
CRank: 5Score: 73590

If move is incorporated with 3D then it will bring us one step closer to virtual reality. If it doesnt then it will change nothing. Natal is just an eyetoy 2.0 that is it.

5119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

3D+Move=one step closer to virtual reality. The techno dream of many.

5120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thus far Europe is dishing some pretty sweet games. Technically speaking nor Japan or the west have delivered the best technically advanced game which is crisys from crytek a German game studio. Nor the most innovative game which is Little Big Planet from Media Molecule a England studio. Last but not least the first ever interactive movie which is Heavy Rain from Quantic Dreams a French video game studio. Do not forget Ubisoft which happens to be a French video game company releasing your fav...

5122d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gee whiz who cares who wins E3. What matters most is what each corporation going to deliver to make their respective videogame platforms better and will they deliver what they promised

5123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great predictions hopefully these predictions come true.

5124d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

yes i knew evil bobby kotick was going to be number one as the most hated person in the videogame industry. Activisions next victim is bungie. Patcher he is a joke and for a good laugh not hated.

5124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good article and here are the positives for all videogame platforms even the dreaded PC:


amidst horrible and unreliable hardware, last gen gaming, and lack of innovation. Xbox live is pretty good for everything is one click away. The party system rocks hook up to eight buddies, take them from an online match to watching a movie to listening to music without losing all your buddies is cool. Know what your friends are doing and invite or join their game...

5126d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

curses tournament legends is exclusive to the wii :-(. Overall is alright might rent sonic 4.

5126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well its true what the article stated. Most of the ps3 AAA titles came this year and i am getting impatient for Sony for not fixing its browser. As far as the ratings go well what do you expect Sony will always get the lowest grade. But I read what they say about Microsoft and is true Microsoft deliver what they promised whether is good or not on time. Sony doesnt get over it.

5127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well the PSN network has come along very well. The major disadvantage and advantage is that is up to game developers to decide what PSN feature to use and what PSN feature not to use. That's a disadvantage because of what the article stated and is an advantage due to we get unique online gaming i.e. Metal gear guns of the patriots were cqc, use boxes, porn magazines, etc. Meaning there is hand to hand combat,deceive your opponent i.e plant a dirty magazine to distract your opponent take t...

5127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It did brought a new audience which are people that have never jumped into gaming. Nevertheless its time for Nintendo to bring more complex and epic games, if not then it will be bad for the game industry. Meaning four years is plenty of time for these new comers to the videogame craze to understand and know what gaming is about......

5128d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Is a flambait article nothing more. The xbox 360 supports a virtual keyboard (the keyboard that appears on the tv screen) not usb keyboard and mouse. Unless of course you buy an adapter and mod your 360 lol. Most of the 360 features like windows media center have to be transferred from the pc.

5131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is less and less creative games and more fps that i can shake a stick at. Gaming is getting stale and there is an uphill battle between money making games and original titles.............

5133d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

she is alright not as hot as jessica alba he he he

5133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It surprises me that Microsoft or Nintendo dont buy independent game studios. I thank valve the most they are the true competitors this gen for its state of the art steam account, etc.

5135d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the dev finds it funny how fanboys look at his game stole natal's thunder. He is not calling natal out.

5135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

best of luck to insomniac and bungie. To bungie hopefully they make good IPs and not to allow activision to milk their franchises. To insomniac just show us some great games multiplat or ps3 exclusive. To both show these third party developers how to make great multiplats.

5136d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The economy is bad, California is in major debt with lots of unhappy disgruntled people unemployed. Crappy jobs are a dime a dozen and all the good to excellent jobs have a shitload of requirements, education, community service, the works just to get the bloody job. Okay so games are getting a bit expensive. I say all games should cost $40-50 dollars that seems reasonable for both gamers and developers. Oh what the hell bring cloud gaming and then sell say games for $40-50 dollars that way de...

5139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

$14.00 an hour is for losers damn my friends don't even make that much an hour. They are only making minimum wage. $14.00 an hour is damn good in four hours you are looking at $56 dollars and in eight hours is $112 and in five days is $560. So roughly in five days you are making $500.00 a week and in a month is $2,000 dollars. Man there is a lot of people that wished they made $14.00 an hour............

5139d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man what a horrible gen for game developers. So my shout outs goes to game developers that bring new ideas to gaming or give us the gamers the full game experience. Pretty much these are the only game developers that deserve it:

Naughty Dog
Quantic Dream
Sucker Punch
Media Molecule

5139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment