
CRank: 5Score: 14990

In what way? it's certainly not more powerful if thats what you mean. I suppose better than quite a few pcs at that price but not all. However it's how the ps3 makes use of it's power that makes it shine. Consider that, despite its lack of power in comparison, only crysis surpasses games like uncharted 2, Heavy rain, possibly gt5 (looks better than crysis so far and yes thats a comparison between a racer and an fps), killzone 2 etc. graphically

5230d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Then you wouldn't be able to play all the very best games like uncharted 2, mgs4, gt5, killzone 2 etcetera. Having a PC for multiplats and a console for the very best games is still how its done, despite its costliness.

5230d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

EVERY smg2. mario has been wh*red out far too much, time for change

5233d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

So storyline and graphics dont matter at all, right? thats why when games are reviewed those are the parts they are rated on right?

Youre telling me milking more than 120 games is supporting a fanbase? no. Supporting a fanbase is bringing out innovative new IPs, something Nintendo has failed to do this gen. You REALLY think its ok to force mario after mario upon people? you must have extremely low expectations.

and @ seferoth clearly you have missed the ...

5237d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

So mario galaxy 2, a game with the same story as any other mario game for almost the past 30 years( a non-existant one), no online play and horrible graphics, deserves to be scored higher than games like GTA4, red dead redemption, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, MGS4 etc. all having fairly brilliant stories or spectacular gameplay mechanics or addictive online modes? Theres something called a skew and it has definitely gone on with SMG2 reviews

5237d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

they really deserve it. They have become the gamers laughing stock of this generation. Has anyone not heard a crack at how nintendo appeals to only old people and infants? That is why their gaming systems are only for the casual. That and the fact that mario number 234 sell so well, despite its obvious shortcomings (story, pretty important really for a game with no online)
@ above. Im sorry, but youre list consists of games whose formula have not changed for more than 10 years. I al...

5237d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

Sony does have a major advantage in exclusives and how highly such exclusives are rated and received critically. Both the PC and the 360 can't compete in terms of number and quality of games

5237d ago 19 agree7 disagreeView comment

theyve both not received the commercial success that even heavy rain had.

5237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow, youre an idiot. The ps3 is a piece of crap? then why do the very highest rated exclusives come out for the ps3 and not the 360? why is the ps3 more advanced, in terms of power and what it has to offer (blu ray, 3D, wifi, bluetooth, hard drive, motion control and online subscription as standard) than the 360?

5237d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My asus G73JH, since you dont know, has 8gb of ddr3 ram, a mobile HD 5870 graphics card, a 2.8ghz i7 720qm processor, a 1080p screen and 2 hard drives in raid, how in the hell is that not good enough to run ANY game out there? also my desktop has a gtx 295 inside it......

and @ double toasted
good, because you're wrong :P. I wasn't talking about artstyle, I was talking about overall graphical presentation. Sure even with MLAA implemented in ps3 games you c...

5243d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

just a varying level of damage. What is concrete is that "standard" cars will have a simple level of visual damage that doesnt impact upon the cars cockpit, however it will have the same mechanical damage as premium cars and that "premium" cars will have a more radical form of visual damage as well as this mechanical damage. Apparently a form of "real-time deformation" will be used for these premium cars so no pre-calculated damage like forza 3 except for the &qu...

5243d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

best media platform. Its not the best gaming platform for the simple fact that it's missing out on the most critically acclaimed games (arguably the best games of this gen since critics and gamers agree with this)
Considering its also a platform that requires continuous upgrades to be able to run properly the top-notch games that look slightly (very slightly) better than console gamees like killzone 2, UC2, GOW3 etc and even then only one or two games look better than these (crys...

5243d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment

I had never played heavenly sword myself, but going from these screens HS scenery is at least on par with this mod, take a look for yourselves at the scenery

can the consoles play starcraft, guild wars, WOW? no, but do I give a crap when they're/will be rated lower than almost every console exclusive in existance and be heralded as lesser quality games?

As for console games running at 720p/30fps with no "tesselation" (which is one technique in programming that hasn't made hardly any damn difference so far) is that a bad thing, considering they look better than every pc game bar crysis? no

You're a stupid fan...

5274d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

You don't need to be a programmer to recognise the quality of this. I'm sure weve all played PC games at various resolutions and AA settings. We can see for ourselves that, at 720p, the image isnt as crisp as in GOW3 without at least 8xMSAA (from personal experience) However there have been at least 3 articles stating that you need between 16 and 32 sample MSAA to compare to MLAA. 32 sample AA isnt available on most nvidia cards today and even so it makes games unplayable.

5274d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

A number of sources have stated that this could be compared to 16-32x MSAA in some cases in terms of quality. This article states that "the quality became significantly higher than MSAA2x or even MSAA4x" keyword here is higher (when referring to quality)

5274d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol. MSAA can't hold a candle to MLAA unless you apply an inordinate number of samples like 16x which ruins performance anyway. Other games are a poor mans graphical showpiece ;) (with the exception of maybe UC2, GT5 and crysis. Possibly also crysis 2 but only the PC version, the console versions can't compare to even KZ2)

5274d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

console gamers have been receiving a lot of exclusive AAA games, the best of this generation in fact, for quite a while now, and the influx of those games aren't letting up any time soon. In previous generations the difference in quality between console games and PC games (in terms of graphics) was vast. However nowadays there is only crysis which looks better than UC2, Heavy Rain, KZ2, GOW3 etc.
This is coming from someone with a more than capable desktop and an asus G73JH laptop. I'v...

5287d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

dont copy MW2. But also please improve the gameplay of crysis 2. I really wanted to like crysis but it was just too damn focused on the graphics. Lack of fun factor is the only crysis-killer

5287d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

True, gotta love it :) however isn't there anything better to do to kill time? like buy an Ipad and make a "smashmyIpad" video

5287d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment