CRank: 5Score: 7450

Guess it depends on the store.
Usually both consoles are sold out where I live.

3201d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Same experience here.
In fact my brother has an extremely loud an old computer and one time I turn on the PlayStation to play bloodborne and I was my brothers computer on?
I had to double check as I couldn't believe the noise coming from the PlayStation 4

3201d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox cost 500$ on release.
Then they moved down to 400$ without Kinect. The Xbox itself was probably not selling at a loss at that point keeping in mind the costs to produce a ps4 are higher.

Then they went down to 350$ I still dont think they were selling a console at a loss since they said Kinect cost 150$ to make.
350$ + 150$ is 500$
So in essence the true value of the Xbox was probably around 350$

In other words they were selling a...

3201d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Im sure some will not.
I am also dead certain this article and list will never be mentioned again if that happens.

nature of the beast.

3201d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

wow the hate. One can perfectly own both systems and hate on one or the other.

No real gamer actually hates on the opposing platforms games thats just immature.

im sure rookie thinks the playstation exclusives look good and he will play them. He doesn't have to like playstation to do that.

Of course unlike some n4g forum peeps I dont scroll through a users comment history.

3201d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

Guess you got to hate on what your console of choice doesn't have.
What level of immaturity you have reached.

This has nothing to do with the xbox elite controller which I can tell you seem either salty about or completely ignorant about its perks.

3201d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

which are the more ambitious indies??
I really want to know. Besides no mans sky.

3201d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Yea I've noticed that when xbox game sales do bad everyone is on it.
When playsation sales do bad everyone dismisses or ignores.

Im looking at tearaway.

Less then a million. I know its not as big but still. Exclusive triple a game.

3202d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

I was simply stating that while the xbox will have exclusive games coming out next holiday I have a feeling playstation will not. Simply because of their comments regarding tomb raider.

3202d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

You mean just recore. No gamepplay for recore.
I believe they've showed gameplay for all the other ones.

3203d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

I'd prefer the playstaion make less noise version.

3203d ago 13 agree34 disagreeView comment

Next year it should sell perfectly fine on PlayStation.
An exec came out and said so....

He said something about the release schedule being better for PlayStation.

that must mean no exclusive PlayStation big titles will release during holiday season next year for PlayStation.

3203d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment

The fans of the game buy the game on their platform of choice.

I doubt all 32 million PlayStation owners will buy the game. In fact I foresee about 10% might buy it.

3203d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

Considering all the dlc will likely be included I think next year or should still sell for those that didn't get it yet.
This game with the release schedule it has looks to be selling throughout 2016

It releases on pc soon

3203d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I understand that metal gear is an awesome game but what else has this guy made?

Reading the comments it sounds like this guy invented tactical shooters.

The metal gear genre is a very common genre hence why it sold very well on the Xbox.

I'm actually a little sick of the articles surrounding this guy.

3203d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

They bought themselves out of Microsoft for this?

3203d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Funny how people ignore the first word "quantum" and focus on the second word.

Very interesting.

3203d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Who knows. We don't.

3203d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment


How so? Can you please give me the retail and digital sales on Xbox for mgsv

3203d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Just because he partners up with Sony doesn't mean anything.

Heck it might just been he needed backing and who better then a Japanese company like Sony.

3203d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment