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It's just a new excuse from fanboys to justify their purchase.

If it was really an issue they'd be playing on a PC.

4757d ago 16 agree13 disagreeView comment

Why would Nintendo fans be upset over an optional accesory?

I have to laugh at the morons trying to turn that into a negative now.. Oh but what about all the accessories for Move now? Plastic guns,rifles, fishing roads, rackets... Just double standard BS.

4757d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

SO what? That has got to be the most moronic reason to hate a console....

Kid and you must be a kid, let me give you a little history lesson that I am sure you will completetly ignore and continue to run on with some BS opinion...


Hell even the PS3 and 360 have their share of dance games...

Truth is every generation smaller companies put their low budget games on the console with the highest m...

4757d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes Sony continues to innovate by copying Nintendo.. Great point there kid.
Yes only a matter of time before people got tired of buying their franchises. That is why all LBP games combines cant equel the sales of a single Mario game.

Oh that name says it all....

ONe last poiint and you fanboys can hit disagree but not prove me wrong..

Nintendos best selling game this gen has over 20 million in sales.

Sony's best selling...

4757d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

You set yourself up for failure by saying "Series" Please name off the a "Series" of Mario games so I can show you what an idiot you are and how other series have put out far more games in less time...

Okay let me help you out kid. Super Mario 1, 2,3, Mario World, Mario 64, NSMBWii, MArio Galixy 1 and 2. or and NSMBWii DS. Now I wont count remakes, when a game is out its out and doesnt count twice. I'll even suggest that I missed at least 5 Mario games e...

4757d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's funny to listen to some of these fanboys and their double standards.....

Nintendo milks games because we had 2 DK on 20 years but 5 UNCharted games in 4 years with the exact same game play is innovation. It's jsut silly and really stupid. Of course MArio has been in a ton of games..

They were around for 10 years or more in gaming before any current hardware maker even entered the market. Of coure their franchises are going to have more games.

4757d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

And all their other Sports games too. Not like Madden was ever innovative on PC either.

4758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You say you don't want gimmicks but I don't see you in the Vita area complainging about all the Gimmicks it comes with.

Oh I'm sorry I didnt mean to bring in logic to this. Continue to troll in ignorance kid.

Yes kid Controllers shouldnt change. We should go back to using 1 button joysticks cause according to you anything else is just a gimmick.

LOL How pathetic your life must be

4758d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

You do realize that they work using almost the exact same method right? Wii has IR cameras in every controller that read the IR shot out by the sensor bar. The only way in which Move really differs is the camera is placed on the TV and you hold the sensor.

4759d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes best seelling hardware on the market..Thats some real trouble... lol. You Nintendo haters are a funny bunch of kids... Best selling ssytem on the market but you ignore that and take all the negatvies as complete fact. It's failign so bad it is outpacing sales of the DS at the same point in its cycle. I am sure NIntendo just hates knowing they could go on to sale 150 plus million 3DSs.

4759d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wii U developed to run on par with 260/PS3? You fanboys really need to stfu up with that load of BS. No specs have been released for you to even make that assumption off of.

Seriously why do you feel the neet to make things up? Did Nintendo break into your home and do bad thing to you as a child? Which judging by your post you still are?

NO SPECS have been revealed yet every Wii u article is flooded with delusional fanboys like you making false claims you c...

4759d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Tapping into a market that nobody had before? LOL dude come on. Millions of casuals didnt just pop into existence. They were buying crap casual games on the PS2,PS1,Snes and Nes..
Yes it might look like there are more casuals today because they have access to now to more devices that offer gaming. Not long ago if you wanted to game you had to have a PC or console. Now you have people every day getting access to devices they can game on whether that be Facebook apps or games like An...

4759d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

LOL whatever kid... How about te new Kirby? LOL. Yeah kid all they did was remakes this gen. You got proven wrong and instead of just admitting it you come up with some silly excuse. Yeah dude SMG2 was just a rehash of Mario on the nes. So battalion wars, Wario land, DKC returns, NSMBWii etc, you are now saying they are rehashes and not new games even though they are compltetely new games

4760d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You mean games like Last story, Pandoras Tower, or Xenobalde? Games we don't get cause haters like you want to pretend they don't exist?

Ok lets say they make a new game. hell they just made 3 but still let's pretend for a second tey just made 1. What would you haters do? Simply ignore it like you did the last ones and continue to cry for new ips

4760d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL You havent bought any Sony games twice so its okay. Well you are being given the Nintendo games and its a complete crime... You fanboys and your double stanards...

4762d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL Love watching the haters rush in to pounce. Were this article a" Wii U proven to be 4 times as powerful as PS3) It would be taken as complete BS and rumor but of course its negativce and trolls like Pirate just cant help but take it as complete fact....

Yes kids we have controllers with Rumble,Motion snesing and touch pads but all this stuff is so new and high tech that it stops working when you slap the Nintendo name on it.
Nothing in the Wii u is that new....

4762d ago 15 agree9 disagreeView comment

LOL Only two versions of the PSP... Good one kid. No point in trying to talk to someone that low on the gene pool.

4763d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMAO...I bet you say something completely different about the PSP even though there are as many versions of it as DS. Also do you really need to act like 3DS is just another DS? If you want to be taken seriously as a gamer act like one. Sure some casuals might look at a 3DS and think its just another DS but you are on a gaming website.

4764d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Most likely it will be free as well. DQ like Monster Hunter gets the biggest portion of its sales in Japan but they are also trying to grow a market for these games in the west as well and while they are accustomed to paying for a lot of games like this over there, the U.S. is a different story.

4764d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This honestly makes perfect sense. DQ 9 on the DS is the best selling DQ to date so far. Nintendo is obviously where the sales for this franchise are at. Its a Wii/Wii u game so they will have more than a few million potential buyers.

4764d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment