CRank: 5Score: 7450

You mean very demanding on consoles.
Pc players as always will enjoy their games at better settings,graphics and framerate.

Unless this is another bat man debacle.

3172d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's crytek.
Doubt there'll be a downgrade.

3173d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes and I agree but my comment still stands. His comment had nothing to do with that.

Just make sure you all take that stand when the same thing happens the other way around.

3173d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

If this gpu is that popular then a lot of pc gamers should be able to Max out most games and still play at at least 30fps 1080p

I have one and haven't had an issue with maxing most games and playing at a relatively hi frame rate. Definitely over 30fps

3173d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess some people don't like to support games they like.

Lots of salty people disgreing with you it seems.

3173d ago 10 agree29 disagreeView comment

Lack of shield but you can recover your health and move twice as fast. Also you can literallly go the entire game with your starter weapon.

Tip: for all bosses. Try staying on their rear and dodging straight toward their side when they attack. Not always but for the most part this is a good starting tactic when confronting a new boss. You will immediately find out what works and doesn't work. Bosses also usually have 3-5 different attacks or patterns. Learn them and don&#...

3173d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the disagrees.
I reckon they must be either because I am willing to accept the possibility that someone isn't into souls like games.


Because a lot of new players can't believe that this game would be easy to which I say this: try playing all your games on hard or the hardest difficulty moving forward. You'll become a better and smarter gamer. And then you'll find that games are generally easy. Especially nowadays.

3173d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's true that the Xbox misses games like until dawn and probably Detroit as well as a lot of jrpgs
Also true that playstaion doesn't really have games like dead rising and sunset and fable and gears. Apart from infamous.

It really comes down to what you prefer to play.

Both consoles offer large amounts of what the other doesn't.

And you choosing ps4 because the multiplats look better is a good reason for you. However I ge...

3173d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

Well those pics are quite a mystery to some people. Especially ps fans who call anyone who defends or simply doesn't speak ill of the Xbox a fanboy.

He is simply demonstrating that thing that makes these fanboys get confused and lose their minds. He's a fanboy they think! How could he possibly own all systems?! He doesn't speak ill of the xbox so he can't possibly have a ps4.

This is what I dislike about these forums. it seems like if you don&...

3173d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

Well just take a look at the trophys for the game. You may find some interesting percentages on how many players got past the first boss.

3173d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@toon link

Good question. It's possible I llearned a lot but take the following to consideration.

I didn't beat any other souls game before.
Bloodborne is my first and only because I could easily get thru it.

Demon souls played until that acid world.
Dark souls barely passed the first boss found the game really difficult
Darksouls 2 now this game I could've beaten. It was fairly easy especially after upgrad...

3173d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for e3.

E3 will tell me if ms plans on continuing their awesome trend of exclusive support for the xbox.

3173d ago 18 agree10 disagreeView comment

Yes Turok could be awesome in the right hands. I actually wouldn't mind a horror themed shooter similar to dead space.

3173d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No thanks. Enough open world already.

3174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now laugh. Go laugh.
Cuz you've missed the point.


3174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No thanks. It's already hanging by the neck as an ip.

VR would make this ip never be mentioned again.

We want a good new entry not a ninja star throwing experiment.

3174d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I actually didn't mind dead space 3 that much but obviously loved 1 and 2 so much more.

Would like the ip to continue. I think they have a lot of room to expand in the horror department.

But then again. this is ea. They suck.

3174d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No you're not missing anything.
This may not be your type of game and that's okay.

I've played other souls like games and this one was by far the easiest. Killed all the bosses in the game usually on my first or second try.

Didn't try chalice though which I hear is where the really hard bosses are if you do it alone.

3174d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I don't think the console is selling as much as it is in the US because "people" know the games coming out.

It's ignorance. Americans still think Xbox doesn't play used games.

I mean if you disagree then please feel free to explain the low sales compared to user base that ps exclusives receive.

Keep in mind 30million+ user base+
No I dont think people know about the games.
In fact I'm pretty sure the ...

3174d ago 4 agree81 disagreeView comment

One does not simply compare assassins to the witcher.

3174d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment