
CRank: 5Score: 40970
1904d ago Show

You do recall that the used car salesman and nothing more Phil Spencer was that "Train wreck Don's" #2 at the Xbox games division and #2 for years. How much blame should fall on Phil Spencer for the Don Mattrick train wreck? I think more than a little blame falls into Phil Spencer's lap. At least when Don ran things Microsoft had a few good exclusive games. Phil Spencer tells us once a year at least that he's looked at the games that the Microsoft first party game Dev...

1905d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Honestly, Crackdown was never meant to be such a heavily featured AAA"

Your right, 10/12yrs ago or so when the OG Crackdown game was released it was as you say "not a featured AAA game" but, Crackdown 3 based on the way Microsoft gave it the TitanFall hype CD3 was a "featured AAA game". And then hype met release day. Lol!
This game is so bad Microsoft is hoping to guilt gamers and the gaming Media from talking about this Dumpster Fir...

1906d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

CD3 > dumpster fire

1906d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm just asking but don't you mean.....Microsoft gave up on CD3 because "they knew it wasn't going to be what THEY led people to believe and hope for"?

1907d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pleeease , don't be so sensitive he was right in fact dead on with his comment....when cats play "we all win"!

1917d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

Let's be honest. There are to many great games to play on the PS4 for PUBG to even be given a thought. The Dev took the Microsoft money to keep it off the PS4 and many other, better Battle Royale games have come out in that time not to mention the other truly great games to came out and or coming out. The PUBG Dev missed they're window on the PS4 a long time ago so try as they might or might not PUBG will never be a thing on the PS4 and the Dev and can only blame themselves.

1918d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cross-play is in Beta at Sony. The Beta programs ends in 2021 and these things take time. Things will open up then no worries be patient. Plus Sony has other more important things to work on than seeing that gamers on other platforms have gamers to game with.

1918d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't agree I just don't see Anthem being a flop. No disrespect to you and your opinion. Destiny 1 struggled on release but in the end most would agree it was a fun experience. Destiny 2 struggled far more in year 1 than D1 and yet gamers still play it. I use Destiny as an example because many say Anthem is most like Destiny. I think it'll sell millions of copies in the first six months and even if it struggles I think the player base will ride it out. BioWare was giving a lot o...

1918d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

I wonder which platform will have more gamers playing Anthem. The Xbox One X, PC or The PS4? One would think that the platforms that can unleash all that power would have millions more playing all games on them. But, I'm gonna take a shot and say that the 2 most powerful platforms the PC and Xbox One X will have combined millions less playing the game and you can add in the gamers playing Anthem on the Xbox One S and still the PS4 will have millions more playing Anthem on it. So much for...

1918d ago 7 agree23 disagreeView comment

This is funny because we know that the Xbox Bosses are not the best judge of games that they see before the public sees them. Phil Spencer has to be the very worst judge of upcoming games ever. No offense to him but his track record based off the games Xbox has released with Phil Spencer as head of Xbox speaks for itself. But, that's my opinion because some of the must have system sellers that Microsoft Studios has released this gen may just scratch someones itch.

1923d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I just looked at the list that was posted in the article and tapped out. Are we to pretend like the clown that put this garbage out is pretending that MLB The Show in not a Sony exclusive and is not releasing on March 26, 2019?
In no way does a few AA releases by Microsoft better than the AAA games Sony is putting out. And I'll give Gears The AAA label but it's sad to see they're changing the formula that made Gears really good and TBH it looks stupid and I think most ...

1933d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wasn't the Xbox One X the most powerful thing ever made on planet Earth and was going to change everything? Looks like the useless Kinect had more of an impact on the Xb360 than the Xbox One X had on Xbox One.

1934d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A nice fiction Forbes. Forbes is in bed with Mocrosoft now........still, not gonna help.

1939d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"IF" the Xbox consoles were any better at being a gaming console than whatever this Forbes clown is talking about more gamers would be buying the Xbox One consoles. The Backward Compatible program is a nice service but it's not a console seller though it has made the Xbox One a much better retro console than a current gen console. The GamePass service is a nice service but it's not a console seller and it's no better than any other rental service.
Xbox has nic...

1941d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes those Multi-platform games you mentioned may look and run better on the Xbox One X but what's important is that more gamers and more gamers by the millions are playing those games on a PS4 console. The power of the One X has done nothing to close the console sold gap between Xbox and the PS4. But with that said you no what gap is closing? The weak underpowered Nintendo Switch thing is closing the sold gap between the Switch thing and the Power of the X.
Now let's get back...

1960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The Last Guardian lackluster sells"
The sells for The Last Guardian did pretty well at around 1.30 million. It sold as well as the 2 CrackDown games. As a new IP Crackdown sold pretty well at around 1.80 and it got a sequel and Crackdown 2 sold around 1.15 million and Microsoft has made a 3rd game based off those sells of the first 2 CD games. So I'd say as a new IP The last Guardian did pretty well.

1966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm calling out Microsoft Corp. for being greedy just like every other Corp. And like any other Corporation they'll suck out the last penny from a dying man because this is what they do. And umm truly no offense but don't be so quick to judge what I or others know and don't know about disabilities because you have no idea the struggles of those you don't know.

1971d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Ummmm because it's Microsoft and Microsoft is like a politician they where the last penny is and by God their gonna get it.

1971d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

I've not completed Ashen I'm still working my way through it. May take some time to complete it cause I'm having a hard to getting into it and I have other games I'm into not to mention my SoulsBorne addiction seems to have only one cure....and that's more SoulsBorne in game time as currently I'm hooked on Demon Souls in my second play through on my PS3.
Now I'm not saying Ashen is not a good game. That will be for each person that plays it to decide but...

1972d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment