
CRank: 5Score: 14990

I guess it's good that I do a lot of both :D (not nearly as much FPS-ing as maths-ing or reading recently though :( damn you further maths, physics and chemistry)

5119d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Bounkass: I understood what you meant, GT5P is natively rendered at a resolution of 1280* 1080 pixels, however kazunori yamauchi himself stated in an interview that the full game is natively running in 1920*1080 pixels.
@Raztad yeah, I'm serious. It was in an interview with Kaz which I read maybe 7 months ago? I'm sorry I tried to find a link but couldn't pull anything up. Will post back if I find anything though :)

5121d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

GT5 itself has been confirmed to run at 1920*1080 which is why recent builds have had significantly less jaggies than prologue

5121d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Is because those with arcade/4gb 360 s models are only unable to play a portion of the game. Specifically story co-op mode. They can still play a large majority of halo: reach but, you are right, are lacking a big part of it and, yes, they should've been made fully aware of this pre-purchase.

5125d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Uncharted 2 alone has sold 3.71m units

5125d ago 22 agree11 disagreeView comment


5134d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

GTplanet ftw! :)
to be fair as it stands at the moment it really isn't too bad, I'd take it over pre-canned damage any day. However the final build will be much better than this old pre-E3 build and as you said will likely have damage represented with scratches, panels detaching and deformation

5134d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is an old damage build which is the first we've seen of the real-time deformation. The build you showed is an even older build where panels detach and scratches appear but there's no deformation at all. Dont worry, the full game will likely incorporate both the deformation, scratches and panels detaching (hopefully falling off too). Just wait and see, you'll be surprised :)

5134d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is an old damage build. Notice the lack of scratches that were seen in other GT5 demos. Since one of the editors complaints is lack of scratches he'll be happy to know that they were present before and they'll no doubt go along with the real time deformation and both in an improved form upon GT5's release. Also yeah this build doesnt even have the doors buckling so we likely haven't seen anything yet. Cross fingers for smashed glass, buckling and detaching panels and mayb...

5134d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I've got an asus G73JH and a GTX 295 with an i7 CPU and 6 gigs of ddr3 ram......

@ Panda, again, thats your opinion, and your opinion stinks and generally the whole gaming media disagree with your opinion hence why LBP was GOTY over any other game and every other game you listed was rated very highly and given awards...
If thats your opinion of the latest and greatest games then good for you but dont be surprised if only other fanboys like yourself agree. As I sa...

5143d ago 5 agree19 disagreeView comment

Unless, oh, you're a fanboy?

Why would high scoring GOTYs that are renowned for being some of the best games of the generation be of no interest to a gamer? to a fanboy that couldn't play them, maybe, but not to a proper gamer

Nice edit tobebech

@ below, ahem.... HAHAHAHA fanboys like me? see what I originally replied to? "PC remains superior"? riight, Im the fanboy. Because I listed a bunch of ps3 exclusives (and red dead ...

5143d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

Lack of uncharted 1/2, god of war 3, gt5, the last guardian, killzone 2/3, heavy rain, socom 4, MGS4, Littlebigplanet 1/2, infamous 1/2, resistance 1/2/3, ratchet and clank, motorstorm, MAG, red dead redemption etcetera is why PC will remain inferior

@ panda, then your opinion stinks and almost every major website/reviewer/ game awards board strongly disagrees with it :)

then again, in mine and almost every major website/review/ game awards board's opini...

5143d ago 20 agree33 disagreeView comment

All true :) MLAA is amazing at some things("rivalling 16xMSAA or even better in some cases" - GOW3 devs), not so much at transparencies.

5156d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

MLAA is still much better than this. It's a shame then that crytek really isnt taking the full capabilities of the ps3 into account with crysis 2 :/ dumbed-down multiplats...
@ above
ur pretty sure I know what their "spurs looks like"???
right, 20ms is when running on 1 spu. When running on 5, like in gow3, it takes 4ms. MSAA takes 5MS and is even more resource hungry than MLAA, taking more power and more time to render, whereas MLAA renders quicker an...

5156d ago 15 agree13 disagreeView comment

Tell me you dont believe that. I mean, really, you're such a fanboy that you watched this and made yourself think it was great? let alone worth £150?!?!?!?! From this we can take away that there'll still be a good half-second of lag even at launch and no hardcore games in sight. In fact they look even LESS innovative than eyetoy games (Which were far from innovative) PLEASE just admit it? because I doubt anyone will have any respect for you after that comment, 360, PC or PS3 owne...

5179d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

55million GT games + bike games = 60 million sold.
Influence: 3? The GT games were the very foundation for most console sims to date! was this a joke? By their scoring system it should be 60*9*1.5*3*5 = 12150 which puts them 8th place not 11th. He deserves a higher influence and celebrity score than that...

5195d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your platform didn't get a look in so you're mad :P
Bet it was kinda depressing, watching some of the best games of this generation be shown (exclusives) that you'll never get to play because you've restricted yourself to a multiplatform machine. All the money you've spent on your machine.... and you're stuck playing inferior multiplat games. Feel pretty bad for you :(

5201d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

You'll be running this game in 1080p yes, but YOU can't run the best games of this generation like Uncharted 1/2, GOW3, GT5, MGS4, KZ2/3, TLG etc. at all, can you?

you're really missing out dude ;) multiplats don't hold a candle to the exclusives, and you can play... none of them

5201d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is YOUR opinion, but I beg to differ. I found bayonetta very... aimed at a certain target audience, hence the main character if you know what I mean ;). But GOW3 of course had far superior scale and graphics to bayonetta, this is not even subjective, and IMHO (and a lot of reviewers out there, which turns out to be pretty important) a much better story and more engaging gameplay and controls. But to each his own :) however Id like to point something out, bayonetta is not "3 times th...

5205d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Had the very best black levels around for their time. I still have my 50" kuro in my living room :D

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment