Rumors...what are they good for?


CRank: 5Score: 121700 has yet to report their one knows where their official numbers stand....but at the end of Q2 2008 they reported that they were around 18mil...their Q3 numbers should be coming soon and they also have one more quater to go...

BTW....Sony shipped to retail is counted as sold to retail...we don't know how many is in their warehouse...

I am not trying to start an argument but all the numbers reported are sold to retail for each company and eac...

5636d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the cost of gaming production is the begining of each console generation it always is higher than the average of the last generation...since now that most devs have a handle on how much it will cost to produce 1 said game...expect the cost to drop dramaticly...

5636d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

the DC released a year before the

either way...I agree with most of the comments about this topic...28 mil does not addup because if you calculate the 33% it addds up to be 18.7 mil sold. So how many left of that were replacements due to warranties with other companies and defective systems sent directly to MS. And if people don't understand, if you have a defective system and you get the item replaced either by a retail company or MS...that new console is counted a...

5636d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Please dont say has yet to be proven that that number is actually correct from MS...

I don't know why people forget but MS also did this at the end of year 1 for the 360. They said that they sold 10.5 million WW December 2006, which was later noted as false. These were the number of Items shipped. When MS reports its numbers, it reports the shipped numbers, think about it when an exclusive game comes out for MS...they always have the numbers the week of release, which...

5637d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

dont forget sony is researching and creating LED TV's so some or most of their money is going into that development...

5639d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I know...i was just saying because of all the doom and gloom articles that were posted because of one month and it was in NA...I was only joking...

I hope others realize that NA is not the only region that sale consoles...

5642d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but I figured with the 360 price cut the PS3 was wait...this isnt NA...

5642d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

i dont know if anyone has noticed...but sony has done this every year at CES...and this year makes no different...but to all I agree about the double standard with MS...

5644d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

doesnt the 360 have HDMI (only certain versions if I am not mistaken)...this makes no sense...redo article...

5645d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

MS reports shipped...I've said this many times before...and I am saying it now...MS reports Shipped, Sony and nintendo Reports sold to Retail...It is a big differnce when you report Shipped VS Sold.

5645d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how can we claim MS a success...Sony has yet to release their numbers yet...the speculation of a 8 mil lead is false until sony submits their numbers to the press...

So...this article is BS and anyone saying the 8mil lead is a lot is also eatting ***...until Sony releases its numbers...from all we know the numbers might decrease and only be a 4 mil lead...

Also dont forget the real numbers wont come until the end of the fiscal year...

Another thing...

5645d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i dont understand why they are making a big deal out of this...Sony has always done this...each generation Sony had the same strategy...Secret games are not a surprise...they did it last Gen and they did it the Gen what makes this gen so different...

5646d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have to agree with you...I forgot that just a few months ago MS did state 21 from that we can speculate they report shipped numbers...because the only way to reach 28 mil is to restock the supply chain...

also people sony has yet to report their numbers, MS is speculating 20 mil but sony might be higher or lower...with the 60% year over year increase I would expect higher, plus the fiscal year is not done yet anf KZ2, FF13, Y3, InFomous...have yet to release...

5647d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

they are still working on the emulation software. From what i heard the problem right now is that all games will not work with the software. I am sure by the end of this year we will have something

5652d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

another game I can't wait for...

5652d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this was a good article...I did not know there that many 1080P games for the PS3...and the 360 only has 1...I did not know that...I guess hearing the 360 upscalling reports sort of deter your thoughts on what is true HD and just HD...

5652d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony Actually has a bigger first party studio than MS and nintendo combined. Sony is actually the third largest game developer in the world behind EA and Ubi. This is why Sony is so Concerend about making first party games rather than pay for third party exclusives. This fact took a while to happen but in 2009 we will Sony release 1st party exclusive (as well as some third party exclusives) left and right this year. So far what Sony said has come true (1st party exclusives will make or break ...

5652d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

good write up, but you forget one thing that might drive the PS3 sales, matter of fact 4 things, KZ2, InFomous, Yakuza 3, and FF13 all come out with the last fiscal quater for Sony...I think those games will get to or pass 2.5mil

5652d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but people also forget they have more than one console on the market. If you truly think about it, since the PS3 is losing about $45 on every console sold, Sony is making that money up with each sale of a PSP and PS2. So who is truly making money.

5653d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

the only thing i wanted to add is that Sony did not have a price cut this year, but MS had 2 price cuts. and that is the reason for their current success.

5653d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment