
CRank: 6Score: 159650

Sony makes you pay for past games, so does Xbox, so what's your point?

Piracy is always an option for everything, but the majority of people enjoy convenience of having something on an official device that just works. No tinkering, no transfers, no issues to trouble shoot.

492d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

A true gamer moment right here

493d ago 23 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is why 9's for this game were far fetched to begin with

495d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

1.3 for P5R is great considering that's just over two months of sales. They really should have gone multiplatform with the franchise sooner, but better late than never. I wonder what the breakdown of systems is, pretty sure Switch is No. 1 followed by Steam then PS5.

496d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

it is, this article contradicts themselves immediately after stating something as fact.

Some games will still be $59.99 USD or lower, in the case of Metroid Prime Remastered which released at $39.99

496d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

- Still runs games at 1080p/60fps docked when developers actually take the time to optimize for the hardware and it's portable, had they made it more powerful and it drained batteries like nobody's business people would still complain
- Nintendo games go on sale more than they ever have, sometimes ending up 50% off or more during big sale days, and they're the only first-party console maker that has a digital way of buying games cheaper that actually makes a difference (t...

496d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Of course you're here saying something pro-MS without any sources, while being negative about the others. A tale as old as time.

498d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

So glad to see games like Luigi's Mansion 3 and Kirby and the Forgotten Land selling so well. Hope to see more of the smaller franchises take the leap to Switch/Switch 2 or in Kirby's case make the leap to open 3D gameplay

498d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

20.61 Million in under a month and a half, November 18th to December 31st. That is beyond insane.

498d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's two ways of doing it, either through Developer mode or Retail. There's plenty of YouTube videos that can walk you through it and it's pretty easy. A UWP program/app stands for Universal Windows Platform, and a lot of them have been working on Xbox hardware for the last five or more years. Dolphin (GameCube/Wii) and XBSX2 (PS2) are also getting updates that work on Series consoles, and PS3/Wii U/3DS/Switch are possible in the future as well.

499d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The entire second half of the game being this weird social aspect mixed with the unnecessary card combat system doomed the game. If it was simply a Marvel-based XCOM game like everyone wanted, it might have succeeded.

499d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Allows for greater backwards compatibility as well as support for different resolutions, unreleased games such as Goldeneye 007 XBLA (the cancelled remaster from 2007-2008), game removed from the Marketplace (Daytona USA HD for example), etc..

It's adding another layer of value to owning an Xbox Series console at this point, for $250 a Series S that can play consoles from 360 and back at 1440p/4K and 60fps is an incredible value that's making me consider getting one...

499d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't have to keep spamming this, we get it.

499d ago 6 agree26 disagreeView comment

Everyone has their own opinions, and even in that case this headline is reaching

500d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment
500d ago Show

Kind of ironic isn't it? A game based on a property where the author actively mistreats a section of people, has a portion of their fanbase "mistreated".

501d ago 4 agree78 disagreeView comment

That's what happens when people who weren't the reason for L4D's success try to piggyback off the franchise and people immediately realize they were doped. They'll have to start from the ground up on something that's not related in anyway shape or form to the L4D formula to even have a chance at success with their third attempt at a AAA title (remember, these are the same people who made Evolve. Yep, that disaster.)

502d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC is the gold standard for simulation racing games and definitely VR support in them is second to none.

GT7 is a great game, but it falls short on what PC games have been doing for decades. It's harder to achieve the same level of realism and physics on console whereas PC developers have been perfecting this for a while. You could go back and play PC sim racing games from the early 00s that still hold up today, while console equivalents of the same era are largely for...

504d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's also a great system for backwards compatibility and emulation too, especially with the off TV play through the tablet.

506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're the ones who spent $70-80+ on a mediocre/bad game, they're stuck in a sunk cost fallacy

508d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment