
CRank: 5Score: 73590

Support both the xbox one and ps4 you mean or what are you trying to say

2794d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bla bla bla either wait for the next generation consoles that will have true 4K resolution no upscale bullshit. The reason why I say that, is due to no console gamer is going to buy a 1080p/60 frames per second next-generation console. Either that or buy a PC .

2794d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Very nice, does the Windows 10 create would make modding games easier and if so will this mean able to mod games from the Windows Store.

2795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a truthful article with the exception of The Witcher 3, open world games are just linear game designs with static game worlds. That is the issue right there, open world games need to be reactive, alive game worlds filled with mini games (game world hobbies). True 🌙/ day cycle and npcs reacting to the actions of the player.....

2795d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
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2795d ago Show

I am surprised EA is releasing this game without a season pass, day one DLC, and no microtransactions. That is really good news to hear. Ok fine is also good it has a single player campaign

2796d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The PC is scalable no, why not the PS4 Pro. Consumers are upgrading to PS4 Pro because supposedly it offers 4K, it does not. Consumers were expecting a scalable console were all of PS4 games were supposed to run at 1080p 60 frames per second, it does not. Why upgrade just to wait for game developers to patch a ogp PS4 game, to wait for game developers to make games that take advantage of the PS4 Pro. Come on, on PC when I buy new parts like a GPU or more ram. All of my games get better resolu...

2796d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It depends but honestly the PS4 Pro is all smoke and mirrors. It doesnt offer Native 4K nor do PS4 games automatically take advantage of the new hardware (is scalable like a PC). This means is up to game developers to patch current PS4 games to PS4 Pro standards. It doesn't offer 60 frames per second for all PS4 games. Really, I want to know how the PS4 Pro caters to the high end.

The PSVR offers lower resolution and field of view and it some cases poor accuracy. So, my...

2797d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why are PC indie horror games ignored

2798d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

What of these amateur VAs see how badly game companies treat them. Guess what, the amateur VAs decide to be members of SAG-AFTRA. We are back to square one. Is better for game companies to settle with SAG-AFTRA now than later.

2798d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yay, I love it when unions help the workers to get good working and paying conditions. If only game developers had a union; then working as a game developer would be great. No more fear of seeing the game studio go up in smoke or forced to become an indie game developer. .....

2798d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thank you corporate slave. On PC the user buys news parts and there is improvements. The user buys a new GPU it gets better frames, resolution and able to enhance the game visually despite game developers interference. In contrast with the PS4 Pro is not scalable like a PC 😵. Game Developers must put extra effort, time and money to manually improve the game. On PC they do not.

2800d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Man, finally someone with intelligence anf facts. Why pay $400.00 for the PS4 Pro if only a couple NOT ALL titles are going to benefit from the extra power. That is the beauty of PC; by installing a new GPU or CPU there is improvements to the game 😎

2800d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

If is too underpowered, then why charge $400.00 for it. You just proved that Sony is ripping gamers off and gamers love it

2800d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

No native 4K on PS4 Pro. Is a minor upgrade. Man just get a PC, stop letting Sony tell gamers what is good or bad for gamers

2800d ago 2 agree20 disagreeView comment

Then really the PS4 Pro fails as a mid gen cycle console upgrade. The PS4 should of been capable of running all of its AAA games at Native 1080p 60 frames per second. The fact that console gamers accepted less than that it hurt gamers as a whole.

2800d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

On PC this game will run at native 4K 60 frames per second on these types of specs:

Skylake intel i5 or i7
8gb of DDR4 RAM
Nvidia GTX 1080 or Titan X

2800d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment