
CRank: 5Score: 98400

?? Sonic Generation was great

2704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The problem is both games are also Wii u games, one is a port, and the other is a better version of the same game. Best game after those that aren't multiplatform is bomberman and that game is basically no better than bomberman ultra/live or bomberman psp lol. All are way cheaper too. Point is, the 2 game highlights are literally the exclusives that run fine in Wii u. While ps4 and Xbox one had cross general games but they had actual exclusives like rye, dead rising, kill on...

2705d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree to a degree. Because I remember the ps3 out paced Xbox 360 from the jump basically and yet, no one gave the ps3 the credit for actually selling faster. It came out a year later and caught up eventually, no one gave it the credit until it did and even then they didn't make it as big a deal as this. But like always they always have to try spin or find a way to praise Nintendo. I don't get what changes the stance now for how it's perceived? Ohh well, the article is right and ...

2705d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ignorant my ass. In stores the vita games in australia ate the same price as the atelier games on psn lmao. Stop with the bs I just did a look up. 59 in stores for all future Vita releases in australia and the damn bundle I referenced is still common sins at 82 vs a single game at 60?stop crying. You said 2014 game so you have to be talking the Ar land games right? Also if you're going to cry they'll go on sale every so often even in australia. Vita game prices are not even a issue th...

2708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm always physical over digital and hate digital only releases to the point I'll skip certain games for it. But let's keep the articles from misleading people

2708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"reacquire it have been cut off, that game effectively goes away, save for the precious few who kept them on their hard drives and have resolved never to delete them."
I'm speaking on this specifically. Delisted can't be any more clear and common sense. But what they say here is like spinning to make it seem like you have to never delete anything after it's delisted. That's why I said it's misleading. I can still download the tmnt reshelled while delist...

2708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please do, I need a good one on ps4 that's not the garbage bears can't drift.

2711d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Havoc is the engine they used for games like sonic unleashed which was extremely detailed when you speak physics. This is the same engine, if Nintendo built a engine from the floor up like GG it would be a decent argument yes. Also no one denies the better physics. But Zelda's gameplay relies on the physics while Horizon is based of the realism of AI and combat. They both blow the other out in the respective strengths. Zelda's AI isn't even topping 360/ps3 while HZD isn't even...

2712d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

So Misleading. You can download if you bought apart from Pt. I've redownloaded Scott pilgrim plenty of times

2713d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It goes on sale every other month and cold steel is worth the money

2714d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are you talking about. Do you know that is 3 atelier games in a bundle for 60? I have all 3 of em and can confirm they all released at. 40 even in Canada where everything is more expensive

2714d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sonic Mania is being released on all hone consoles, not sure why Nintendo news has any reference

2717d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are you talking about? The game being announced? The game was announced like mid last yearish I'd say. It's pretty shocking you didn't hear of it seeing it's been all over every gaming sites YouTube and on n4g.com quite alot

2717d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I'll let you know it's more expensive based on official prices in Canada
PS4 is $379.99 with Uncharted 4
XBO is $379.99 I believe with a game
Switch is $399.99
PS4Pro is $499.99

PS Vita Released at $250 and people kept saying they should drop the price from launch and it's basically in comparison power wise to this, as switch is now. Also PSP at the time was $300 which was the equivalent as well at release but it came wit...

2717d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gamestop has gameplay guarantee I get to play a game for over a week and if I don't like it or beat it etc, I can bring it back and literally get a different game of the same price or anything and pay the difference. So if I bought a 80cad game after tax about 91cad I get that credit back towards anything pretty much. 2 hours is bs, in persona 5 you literally did one battle and do a few tutorials. I didn't even finish the first dungeon within 8 hours lol. Took like 4 to 5 hours to get...

2719d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well let's see. Reviewers all over criticized the framerate problems etc. Things that only existed on Xbox one pretty day one. Didn't have these problems on ps4 or pc. And this is the prime problem with reviews. Second embargo goes away everyone is ready to drop a review but they won't do a review based off the launch material or Check the facts etc. If push square was able to play the PS4 version for the review, ignore should have said if they have framerate problems let's ge...

2720d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Playstation only exists because Nintendo betrayed them in the super Nintendo to n64 days lol. No joke, clearly won't work

2736d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Thought it was 3d dot game heroes 2 but that's atlus

2737d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fist... Monster hunter became popular because of the psp. Only reason it looks like this now is because Capcom requested Sony update adhoc party of ps3 so it would work with the newest monster hunter at the time. Sony didn't end up doing it. Which makes sense, monster hunter was selling millions, why are they cheating out forcing people to use adhoc party instead of adding online... But basically to be spiteful Capcoms MH team brought them to 3ds going forward over Vita despite the fact V...

2744d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

P4g on Vita was 93 and that's a redone ps2 game slightly upgraded and with some additional parts. This one looks to be everything but better. Only thing is that I don't think they can possibly make a character as awesome as Chie lol. Galactic punt ftw

2752d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment