
CRank: 5Score: 14990

that way wed have ps3 exclusive # 34340039293 and also itd be a series and thered be other IPs from 3drealms. I love sonys game production strategy :D

5618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope they improve upon or even keep the same formula they used in the first, was an awesome game. If they can find a way to improve the atmospherics and graphics, maybe some slicker animations in there as well, theyll have a GOTY 2010 contender, at least i hope it comes out then, dont wanna wait too long for more limb slicing goodness :D

I just remembered GOW3, nm i can wait :P.

5618d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just wish there was a spring sale thing for the EU too, thatd confirm the purchase for me. I mean its worth full price but i dnt have the mulah :(

5618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

explain please :)

5618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

it has better graphics and games than the wii :P worth the purchase for all those 8 year olds and pensioners. Also i agree, jack and daxter games were amazing, still get scared of that fish eating me if i stay in the water too long :P I spent hours trying to figure out a way to kill him so he would eat me xD

5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ones infamous ones GTA4, therefore, different games lol and 2 can play that game, since only a fool would think otherwise :P
Also they are slightly different because, as i said before, ones a superhero game and the others a sandbox shooter. The missions types seen in either will be completely different to one another - cant see driving missions turning into flying races :P Also GTA4 doesnt have "boss fights" like infamous. Also looking and maybe from playing both, you cant sa...

5618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im not trying to bash prototype, ill probably pick it up myself, I just feel that some criticisms of both games are undeserved. They both look awesome IMO and graphics arent everything, prototype does look really good in temrs of fun factor, story development e.t.c But infamous looks like a more polished prototype, due to the ps3 exclusivity, and also on a slightly smaller scale. Anyway neither are out yet so not much can be said for certain about either. Cant wait for the 'unbiased' reviews ...

5618d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

no game looks like CGI at the moment, not even crysis warhead with the best config you could find. Getting anywhere near to that like UC2 is doing is astonishing, especially on consoles, It actually appeals to me more visually and obviously gameplay-wise than crysis1/2

5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know how you cant see that but its your (wrong) opinion i guess xD. Also killzone 2 wasnt as grey as you say picnic. the colour spectrum was larger than most fps's and its graphics were unprecedented and surpassed everything this gen on consoles, not IMO, but as a fact. I still think uncharted 1 looks better than RE5 tbh, and uncharted 2 destroys RE5 in terms of (from what weve seen so far) scale e.g number of explosions, characters and draw distance at one time, detail e.g environment...

5618d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

not as bad as its previous incarnations, but still, horrible. This is what I call a flop. Not only was it bad but it also sold poorly, very poorly. This kinda thing makes me mad, people call KZ2 a flop when there are so many games that sell more poorly than it. 1.5 million is actually an amazing sales number to pass so quickly, not many games this gen have done so on the HDconsoles. Not only that but the actual game surpassed expectations (gameplay, target render to ingame graphics, onlie pla...

5618d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It delivered on all fronts
firstly: It lived up to and IMHO surpassed its highly critiqued target render
secondly: it surpassed expectations in terms of online play, with a 1.4 million online following and the best modes and the most intense action ive ever experienced in an fps
thirdly: It's sales are exceptional, much better than halo wars and one of the best selling games this year on the HD consoles.
Not to sound like a defensive fanboy but KZ2 was epic and Im ...

5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

mass effect 2 plus GOW3 is better than just GOW3 but will anyone be playing mass effect 2 while theyre busy playing GOW3...I dont think so :P (prediction) the best game wins,im too busy playing ps3 exclusives this year to care about MOST multiplats,
GOW3 > mass effect 2
exclusives > multiplats (MOSTLY)
X console > Y console

5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess its just too softcore for me then. I really wish nintendo would expand their target audience more like they did with dead space extraction and the conduit e.t.c because i see they have great potential with their install base and obviously, money to spend on development. Because in my opinion these kinda games really dont make me want to go out and buy a nintendo system, I guess it works differently for 8 year olds and pensioners /jk

5618d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I do think it looks pretty damn awesome, but it should be evident from videos and screens that 12 years of these devs lives were put into this game. I just dont see epic KZ2 polish shining outta duke nukems A$$ is all :P then again a KZ2 like duke nukem would be kinda weird. then again it could just turn out to be another too human :( thatd suck.

5618d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Does anyone actually care about another pokemon game, really? hasnt there been enough pokemon nintendo love? its just my opinion but the only one i can remember playing and liking is colisseum.
Also the sales will prove me wrong but theyre all really terrible games, I swear people just buy it for the sake of it, knowing its bad.

5618d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

thats not fair, they do have some good games for E3 and have had some this year, just not as many or as good games as sony has/will have at E3

ontopic: this game looks amazing, in everything from storyline to graphics this looks to set new bars for the genre to meet, which i expect wont be matched for a long time to come absolutely epic game in every sense of the word.
BTW it has to be asked, what do you guys think about the potential 53X scene? xD Bo0BZ in 1080p HD good...

5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow. Its your opinion but in mine KZ2 wasnt mainstream at all unlike COD4. The controls were boggy to make it feel like you actually controlled someone, making it more immersive and immeasurably harder to just spam kill all the time. As for blandness, I loved everything about the game, how was it bland? out of all the reviews ive seen for it, none has faulted the game for the lack of skill required to be a good player online. It takes dedication and time to be good at kz2 online, both of whic...

5618d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

True it has old school appeal, and ill probably buy it, but recently theres just been too huge an influx in terms of fps games and also the genre has been raised to new heights by many games (killzone 2, COD4 e.t.c) so I cant see how itll compete in todays gaming market. A release of about 3 years ago might have seen it in a period where it could dominate other fps games, but not today.

Still, looks like fps 53x to me :)

5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GTA4 was slightly better ( in terms of online functionality, campaign length, variety of missions)
but thats almost a different kinda genre to infamous, its a superhero thing and not an open world real life TPS. saying that the graphics, instant kick from playing it and UNCHARTED 2 MULTIPLAYER BETA look WAY better than what GTA4 has to offer. I mean come on, with UC2 thrown in, its a no brainer must buy.

5618d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

has really picked up for me recently. When it was first announced it looked awesome, but for me it drifted into a haze of mediocrity albeit the last few months. Now with all this positive feedback and raving previews (also the uncharted 2 beta voucher, mostly xD)Ive changed my mind about this game, its a preorder 4 sure :)

Also, comparing this to Prototype is just stupid, It has the same graphics, camera angle, speed and most gameplay mechanics as every hulk game, so whos real...

5618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment