
CRank: 5Score: 30615

NICE, i just hope the firmware updates get rip of the EEandGS IN MY PS3 SO I CAN HAVE SOFTWARE EMULATION TOO =) god of war1&2 1080p that would rock.

6330d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6330d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it even funnier that the WII is out sell the 360 in the US so stop being such a duchebag mart, no one care what you have to say, we just like to laugh at your hateful ways.

6331d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony will release the BClist FOR PS2 GAMES ON THE PS3 ON MARCH23 so now you have articles like this, saying it's no longer BC compatible with ps2? thats freaking bull crap.. i mean you guys don't know the % yet. Also when sony started putting in the EE hardward in the ps3 the same guys like THEMART said "sony Screwed up because now they can't upscale ps1 and ps2 games how lame" Sony wanted to do software emulation from the start,and i bet it's going to be at 80-85% on board off the ...

6331d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EUROPEAN HAVE 1 A HIGHER IMPORT TAX, and a ps3 or 360 game in the UK are 65 pounds thats more then a hunder american, but they also make alot more then the average American family,don't be such a fanboy sheesh, oh and THEHAMMER i just like to say thank you for not being a fanboy anymore =)

6332d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

my god hammer i am from houston, not huston lol, sorry i know we all at one point miss spell,but you are a huge 360fanboy, so you are bias, and the ps3 just hit it's 3month, graphicly it's too early to tell what it can do, the developers have to get to know the system, and programs like these is what they need. so really fanboys shut up.

6332d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

won't talk it up, i mean to be fair, every damn company does it. it's called marketing.

6332d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i'm sorry but after viewing both the 360 videos and the ps3 videos on ign the ps3 textures look alot better and sharper compared to the 360, but since i have both the systems i am willing to rent both versions and make my own comparison video, and also "THEHAMMER" If someones says "yea i like the 360 version better because i like the 360" thats a fanboy,and your talking about people's opions here, so how can they lie? but i am going to go compare it myself with, comments b...

6332d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

please shut up the r 600 just nearly out preforms the 7800gtx so whatever, as far as the games i just have to point out that 1)the only difference is contrast,2) it's freaking multiplatform 3) what type of screen or direct feed are they using for the ps3? all i have to say is why do 1st gen ps3 games look just as good as 2nd-3rd gen 360 games?

6333d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


6334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

none tekken playing noobs please don't post crap, THIS IS TEKKEN5 DR it is a direct port of the arcade with inhanced textures on the ps3, yes it is also on the psp but the ps3 version is a direct arcade port and has not been downgraded in anyway. and yes it is very worth getting, it's going to be 20 bucks. so yea i'm on that. and if you have not played dr please don't say it's just tekken 5, thats like saying halo2 without the updates and map packs plays just the same as it did at launch.

6334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that sweaty fat pig is steve ballmer the ceo of ms

6336d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

RE5 lol no that will be killer, i think there new PS network stuff and maybe killzone.

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

tell that to the millions that hit up or the millions that pirate movies everyday, i know it takes a while to download but the new internet services are already here, we have fiber optic net here in japan, any who you have some valid points ,but as far as an os goes if you agree that the user interface looks alike and the gui is almost the same what else is there?

6340d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's funny because thats MS's tactic to the bone,look at windows it's a result of so many corporate take overs and stolen idea's if you have a copy of vista, then you can see it's a very big rip off of apple's OS10, now MS is Moving to the hardware aspect, tell me how is this a good thing sure things are rosy right now because ms is competing with Sony and nintendo, so it makes them innovate more and more, but if it's starts dominating they are going to turn the gameindustry to just another ...

6340d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

ahh halo got no place close to marios 40million copies sold on the nes halo2 sold 8mill

6341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

those are in game pics nice,
ingame hd video of sigma go and spread your hate if your a hater like all fanboys but if your cool then more power to you.

6341d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know the only thing that i hate about the 360 is it's stupid, flaming ,g@y,fanboys like THE MART, they are the same idiots that are screaming racial slurs,and showing their small junk on UNO on xboxlive. i mean thats it keep going and making people hate the 360 The Mart, and do you do anything other then post crap all day? did the ps3 kill your family or something, or is Bill Gates your lover? oh please don't tell me you have a zune, anywho your just hurting MS image by breathing and post...

6344d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

can't really tell looks ahh well ok need direct feed.

6344d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment