CRank: 5Score: 30620

LOL talk about spinning the truth over time... First off Nintendo didnt touch the game. Secondly IGN commented that when the game was running people were confusing it with a 360 game.

When HVS talked about it compared to 360/PS3 games they were talking about things in the game that you'd find in PS3/360 games but not in many Wii games beyond first party.

Please post again in 6 months to year so we can read about how they said it was the second coming of Chris...

4935d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'd be nice to see their games on PS3. Maybe then something besides a recycled shooter would sell over 10million

4936d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Current gen console havent been maxed yet. Why do we need new more powerful consoles when devs are not even using the power of current consoles to their fullest?

4937d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You do know it took them like 5 years to get FF out for next gen console? So if they wait til release it'll be 5 years into that gen before we see anything from them.

Companies are always given new specs early so they can start working on launch titles and getting to know the new hardware in general.

4937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some people are just pathetic. I guess all those companies saying buy our product and we will help breast cancer are totally wrong as well? Idiots these days.

When that country singer comes out with his song as tribute to this and says every sale will be a partial donation I bet not a single one of you will care. But let someone that isnt Sony try to do something to help others and it is suddenly completely wrong.
Microsaft has done some sad things over the years but t...

4940d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well the owners of Football teams are in it for the money just like any company. I get what he is saying. Each gen is a race to first and he backs his company like a football fan would back their own team. It's not really that hard to grasp and acting like there is no money in Football or that a lot of people arent in that business just for the money is ludicrous

4941d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

In most races people don't care about the loser.

4941d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@PLAyerX, No these are fanboys who live i na world where the PS3 is the only console with good games. They wouldnt be bothered to know they exist elsewhere as well. Sony is the only company with exclusives because only Sony exclusives count.

When your parents only buy you one console you cant be bothered with what the other 5 platforms out offer

4942d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Comparing a FPS to another genre and acting like both should have comparable sales... lol This must be your first gen. That would be like me saying comparing the 1 million of Killzone3 to the 24 million of NSMBwii Killzone must be a complete flop, but I have enough common sense to not compare a platformer to a FPS.

Sad that some fanboys cant do the same but common sense isnt so common these days

4942d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nintendo didnt say that. It was a guy froma second party or first party studio that mainly does the pokemon games. He said he felt the main franchise was more of a portable experience. Something you play on the go here and there.
We've already seen pokemon games on the Wii just not a main game in the series and probably never will see one, but more Pokemon arena games or the like are possible and at least 1 type of Pokemon game is coming ti Wii as Nintendo already announced it ...

4943d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I see some kids still cant grasp the simple concept of an estimate. LOL. Only Sony fans can be that moronic. Hey thats what happens when 99% of your supporters havent even made into junior high yet.

4944d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nintendo always does good. too bad this site is infested with morons still asking for new IP's while completely ignoring them when they are announced.

I'd love something new from Sony but they keep releasing the same crap every year. How many killzones can you push out in 4 years? Soon we will be on the 5th uncharted which is nothing but Tomb Raider with a male lead. Not exactly new or innovative. I just think it is time they really did something new not just copy other...

4944d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's not a bad example its a new IP and one of the most popular this gen by far. Sure there are better games out but she asked for a new IP from Nintendo. That is the most obvious example a person could think of, the one that sold 80 million
@Desert, ACtually i am more of a PC fanboy but you will notice any time I do post it is on the most ignorant comments. I am not here to be anyones friend and the one thing in life that pisses me off is ignorance. There is just no excuse for...

4944d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL now it isnt. Wii has CPU has 3 times the rendering power of the original xbox. Kidsw like you really need to stop drinking the kool aid and get a clue..
Just because you spout some nonsense out of ignorance doesnt make it true

4944d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like its time to retire the POS3 and POSP. 236k combined sales vs 130k combines sales... Yeah those systems completely suck. Maybe its time released the PS3.5 or something cause Nintendo is just completely owning them and we all know according to Sony fans when you arent in first its time to Move on to the next console. Besides I havent turned my PS3 on in years. It just sits there collecting dust.

4944d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wii Sports. idiots like you are so funny. Too inbred to see what already exists. Likie running around a forest screaming where are the trees. A new IP comes with every Wii sold..

Oh wait typical. Whenever a moron is running their mouth and completely wrong you can count on it being a Sony fanboy.

Shouldnt you be out working 3 jobs to pay for the next POS PS console? Or removing your head from Kens back side?

4944d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Really cause all those launch 360s are already dead from RROD.

4944d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL another clueless idiot.

480p? Nothing wrong with that.
No real online? Funny I played COD,Monster Hunter, SSBB,Maroi Kart online.
No hard drive? LOL kid its not a PS3 that needs installs and patches. I got a HD SD card 16g and it holds everything I need with room to spare.

Media capabilities? It's a dedicated game console not a Blu Ray player that just happens to play some games.

You need a clue

4944d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Maybe they'll make something this time that isnt beyond your capabilities child.

4944d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOl ignorance at its best..Those declining sales are still ahead of MS and Sony. Why idiots like you even bother is beyond me. Talking about something you are obviously clueless about. I mean here is an example ofwhat you are saying. Nintendo had 800k a month in sales and now has 300k in sales. MS had 200k in sales and now has 250k in sales and in your head you think Nintendo should launch a new console first? I'd seriously make a new name and change casuals to morons

4944d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment