
CRank: 5Score: 7950

Microsoft will take the time to ensure that the RRoD fiasco doesn't happen again. I love playing Halo: Reach with my boys and I swear a chill goes down my spine every time I turn it on because I'm afraid it might die on me. Just saying.

4845d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Damn Lee! Don't hurt em! Bub for you!

4845d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The fact that you are championing a multi-platform game to do your dirty work is ridiculous. CVG says it's the best looking game on console. And? It's called an opinion, something that fanboys like to turn into facts when they don't have factual evidence to back anything up. The fact that there are so many disagrees on comments in this story saying anything negative about Crysis 2 proves the immaturity of you fanboys. We all know Crysis 2 is going to be a good looking game, but ac...

4845d ago 26 agree20 disagreeView comment

When your opinion isn't taken seriously because you are a one bubble troll. To make matters worse, you can't respond outside of editing your already idiotic comment. Ouch.

In other news, I'll wait for other reviews before believing the tripe that comes from CVG in the past regarding ALL consoles.

4845d ago 29 agree23 disagreeView comment

Day one purchase.

4845d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm glad you only have three bubbles. That way, you only have 3 times to prove your mental disability.

4846d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Always been a fan of his show and his work. Sadly, I'm stationed here in South Korea so I can only watch his show online. Also, after the earthquake, there might not be a Tokyo Game Show to go to after I move to Japan in June. :(

4846d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

While Crysis 2 is going to be a beast of a game for Crytek's first outing for the PS3, Killzone 3 still sets the benchmark for console FPS at the moment. Anyone saying that KZ3 looks terrible is seriously trolling and just mad that no one agrees with their opinion. I've played it in both 3D and on my own 52" Bravia and in some levels my mouth dropped at the textures and overall presentation of the game. PS3 fanboys need to give Crytek credit for what they managed to do with the P...

4846d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Please stop making me laugh.

4847d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

You want an arcade styled racing game?

Get Shift 2.

You want a realistic driving simulator?

Get Gran Turismo 5.

You guys are allowed to buy both games you know. Don't worry. I won't tell.

4847d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's going to take mass market prices to help sell 3DTVs. People wouldn't gripe about wearing glasses if the TV were the same as a regular HDTV.

4847d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh I get it! You're butthurt form the fact Microsoft tried to profit off of destruction and so like a child mad that his parents grounded him for doing something bad, you are going to get back at us for hurting poor Microsoft?

Absolutely pathetic and disgusting. You shouldn't even be allowed to have access to a computer.

4851d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

is because of it's price and the whole nature of the console. It was a console that revolved around motion control for a fraction of the price. This the reason why it has the sales it does. It has great games but in the end, it is a console for people looking for casual experiences and doesn't match the PS3 or 360.

4851d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

LOL Care to explain why Microsoft keeps releasing mediocre RPGs on the 360 in hopes to spur Japanese interest? Keep acting like RPGs matter on a console whose main audience are frat boys, teenagers, and those "dude-bro" guys you see at the bar high-fiving his buddies for chugging a pitcher of beer.

4852d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I never knew releasing games that your customers want was a bad thing. What people such as yourself fail to realize is that like Nintendo games, Sony's games have long legs. They don't always do blockbuster numbers in the first week and then fizzle out in sales the very next week like some games I can name off the top of my head. If Sony pushes any games back it's because they don't want to overshadow some of their bigger games, not because they are financially forced to do so...

4852d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not trying to start anything but there is a greater variety in the games that the PS3 has compared to the 360. 360 owners went out and bought this multi because that's basically what their new games come down to: multis or Kinect games. Sony however has multiplatform games as well as other exclusives that might entice other buyers. It's not hard to see at all. Just the way demographics work.

4852d ago 22 agree14 disagreeView comment

There's still a chance that Capcom can pull their heads out of their asses and release this as DLC. Make it $19.99 and it will sell just fine. Make it $29.99 on a retail disc and you won't even get half the sales you did with SSFIV.

4852d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Which is why Modern Warfare 2 got smacked to oblivion and back by Uncharted 2 when everyone and their mother was banking on MW2 to win GotY? Go be mad somewhere else. PS3 games get hyped because you know, they are actually good.

4853d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

"At least Sony had it right with making the Trophies seem like you are going for a goal with the levels."

I said seems like. I never said Sony was better. That's your insecurity coming out. Nice try.

4853d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

If all a GS does is inflate your e-peen? At least Sony had it right with making the Trophies seem like you are going for a goal with the levels. With GS, it's just a number.

4853d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment