CRank: 5Score: 7450

Nope. Their last mass effect sucked. Their last Dragon age open world empty areas and placeholder chracters sucked compared to the depth that was Merrill and fenris and in fact the entire cast of Dragon age 2 is far more interesting then all the character in Dragon age 3.

They even screwed up the qunari and turned him into a softie.

Bioware sucks and unless they prove me wrong with the next mass effect then I'll stop paying any attention to those attenti...

3095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Articles like these on both sides.
Besides people love these articles. They wouldn't exist otherwise.

3095d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well I suppose I must've imagined the similarities.
Guess that whole sneaky mission with your companion isn't an exact copy of mutltiple sneaky missions on cod.

In cod you just shoot people and don't really care why you're doing it. Can any of these disagrees tell me exactly what your doing in killzone that is so different?

Not to mention the whole army theme.

3095d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

Many games underdevelopment right'll likely start kicking off next year. I just hope the embarrassment or the gimmick dies quickly enough.

3095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just wanna say that your killzone praise is very flawed. Killzone is so much like cod..I've played the first 3.
In fact some of the missions in the third one are very much like cod missions.

3095d ago 1 agree44 disagreeView comment

We don't know what destiny 2 will be like so shame on you for judging a game before it's release.

Not sure what you meant with hit detection. Maybe your aim is just bad.
I've enjoyed headshots galore when I played.

But I do hate the game.

3095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wish you were right but unfortunately no.
Because have stayed because theyre addicted mmos can do that.

The game isn't worth much.

3095d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea grim fandango was or is on sale for a few bucks on steam right now.

Never heard of the other game.
I'm glad I dont pay for ps+

3096d ago 14 agree24 disagreeView comment

Don't really care for bioware anymore. I'm clearly not their target audience anymore.

Their focus is on weak storytelling and being "inclusive" just for the sake of it.

3098d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Reviews are bad. Scores are bad. Sales are also bad.
There's a misconception on reviews that's too engraved into our minds.

Games should receive reviews but not necessarily scores.

3101d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

One thing I've learned about these forums. Dont speak negatively about PlayStation exclusives.

Constructive crticisim on a game can't occur in these forums.

3101d ago 11 agree44 disagreeView comment

I hate how people are so pretentious about digital vs retail.

All technology heads toward smaller and more convenient. Digital and cloud based is more convenient so that's where it will head.

3102d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Displays arent neccesassry..Pple can Olay in 4k without the appropriate display.

By scaling.

3102d ago 0 agree16 disagreeView comment

Cross play is irrelevant.
Unless a game is already scarce in player base cross play isn't necessary.

Cross buy. now that's a lot more relevant.

3102d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

The Sony kojima partnership is a publicity stunt.
Kojima was going to continue making games with or without the partnership with Sony.

3102d ago 9 agree25 disagreeView comment

High sales because it was well advertised.
Poor reception because none of its mechanics was fulfilling or well done.
Shooting was poor, ai was dumb and annoying, storytelling was lacking and character depth was needed.

Backstory and graphics were the only things that people liked.
It's still in a perfect place for a sequel as it has huge potential.

3103d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Actually people didn't appreciate how slow and empty the game was. It lacked in every department except graphics....even there it had quite a few emugly textures and inconsistencies.

3103d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The cover shooting was not like gears..gears cover mechanics are actually fun and strategic.

3103d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well why didn't they make a better game the first time around.
I'm all for the story world and lore but it wasn't communicated well.

Even if sales were decent the game was still a failure...not to all but most players.

3103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow there for a second I thought you'd make an intelligent comment after that remark.
Nope I was wrong.
Goes both ways man

3104d ago 30 agree11 disagreeView comment