
CRank: 5Score: 7950

With the slew of other games coming out for the PS3 this year, Lost Planet 2 is the last game on my mind at the moment.

5556d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be so hasty to assume young padawan. GTAIV took us back where? Liberty City. The same LC that we had played in at GTAIII. If they do intend to make a GTAIV: VC then I would expect it to be a current VC like GTAIV Liberty City was.

5558d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bigger install base so of course it will be 360 then PS3 with Wii virtually non-existant.

5559d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I was referring to got deleted by a mod so whatever. However, don't try to thrown out the Metacritic card. Only reason Halo 3 even got that score was from the ridiculous amount of advertising and hype. Halo is no means a bad game but it's definitely not the greatest game ever as most 360 fans like to seem.

5559d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Swayed by a crossfader on the console? Really? This has to be one of the biggest abominations to God and man I have ever seen. It's Guitar Hero with a Beatmania turntable for the scrath and a crossfader on he other side. WHAT THE F*CK. I mean seriously, if you wanted to differentiate yourself from the obviously better Beatmania then you could have done like this one arcade game I can't recall where you basically scratched in time with the cues on screen switch the fader back and forth. It was...

5559d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Because sales = quality right? If that's the case then Halo 3 should be the greatest game of all time according to sales right? Sorry son, things don't work that way.

5559d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Honestly, the whole "360 controller is better HURR DURR" is moot because the PS3 users would just whip out a Keyboard and Mouse. Communication wise, I played Gears of War 2 with my buddy next door (I live in dorms on an Air Force base) and we both used headsets. Is it really that retarded talking to people on Xbox Live? My God, the amount of racist and ignorant things I heard yesterday made me angry, and I'm a Black guy who frequents 4Chan quite alot.

5566d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because PS3 is a piece of hot garbage that should be wiped off of the planet. I mean seriously, who wants a piece of junk that has the best lineup of exclusives for 2009 as of lately and continues to sell even at a higher price?

On another note, I could care less about a price drop because I'm getting a 80GB PS3 tomorrow with 2 controllers for $250. :D

5566d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've played all the old LSL games of old and even played Magna Cum Laude which despite the mini-games like approach had some of the funniest dialogue in a game I've ever played. Since I loved Magna Cum Laude, I'll have to go out on a limb and hope that Box Office Bust delivers the same shtick Magna Cum Laude did.


5566d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Surely you jest. The reason people didn't like MGS2 was because:

1. The main character gets replaced by a at the time "girly, pansy, emo Spy guy" halfway through the game.

2. The plot was so convoluted many fans were thrown off by it.

As for gameplay, MGS2 was a very good game. Open World for MGS5 huh? It could work. Make the game surrounding 3-4 huge areas of operation(curse my Air Force jargon) and given the player the choice to complet...

5567d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you want to realize your dreams and ambitions, you do it on the best available platform given to you. Kojima isn't dumb. He isn't going to go back to the limited hardware and storage capacity of the 360 for his Magnum Opus. Yes, that sounds very inflammatory but it's the truth. Kojima and team realize that the PS3 provides them the greatest opportunity to deliver the greatest visualization of the Metal Gear Solid series. Simple really.

5567d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just going to sit back and hopefully let the megaton roll over me so I can have a Freakazoid moment in my room.

5571d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all, compared to a certain oatmeal cookie faced person, Kojima is a pretty handsome guy. As for the games, he has quite a few he could build off of:

- Metal Gear Solid
- Snatcher
- Policenauts
- Zone of the Enders

Out of all of those games, I would love to see a remake of Policenauts using the PS3 but for all we know it could be a new series all together. This I'm hoping for most of all. Lord knows what kind of craziness sprouts from...

5571d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Yes, Folklore really was an underappreciated exclusive. It had great level and character designs and was a decent game overall. It did suffer a little from repeptitive gameplay but hey, it was a first gen PS3 exclusive so it's decent for that. Agree fully.

5572d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why did I get a disagree for giving someone a bubble? The Xbros are out in full form today. Must be Spring Break...

5575d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I couldn't disagree more, several factors point towards this being anything but the case.

1. This game is a PS3 exclusive in Japan, where it will sell a huge amount.

2. Final Fantasy Vs XIII is a PS3 exclusive.

3. Many Final Fantasy fans had already purchased a PS3 before the multi platform announcement.

Ridiculous statement, and way, way too early to say such a thing, many things could change between now and a years time.&...

5575d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony's pricedrop is overdue and the main reason that the sales haven't been up to snuff since the turn of the economy. However, a MS price drop 6 months after? Microsoft, are you really that desperate to get rid of your refurbished 360s that you have to drop prices AGAIN? An Elite firesale deal would kind of make since but I swear if the price of the Arcade drops not only will it be detrimental seeing as how it's already lower then a Wii and sales are not exactly booming outside of the holida...

5575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Methinks Greenberg is trying to play down the PS3 coming into GDC 2009 and doing a fairly horrible job at it. I don't hate Microsoft but damn it's getting really hard to even like them outside of my computer needs. Then the 360 fans eat up whatever he says like the Gospel. Sheesh....

5575d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good lord, I've never seen so much spin from both sides as I've seen surrounding this game. Yes, the game did not put up Halo 3 like sales but considering the state of the economy and the limited availability in February for KZ2, it did quite well. Not to mention that this is the NPD. The 360fanboys sure love to tote around the NPD but completely forget that the NPD != Worlwide sales. Overall, Sony is just trying to comfort PS3 owners with the news heading into GDC and E3 against an onslaught...

5575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The chances of GeoW3 coming to PS3 is slim to none. However, with all of the good quality exclusives coming out for the PS3 this year, the 360 can keep it for all I care.

5610d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment