
CRank: 5Score: 30615

But in all honesty it cannot and Microsoft will just say that Japan does not matter.

4018d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

By changing its name to the "XBOX PokemOne"

4018d ago 20 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think we really need to stop making each other enemies we all want to have fun playing a game we love, no matter what platform its on. I am just being responsible in the long run, I cannot justify MS at the moment because they really showed their hand, their vision of the future. I love their games Gear of war and Halo multiplayer are my fav, live had a more robust community as far as people talking(even if a lot of it was hateful early on, but now they are playing a game of catch up, and n...

4018d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am asking every hard core xbox fan what makes you like a company that almost got away with taking away your rights? I understand that like me a lot of people bond with their opinion of consoles choice, or games. I have both a 360 and PS3 and while I had a ton of fun playing gears of war and Halo, I still cannot justify supporting Microsoft in their endeavor of tying us into one box. I don't think games would be as fun if there was no competition and don't get me wrong when the PS3 c...

4018d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am sorry but Microsoft loves creating monopolies, and making average people pay higher prices when they form them. I Say keep away, and to Xbox Fan really what makes you like a company that nearly "raped" the gaming community, with DRM and all the digital checks? I understand that XBOXLive was and is a great service, but a company that drive competition into the ground, was aiming to charge you higher prices, while almost removing your basic rights of ownership, what makes you sup...

4018d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh damn, Now that you finished the fight, its time to end the war, then maybe pause the police action, sustain the strife, suspend the futility, conclude the conflict, and maybe if we are lucky Halt the Halo Hostilities. There you go MicroSoft More and more titles means more money.

4021d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for not raping me MicroSoft lets have sex?
lol This does not make sense to me.. lol

4023d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nope sorry. Already pre-ordered PS4 But great for xbox fans.
I just can't trust a company that just tried to get away with this crap.

4023d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

Makes my head hurt! Why would i ever give you a bit of money if you want to do this in the future? After all the only reason you didn't get away with it was because your plan failed.

4023d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I will not be buying the Xbox one, why would i fund a company that just tried to push DRM on everyone, Great that you took it away but we all know you want it now. So you want me to fund you more so you can do it later? No thanks.

4023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am not too impressed with this game?

4030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am stating that He loves Microsoft and whatever he says now is just back peddling.

4030d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Molyneux, stop your darn hot air balloons, you lie more than a hooker on over time. You just want positive PR.

4030d ago 18 agree26 disagreeView comment

David Jaffe is respectable unlike this A$$HA7!

4030d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cliffy your are right. I mean the "writing budget" for gears of war's story alone must have cost millions (NOT)..... and the drastic innovative changes you made from game to game must have cost likewise (NOT).... you are a delicate genius, a man hiding in a womans body, who came up with Kill Switch- I mean Gears of war all by yourself, you should keep your games for yourself because no one wants to play with you.

4030d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know why sony did this its to give something back to the publishers and also make some capital for the lower price. They give you games though, for free... so umm cool with me.

4032d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

got it beaches

4032d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


4032d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


4032d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


4032d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment