
CRank: 5Score: 9510

Predator would be an amazing addition, no doubt he would be used by a lot of people, suppose that comes down to where he'd place on the tier list though. Going to go Sub-Zero myself, ice sledge hammer and swords, pretty bad ass.

3504d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Get a Cronus Max, I use my TE stick on the Xbox One with Cronus and it works flawlessly.

3504d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would have been even better with co-op, not saying its bad because its single player only, it just would have been fun to do crazy stuff with your mates.

3504d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

They'll review it for what it is, they shouldn't be swayed either way, if its crap they should say it how it is.

3505d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Its not just the length of the game that's concerning though, I've actually watched a fair bit, don't want to spoil anything, but I can honestly say it don't look that good for a variety of reasons. If The Order is supposed to be the evolution of gaming then I'm sorry I don't want to be a part of that. My opinion may seem harsh, but that's all it is, if you feel that the games for you then go ahead its your money, we all like different things. The amount of article...

3505d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

The Order is far from what I'd call creative, this guys a complete idiot. Can't actually wait now for that game to get crushed, I've watched plenty of it and its awful. I feel sorry for them in a way, can you imagine their faces when they see a proper game like Quantum Break or the new Gears, got to hurt knowing your games a piece of crap.

3506d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

I think people are talking about game length, but that's not the only issue with certain games. If a game has amazing gameplay that's actually worth replaying then its worth the money, personally I don't think games like Ryse and The Order are worth the money they're asking for them, they look pretty and all, but they lack the most important thing which is rich rewarding gameplay.

Its like you say you spent $70 on a steak, but you'd be pret...

3506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That would just be silly, I can't see them doing that to be honest. Rockstar making the violence in GTA known is different because that actually sells, just like sex does.

Sorry was meant to be a reply to you, but it went down as a fresh comment. My mistake.

3506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If a game has a lot of replay value like Bayonetta then its worth the price IMO, if a game is short and lacks quality gameplay and replay value then its not worth top dollar. Ryse was not a bad one time playthrough, but it got repetitive and lacked in the gameplay department, it was only worth picking up at a later date when it was cheaper.

If a game has quality gameplay and offers variation people will come back for more.

3506d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The truth is people are entitled to their opinion, if someone wants to buy the game its their money, if someone thinks its crap then that's their choice. I don't like the look of the game, but that don't matter if you do, were all different and like different things. I'll say what I truly think, if people don't like it then so be it.

3506d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not just the length of the game that is a concern, its the actual replay value that's the concern also. The Order is pretty linear and boring from a gameplay perspective, its not like say Bayonetta where the gameplay is the core of the game and warrants multiple play through's. The reason a game Gears of war is so great is because it has a decent campaign, co-op, horde mode and an absolutely fantastic multiplayer, a game truly designed for gamers, a game with gameplay at its very ...

3506d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Others have proven it to be 8-12 hours or more you say, yet the guy that posted an entire play through of five hours is only just saying its five hours for fun. Where's the proof of these 12 hour play throughs I say.

3506d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Not everyone likes trophy hunting or grabbing every collectible, if a game has to rely on trophies and collectibles to have any decent amount of content then its already failed. I never play a game first time for trophies and collectibles, it should be great gameplay that keeps you coming back for more.

3506d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

The game wasn't speed run, is that what people will resort to when trying to defend the game. You quite obviously don't understand what a speed run is to be honest. How you can compare Dark Souls to The Order just baffles me, Oh and Ryse got hammered way before it was released and that at least had the multiplayer for a bit of replay value.

3506d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Not a sheep just giving my honest opinion, The Order will get trampled review wise and rightfully so I might add. The a.i is so bad its comical, the combat is boring, its linear on a whole new level, it looks stiff and awkward, non stop qte's, cut scenes galore and the forced walking around just finishes it off.

So there you have it my opinion on The Order, owning both consoles don't give you some higher status or make you less biased, you quite obviously favour Sony...

3507d ago 13 agree16 disagreeView comment

Please stop with The Order being the best looking game ever, I'll piss myself laughing when the reviews come because I guarantee you they won't be very good. Watched a fair bit of it on YouTube and its a QTE, cut scene fest. Quantum Break, Tomb Raider, Halo 5, Gears, Forza 6, Crackdown 3 and Scalebound will hold their own, plenty good games coming on Xbox, you can keep The Order, I'd rather watch a decent movie thanks.

If Gears is using DX12 along with UE4 which ...

3507d ago 27 agree21 disagreeView comment

Love my games tough to be honest, but you're right it would be nice if there was an easier difficulty so everyone gets to experience it without getting frustrated. I finished 1001 spikes a little while back and that's what I'd call tough, this can't be anywhere near that difficulty it looks to pretty.

3507d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

More static like you say, tell you what though I do like the dynamic themes, it'd be nice if Xbox had them, they look really nice some of them.

3507d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That made me laugh, loving the pic from The good, the bad and the ugly, named my dog Tuco because of that movie. Bubble for you.

3507d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop comparing speed runs to the YouTube play through of the order, its just silly. Speed running is totally different. Speed running games is highly competitive, glitches and game breaking techniques are often used, its a totally different way of playing games. Most people wouldn't be able to speed run a game to be honest, it takes a lot of skill and dedication, especially at a high level. You have to know a game inside out to truly speed run it, which actually means you'd pour plent...

3507d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment