
CRank: 5Score: 4290

360 fanboy website? from a 360 fanboy guy who tries to act professional on his part. PLEASE man, from screen shots to gameplay and to users and reviewers stating the ps3 version IS BETTER.

enough with this bs. you get it either on the ps3 or 360, who cares, YOU ARE PLAYING THE GAME. play it, and eff it.

5713d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

report Giant Enemy for spam.

as for the screen shots, those are clearly not in HD form. but who cares really? it's being developed to work on the ps3 first, burn it on blu-ray, sell it to the japanese while they work on the english edition to send it across the sea and port it to the 360 with a downgraded version and probably 3-4 discs, very sad console.

5713d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm sorry, but what the f*ck is that?! .... that's a sackboy killer? PLEASE. i could tell you the new mario game that is in work will be better than BOKU for sure. nintendo is the real compeition for sackboy.

5713d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hey, MGS IV does NOT use Unreal Engine 3! It uses an in-house program man. UE3 cannot produce CG real-time animation dude. This is one of the reasons why it won't be coming to the 360. The engine does almost everything realisticly and it was made specifically for the PS3.

5713d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

those ps3 exclusives, more than half of them, are FIRST party exclusives. i laugh @ 360 xbots wanting our ps3 exclusives, get a ps3 if you want to play the games and s.t.f.u.

5713d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bad ass video!

And no, 360 ads just blows ass. Not worth my time, 360soxers.

5713d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 <3

5713d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was done on PS3 from ground up, and EA is switching to the PS3 for development for future games.

5714d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

100, 200, and 500 GB. RDM uses so many layers to actually achieve 100 GB. BD only uses 4 layers to achieve 100 GB, and 8 layers to achieve 200 and so on. I honestly wouldn't care. I'd like to see this technology to kick in. And if anything, I'd love the PS4 to have something equal or better than the 1920p ... I wish the same for the XBox Pheonix as well. I think MS learned their f*ck up on the XBox and the 360, ... Pheonix should be a good system, if anything, to put a real fight aganist Sony...

5714d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eurogamer, rating R2 10/10? I'm very, very suprized! I was expecting an 8!

5714d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except for the PS3. PS3 still is the best Blu-ray player and its faster than any blu-ray player out there. For the record, 1080p is an upscaled version of 480p. Anyone that says "it looks like Blu-ray" can shove it in their mouths. Learn what 480p and 1080p are.

Blu-ray sales are shooting up higher than DVD sales when it first came out, twice as much and even more. They're on sales records. By 2009 leading to 2010, Blu-ray will have 30-40% of current sales aspect from...

5714d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Jealous of the PS3. ;] Poor Xbots.

5714d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Worst review ever. Expect them to get tons of hate mail and best of all, some adds won't even come across them so they're losing on alot of money.

LBP = 10/10.

5714d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Get this game. You'll spend hours and days flopping through the game's story, characters, unique battles and best of all the leveling system is simple and easy. Nothing like the other RPG games. And to top that, the graphics were especially made for the PS3.

This is one RPG game fans can't miss out on.

5714d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I keep seeing 360 fanboys sticking their noses on the LBP. I laugh, very hard.
Yup, can you read now? I laugh very hard @ the 360 fanboys. Jealous because the game is on the PS3? Exclusive? And you won't see this baby on your crappy ass box? You won't see it. Even if you don't care, whine and b*tch about it. MM is 2nd party developer, and they signed a contract to make LBP exclusive to th...

5715d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The game was actually created on PS3 platform from ground-up. And it looks like PS3 has better colors and realistic images then the 360. I'm glad developers are looking into the PS3 now.

5715d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Once WKC releases and we're sure they'll do very very well in the market, hopefully Sony will buy them out as first party RPG makers. Square Enix is just ... loose, ever since Enix joined with Square its been a disaster man ... last good game was FF VIII, FF X was good. FF XII was a nightmare man (too many random things, NOT very good). I'm honestly more thrilled with Versus then XIII, and White Knight Chronicles > both FF XIII.

5716d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Worth review I have ever read from 1UP. They literally compared it to other games and smack-talked to the game. I'm gonna discontinue my monthly magazines with them. Another 360 fanboy reviewer.

5716d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i'm more excited now =( ... i want this game NOW!!

5717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets forget them, seriously PS3 owners. I know many of you are happy with all those games and the many exclusive games coming soon.

Valkyria Chronicles is going to be a major hit. Character and story development will be very deep! Graphics are nothing like you've ever seen on any console, and it was made specifically for the PS3 hardware. Music, gameplay and features are freaking top notch. And I am so gonna pour hours in this game ... I fell in love with this game from the fir...

5717d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment