos and it seemed like something along the lines of a would and a group of magical girls

2771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't wanna be involved too much. But Crash Team Racing is way better than Mario Kart 64 was, Diddy Kong Racing was way better as well. Mario Kart isn't even really all that amazing. I think Allstars transformed, CTR, DKR all beat that series and the last 2 by far. I still play DKR and CTR like a ritual while MK is fun once in a while it gets boring if i play too much without friends.
PS being a killer doesn't mean it killed the series off. It just means it took that wh...

2773d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not necessarily. It's extremely fast for me. I get 45gb in like 2to 4 hours depending on the internet load. It can go in a hour, but with bell Fibe, my tv recording affects speed, my phone, pic, my mom, Si's and bros phones, etc. Slow it. I noticed, even if suspended open programs make it download slow. Example even in sleep. When I put my PS4 pro to sleep with gravity rush 2 still on and then download, even 8n sleep it moves like a snail. I close the game and I see it going like 10mb...

2777d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This year alone I've bought Fate/Extella, Gravity Rush 2, Tales of Berseria, and Kingdom Hearts. I'm getting Horizon in 2 weeks. Right after I get Nier, Atelier Firis, Dragon Quest Heroes 2,yooka laylee lol. That's not all but. Just some key ones. You get no breaks with releases in general for playstation. It's been like this for years honestly. Don't get why people are only noticing now

2779d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I use to try platinum anything that touched my system. When I first got ps3. I had Sonic 06, Medal of Honour Airborne and MGS4. None had trophies, I got Uncharted to borrow and I bought LittleBIGPlanet within a week from each other. I was playing both and I beat LittleBIGPlanet first and almost platinumed it until those online trophies held me back. So I aimed to try do everything in uncharted. Platinumed it. Then the next day went to play some LBP and boom. Platinum just popped right when I ...

2784d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

People need to stop being so ignorant. The game already has more than any Vanilla SF main numbered title for free with the game. You get easily enough to grab like 4 Characters just by playing the characters stories etc. Game was advertised as a game that transforms over time for free and you can earn Wht you want for free apart from premium costumes and a few stages. Which is correct. The game performs great and plays amazing. People need to stop listening to the overreacting crowd. The game...

2784d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

CoD by chance? I'm not sure where they keep it anymore lol

2784d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

? Aren't maps usually bottom left. What game are you playing. If not bottom left it's usually top right for everything I've played

2784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe 2 and 2 like 2 hero's and 2 Gillian's each. 3 is too much. 15 x 6 is 90. 60 is alot more realistic and still alot honestly. I just think they need to fairly share out slots this time unlike duodicum if I spelt correctly. It was annoying that some games had more than 2 and others didn't. Like I would have loved Freya or Beatrix from FFIX or even Vivi lol. But they didn't give a third. Same for other games

2788d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's for anything. I use the back port to hide my headset dongle. Front for a hdd I used for music, which will now be my extended hard drive lol

2789d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally... Splitter,it will be fine charging controllers and headsets. Or even use a phones wall charger or something. Like if you have a Sony charger laying around. Plug it into that to charge. Or honestly upgrading to the pro can seem a little more enticing. Right now I have a hard drive plugged in already. My pulse elites, and a extension for my ps4 control to charge. But I have a Sony charger literally plugged in right beside my bed so I can use that if anything. Can be frustrating tho...

2789d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're likely right. Apart from 1 thing. Sony allows you to transfer your save data via USB/external storage

2789d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If it's a defragmentation issue it actually makes sense. Most pro owners are upgrades. If like me, I only partially installed everyone of my games just so it allocated the space. So imagine 40 games and updates plus dlc and so on. Now the console has to find where everything is because it isn't located in the same areas on the drive. It's likely what causes it

2790d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is why I'm not a fan of Nintendo anymore. When they're doing BS and I complain about it, like the Wii U, I said from the beginning that nintendo is gloating about it being stronger than 8 year old systems instead of worrying about the future, people were saying I was hating. I complained about the 1 only wii u control, I was apparently hating. All the issues with 3DS, I was hating somehow. But yet I was a Early 3DS owner who was eligible for ambassador etc. While half the people ...

2796d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment