
CRank: 5Score: 73590

I do not argue that Microsoft should have not done the xbox platforms. Sadly but true the original xbox was and still is better than the xbox 360. The original xbox managed to get Quality Immersive Innovating games like Siberia, Star Wars knights of the old republic franchise, Jade, Fable, Crimson Skies, Oddworld franchise, it started the project gotham and forza franchises, even Halo. Personally Microsoft would of been far ahead if they have waited now before you say I am wrong think about i...

5326d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect 2 and Final Fantasy 13 are games but Heavy Rain is an interactive movie experience that breaks away all videogame rules like repeating the scene over and over and no game over screen, no silly dialogue, etc. It proves that the interactive movie experience is the next step for gaming.

5327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Perhaps because Heavy Rain doesn't follow game rules like repeating a scene over and over. No death screens, every choice has a consequence. Above all else is an interactive movie experience.

5329d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Could you please tell me what is so special about metacritic. A score is a number end of story. I agree that Mass Effect 2 is a great game; however, Heavy Rain is an interactive movie experience.

5329d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heavy Rain may have a more emotional impact towards gamers in regards that it doesn't follow game rules more like real life rules.

5329d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No heavy rain is not about QTE events. QTE events are quick actions that if you miss the button prompts you have to repeat them over and over. That is not Heavy Rain it does have the QTE layout; however, if you miss one of the button prompts it does lead to something different whether is talking to a person or fighting another person. For example in the fight against the dude that was about to abuse Claire (the whore of the game, how about that defending a whore)if you miss x or o the abuser ...

5329d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I look at heavy rain as the most original game out there. Not sure the best.

5329d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

3D gaming it only enhances the game experience unless they can pull some sort of virtual reality via 3D gaming+motion control. Now that will be very interesting to see.

5332d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes when it comes to third party games both PS3 and Xbox 360 are equal. Face it there is no major or drastic or significant difference between third party games that are on both systems. The PS3's multiplat games have shorter load times, the visuals are sharper, and the audio is more refined all due to blu-ray format not the cell architecture. The PS3 is very different from the 360 hardware and software wise.

5332d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is unfortunate that third party game developers do not make their games according the specs or the technology behind each system even the PC is not safe. Today's third party games are made universal at the xbox 360 level why because is cheaper it saves them money. Now Sony had the chance to have made it at their own level via its PS3 Linux. I do not know why did Sony put it in the first place if it wasn't going to use it for its advantage now here's a quote from fixstar solutions (the Corpora...

5332d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you finally someone with common sense if I hadn't busted my kneecap I probably would have bought bioshock and infamous oh well. Thus far I have only bought 4 games the multiplat games of this gen are nothing more nothing less than last gen experiences were have to pay for the game pay for the dlc and for 360 gamers pay a yearly fee to play online damn!!!! were does the paying stop.

5333d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I command all PS3 gamers to demand for at least free dlc content. Sorry but Microsoft prohibits free dlc content for xbox live marketplace. If not free dlc we PS3 gamers should demand for the superior version fight back don't allow Capcom to get away with this and to show them rent the game don't buy it unless they meet our demands.

5333d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Again with the bloody scores okay so the PS3 games are in this genre:

Racing-modnation racers, GT 5 in 3D i.e. using 3D glasses
MMO shooter-MAg
Crime/investigation Thriller-Heavy Rain, Agent
Action-God of War 3, Yakuza 3 and 4
RPG-WKC, Resonance of Fate, 3D Dot Heroes
MMO RPGs- Free Realms, DC universe online, The Agency, Final Fantasy 14
Miscellaneous-The last Guardian, the new game from Sony Cambridge studios
Possible games coming to P...

5334d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree but I wish PC games were marketed more; altough, those free flash games are pretty neat and entertaining. Some of these free flash games can be played on the PS3 via its crappy browser using keyboard and mouse. I know I know PS3 was marketed as a game console yet via Yellow Dog Linux only now for PS3 slim via YDL on a stick for $62.00 dollars the PS3 gamer can do everything that a PC can do except play the latest PC games. Emulators, flash based games can be played on the PS3.

5334d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Outside the PC videogame systems are own either by Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. So, digital distribution for videogame systems like Playstation, xbox, or Wii rely on these corporations. Making xbox go digital only would be bad for gamers in how greedy is Microsoft towards its consumers. Sony not so bad but they may only help you once that is bad especially when a gamer gets its account on more than five PS3's they will help you fix the issue once and that's it same with the playstation vide...

5334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did you manage your wife to play videogames. Guess she really likes Uncharted 2 did you guys play co-op mode in that game.

5334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everyone likes shooters and are afraid of innovation that is what makes the xbox 360 a success it relies on tried and successful last gen game experiences. To me PS3 and to some extent PC offer next gen game experiences and boy Heavy Rain finally a true adult movie interactive experience that is intended for mature audiences. Visually speaking it looks better than any game out there, but the story is damn good and moves away from the games regular themes: sci-fi, war, historical, western, act...

5334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You must be new to gaming because Gears of War did not innovate anything okay:

Resident Evil 4 created the over the shoulder camera angle used in today's third person shooters.

Killswitch created the cover system, the blindfire system, the run and gun system.

Gears of War perfected what killswitch started in terms of the fish eye camera angle and the ability to have a running camera that make the action look cool unlike killswitch which look awful. So,...

5335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do agree to a certain degree that good games don't have to be revolutionary; however, enough is enough with fps games seriously does every game needs to be a fps game. I also hate the fact that the vast majority of today's games are last gen experiences. I like the old days that when a revolutionary game came along everybody else will copy or improve upon it not anymore is all fps and more fps games based on war or sci-fi is ridicolous. Okay, if is not a fps game is a sequel or a remake of...

5335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Give credit were credit is due:

Gears of War perfected the cover system

Resident Evil 4d created the over the shoulder camera angle used for today's third person shooters.

The Getaway a PS2 exclusive set the standard for today's games in terms of the health system and free screen clutter.

So please stop giving Gears of War all the credit and the unreal engine is horrible; thus far, today's games look just as good as last gen PC gam...

5335d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment