Rumors...what are they good for?


CRank: 5Score: 122870

this was the case...but the sad things is that by the time this game launches the PS3 will be close to eclipsong the 360 or will pass it it ww sales...

the new se boss is terrible...

5916d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

people this is not sonys fault, this is what you call money interupting loyalty.

this game will come out for the PS3 first in JPN, once that is done we might see the game out on 360 and PS3 in EU and NA, but that is a big might it might not release on the 360 until the game is complete on the PS3 for all versions, if you read the kotaku transcript they said it is timed exclusive to the PS3.

they also asked how many disk will it be on for the 360 and SE laughed ...

5916d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

finally an article that explains what i already know...

5919d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

point taken, but for them to be less than 5 mil consoles away from MS and they started a year later, does not validate your point.

5919d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

look simple put its not. The advantage the MS had over sony is because they are a Software company. When will people realize that Live has been around much longer than what most think. I am sure people remeber those days playing Poker and Hearts on Windows Live in the late 90's. I sure did, and MS knew the transition would be easy to move over to consoles. But notice how they have yet to Get live anywhere active. This is what happens when you build something from the ground up, it takes time....

5919d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I am not surprised this article came from this site; they are always trying to find something to bash either console.

To answer their question, it is no the PS3 is not broken. Sony designed the system specifically this way so it would not bottle neck. Most people don't realize that the split memory is dedicated to the Cell and RSX respectfully but can also be shared when the Cell accesses the RSX. Also the Cell memory is an XDR RAM interface that runs and is faster than the RAM...

5919d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS made a lot of mistakes at the beginning of the 360's life that turned me away from this system. I truly was going to buy this system. I have the PS3, I have the wii, and I wanted a 360 but I don't want to take that risk, and having the 3-year warranty is not good enough, I need a system to last. Maybe i will get one when the rrod issue has cleared upped, maybe when the slim model comes out.

5920d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

but that information you wrote is based on the criteria and location of your store. I know some individuals who rather buy systems from BB because they do not like individuals at GS. Mainly because a lot of GS employees tell people what they should buy rather than letting the customer choice for them selves. Seriously if a person comes in the store and says they want a PS3 and GS employees tell them to buy a 360, what do you expect to happen. This is one reason so many people are switching sy...

5920d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think my title explains this fully...adding games that are not exclusive, didn't use all the games for each system...and that the main fact, if they actually used all the games for each system it will change the scores for each system dramaticlly...especialy the wii...

5921d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony's last finacial report stated they sold over 13.something million, that 9.24 was just in one fiscal year, Forbes needs to get there facts straight before they report information...

Liar...when sony report the 13 mil sold MS report 20 mil sold...and that is not a lie...look at year behind the 360 and the PS3 is 7 mil consoles away from reaching them...

also if you look at the same time a year 360 sold only 11 mil consoles, where as sony ...

5936d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

but i can't say it will be until i see it...eithe way this is a great nice to won't enhance my experience...but to others it will...

5940d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

seriously this is expected...isn't this is what e3 is all about...

5940d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hate when sony does this...they always do this...they always show games that we know about...and then have hidden gems at the event or at their secret showing...

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to be fair they made one for the 360 also...but I think what pissed me off about this is that some of these items are not true...for example look at his mention of the trophy was announced with home...trophies will come with home...only recently we were told that we have trophies outside of the home system and will have them in the 2.40 update...also do they know that the PS3 has a vertical scaler (i might be mistaken it could be horizontal)...the main reason why some games are a ...

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

overall this was a good discussion...

5945d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you are right dont listen to the reply above me...

people need to do ther research

look at what was sold especially the first game for each console...

it is safe to say MGS4 was a hit world wide...

OT...300k first day is amaz...

5947d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow...honestly this is a least now there is confirmation...I wonder how important this DLC will be, because by that time a massive load of high priority games will be out for the 360...GeoW2...I have a feeling this will be pushed back until April 2009...

5954d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow...the 46 percent worries me...but at the same time...who were there audince...this is why i hate polls...never can be accurate...and of course this news coming from the biggest PS3 hater out of them all...kotaku...and yahoo is second...

5956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

30fps at 720p is ok for me since there will be no loading screens...

5956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do think this is a good move...i think this might be some type of episodic content game...which might be good for this tpe of genre and game...

5956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment