
CRank: 5Score: 4290

Still am laughing, hilariously, so hard, rolling on the floor back and forth, trying to calm myself down ... because the 360 fanboys are crying about all "BUH BUH PS3 has no games, it suxors". While they're at it, I'll keep laughing and enjoy my time playing the best games on the best console system for this generation.

The 360 .... has no games for me. With Tales of Vesperia coming to PS3 shores, I have no meaning to own it ... just for one game. Gears I and II can g...

5620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5620d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just as the person from above me said. The game is done in the very realistic ways you can possibly imagine. Weight of your character, weapons and movement is done accordingly to give you the feel of realism when you move, shoot, jump, cover, run, jog or whatever you want to do. It is very realistic. It is slower by about 0.5 seconds or so. It gives you that sense that you are completely in a warzone, and nothing matters in the real world and just sucks you completely inside the game. Play it...

5621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

bad news? just delete the installation files for the other games and you'll be fine. besides, we DO we better FPS, faster load times and more stable gameplay, thanks to CELL and its power =)

5622d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

hey flop, hows the XCrap 3Fix Me going?

your new nick name on n4g.com is FLOP. congrats! be happy, flop.

5622d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

needs to stop making batteries. its killing their business.

5622d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i laugh at the 360, and its fans, and MS. and they say "we got loyal people" and they want all the RRoDs.

28 million sold, 17 million online, what happened to the rest of the people that aren't online? ... yea, figures. they've bought the system more than twice already, 3 years and a half cycle. the 360 is a piece of shyt system, garbage, ugly effing machine ... all because of 1 thing, MS screwed it up and they keep talking trash about that dated hardware, the dated s...

5622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

funny as hell

5623d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Call of Duty brought realism to the FPS genre. Sales, online numbers, and people are talking.

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

haaaaaaaa hahahahhhahahhahaahahhahahhahh ahaaa
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahhhahhahhahahhahaha

i thought blu-ray's gonna FLOP FLOP FLOP FLOP guys? whats wrong xbots? whats wrong MS? haaaaaaa hahahhahahahahaha

haaaaaa hahahahhahhahahhahhahhahahhaha h

wut happened to HD-DVD? died long time ago? sad =(

haaa hahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhhha

oh wait, MS is official NOW the hardware company that can predict stuff in the futu...

5623d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And keep the small games off the ground.

K2 vs. CoD games. The only game that could stand up to K2 now is CoD5 (WoW is not 5, fyi). Halo 3 is over hyped for little kids. K2 is for mature audience and players and so is CoD4 and soon 5.

Just FYI, never bought CoD:WoW ... my friends didn't buy it and stayed with CoD4, so me and my brother did the same. =) Well, for a while and until K2 comes out then we're switching to some real FPS gameplay!

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what the hell is going on? did their system generate RRoD? are they complaining to MS about not having this game on their dated hardware? ...

get a ps3 and play the game, be original. because there'll be more exclusives like this to come this year, only on the PS3.

edit -- got one right above me, guess he could stay in his little green box while we get our hands on this epic, powerful, amazing ps3 game. and yea, for the record, i freaking played the BETA, and th...

5623d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

in your face XBOTS!

5623d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


K2 is sitting ontop of every effing game out there in all stores, except Amazon.com (Mario's beating it, and its a freaking Wii game).

Where is R5? Where is Halo Wars? Where is Street Fighter IV? They're all sitting BELOW IT.

I went to Gamestop and I had a small arguement with the manager, she stated that I needed to pre-order K2 in order to get the DEMO code. Guess what? They were running SHORT on those DEMO codes ...

5629d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pre-ordered the game back in 2007 around summer time. Been waiting DECADES to get my hands on this game.

Played the BETA, it is beyond words and I cannot describe how awesome it is in terms of graphics, gameplay, sound, destruction, and many many other features I haven't listed. BTW, everything is done in real-time CG. Not one part of your character will "go through" a wall or another character whether they are dead or not. Yes, you can STEP on a dead body so your fee...

5630d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will sell over a million copies in its first day or two days.
Will sell over 2 million copies in its first week and a half.
Will sell over 4 million copies by the end of the third month.


MGS4's sales were 4.33 million by the end of SEPTEMBER 30 OF 2008.


Another reason I'll throw this at you guys is because this game is the best shooter in this era, in this stage, for this year and possibly for the next year. The g...

5634d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yup. I heard all the hype, I got in the BETA and wanted to see what all this crap I'm hearing of. And well ... before I even start, here is whats inside the COMPRESSED BETA.

3 Maps
8 Classes
Tons, and tons of weapons
Badges, upgrades, etc.
Loads of Servers
And bugs (Remember, it IS a BETA)

GRAPHICS -- Not gonna tell you my first impressions, because my jaws literally dropped and I didn't shoot anything, just went around and look...

5635d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the beta is 500 mb COMPRESSED of the actual game, having 8 classes, loads and loads of weapons and different things. flying machines, gunnier, snipers, things i haven't even seen yet (higher level like assaulters and scouts). but honestly ....... i'm stunned man. this game, compressed? no freaking way ... graphically its amazing. the game is all done in CG real-time, like MGS IV. but this game just takes it to a whole new level man. when moving your character, literally the physics, weight, c...

5701d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

dumb commercial. anyone can do better. wtf is sony doing.

5703d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just saw some 360 xbot having Gears 2 vs. Killzone 2 .... Dude, I played Gears 1 and Gears 2 is no different. Same sh*t, same model. Gears is not even worth it to stand next to CoD4. So eff it.

Killzone 2 is a direct challenge to CoD developers and Gurellia issued that challenge. By far, and I'm a K2 BETA tester and CoD4 lover (Mouretsu - PSN), I haven't seen a single FPS game or even Third person shooter with CG real-time graphics. K2 BETA, not the full game, is freaking ama...

5704d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment