
CRank: 5Score: 9510

Damn the disagrees for speaking the truth, what you have to do, brown nose everyone that hasn't got the balls to say it how it is. As you can see, people are even having their pre orders cancelled for no good reason, if you're willing to constantly slap disagrees at least reply and try and explain your side of it. I don't care if I go down to one bubble, I'll always express my opinion and not someone else's.

3525d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fair play I don't blame you, this was my first pre order in ages and I only got it because I got £60 MS cred for £30. I don't think I'll be pre ordering digital again anytime soon, I'm just hoping I actually get the game on the 30th now lol.

3525d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about a chance to play the game in UK, absolutely awful launch for this game.

3525d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well I'm from UK and its not just PS4 users that have been screwed over with this game. Its got to be the worst launch of any game ever, it truly has been shocking.

3525d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

You're free to spend your money how you please, it may be stupid in certain peoples opinion, but sometimes you have to learn the hard way in life. I've made the odd mistake with game purchases which we probably all have, I just remember next the time and act more cautiously.

3526d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The way to answer EA with virtual gas is simple, don't buy it.

3526d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

If they can do it then that's that really, its up to Sony to protect their stuff, there will always be people trying to do these kind of things. Now I personally don't think its right and it won't be doing any gamers any favours, I don't understand why these wannabe hackers are targeting consoles and trying to ruin a good thing, but I guess its kind of the world we live in. I wonder how many people that comment on this article watch pirated movies? I'd guess its plenty, ki...

3526d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Buy it off the american store and it will cost you a little under £40.

3528d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@livedeht defend the network all you like, but its complete trash compared with what MS offer, its about quality not quantity. I trust MS to deliver the quality I expect from an online service, my cousin couldn't play his PS4 on Christmas for just under a week, its constantly down for maintainance and has know here near the funding that goes into Xbox live.

I really do like some of the games coming to PS4 and I'll buy one when I think they've got their act toget...

3528d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

The way I see it is the Xbox will work more efficiently once developers make use of DirectX 12, its now obvious that the Xbox was developed with this in mind. I'm no tech guru, but I do my research and try and learn a little. I find it frustrating that certain people can't grasp this when I can, maybe its down to the fact I actually try and learn something. If I'm wrong I'll hold my hands up but I don't think that'll be the case.

3528d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think its obvious that if a game is made with DirectX 12 that the Xbox will no doubt take advantage of this. His just making it clear that it won't change the actual hardware, which anyone with half a brain should know. Sony fanboys can downplay it all they like but they're just sour that its been non stop good news for Xbox lately. Its funny that they actually think the PS4 is some sort of top end PC, I'd be more concerned with Sonys crappy network rather than bash every single...

3528d ago 10 agree11 disagreeView comment

I've pre downloaded Dying light and its like 21.2gb, was really surprised it wasn't much larger. I think 31.6 is quite big to be honest, but it all depends on how much of it is down to the amount of cut scenes. They've said The Order is like 12 hours long so I'd bet its got a lot of cut scenes, these sort of games are never very long anyway, it seems about right.

3529d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Well for one Drive club is a track racer that should have been 60fps, hype the graphics all you like but there ain't all the calculations going on that are in other games in the same genre. It depends on what you feel is important in a game, just because you can't see certain things doesn't mean that it ain't there. Forza 5 is not as good looking as Driveclub but it runs at 60fps, was a launch game and has a lot more going on under the hood.

3529d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sony didn't force crap, gamers did. Bang on about that all you like, but MS have shown they can change stuff rather quickly. Sony are not without their problems and have issues especially regarding PSN, I've not seen the turn around with their network that one would wish for, when I do I'll consider buying one.

Fed up of people bringing up past points that are no longer a problem, what you need to do is talk about the issues that are a problem now. Xbox Ones party...

3531d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think their both winning to be honest, both have some great games coming and sales are strong, yes Sony have sold a lot more, but MS have done really well in my opinion and are only getting stronger. At the end of the day you buy what you like and neither console is going anywhere. Going to be a great year for gamers.

3531d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I should have said bar indie games, well if that's all you got to fall back on good luck to you.

3532d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Like how you missed the 60fps because PS4 can't do that adequately, pretty sure Forza 5 is still one of the only exclusive games to truly hit 1080p 60fps.

3532d ago 14 agree8 disagreeView comment

Pretty good deal were getting with EA access, shame Sony declined it because its real good value for gamers. I know a lot of people that are using it and recommend it to everyone that hasn't tried it yet.

3533d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

A lot of good indie games coming this year, picked up Terraria a few weeks ago and its been a blast playing that. I would really love someone to bring a game out like Castlevania Symphony of the night, love my 2d side scrollers.

3534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah me and my mates deal with the same issue daily, its gets a little annoying having to do a hard reset. Well I'm part of the preview programme and have sent them some feedback today because its the main issue a lot of people get. I'm sure they know what's going on and maybe the new Windows 10 OS is what there waiting for, hopefully its sorted soon.

3534d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment