
CRank: 5Score: 7950

If the site didn't detect my IP as being from America...

5371d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm in the Air Force and at the BX at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas they have a Gamestop inside theirs as well. It comes down to how big the base is and the demand for it.

5376d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but honestly, who cares? So a GURL GAMER got 1000 wins in a row. And? Not news at all.

5383d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

A 2nd controller, the game (the regular edition no less), and another custom edition 360? Please tell me you guys aren't serious? 250GB is the only thing I'm seeing nice with this package but once again, consumers are getting shafted again. Still no Wi-Fi adapter, probably the same XBL Silver, etc. If this bundle gave you 6 free months of XBL Gold, a wi-fi adapter sans the extra controller, then I can justify spending that for this bundle. Yes the bundle will sell to those hardcore enough to ...

5396d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Can you be any more obvious in your trolling? Fact remains that GT5 is the most realistic driving video game to date. Forza 3 is going for the people who like customization in their game. While putting a giant sticker of Batman on the hood of your car might sound appealing to some, some people want actual gameplay and from videos and preview, Gt5 seems to be the right choice for them.

5400d ago 5 agree16 disagreeView comment

You kids are taking this to heart now. Will Halo ODST sell alot when it releases? Of course it will. Most gamers nowadays are slapped in the face with Microsoft's marketing that they can't help but want to play ODST or Halo in general. IMO, I find Halo to be a tired series. Also, the reason people say it's "milked" is not because of how many games came out. It's because of all the marketing that Microsoft tries to shove down your throat. Halo clothes, Halo drinks, Halo anime!? Yeah,...

5400d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played the entire series and the only game to be decent was the first Halo. The 2nd and 3rd were mediocre games hyped up to be the Second Coming. You know what? All these numbers do is prove that point. Of course if you were a 360 owner and a Halo fan, you would disagree.

5429d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The 360's biggest game selling 10 million copies? Who would've seen that one coming? Also, when did we start believing VG Chartz inflated numbers? Not trying to discredit this but Halo 3 isn't exactly the greatest FPS ever.

5434d ago 4 agree35 disagreeView comment

Honestly, I never did like the Splinter Cell series. Before you start saying, "You never played them blah blah" I've played SC1 through Double Agent. It is an ok series but the extreme trial and error like gameplay combined with the so-so storylines just don't make this as memorable a story as MGS is. I will praise it for its graphical capacity but honestly the PS3 can handle this game. If it can handle KZ2 then Conviction should be a cakewalk. Hell if the PS3 can handle Uncharted 2...

5514d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF Armin van Buren is getting his own Wii game? I need a link to this information.

5515d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope you were being sarcastic because if you weren't, that is really sad.

5518d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes it looks like India but remember Jade and the crew aren't even in the same galaxy as Earth. Also if any true fan of BG&E saw was the crane on the back of a RED GREEN AND YELLOW HELICOPTER. Oh yeah, wherever they are the Mamago boys are helping.

5526d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I went yesterday and most of the good stuff was already picked clean for PS3. I managed to get Rock Band and SCIV though. So I bought a PS3 wireless Les Paul at Gamestop later during the day when I went to find a SFIV fightstick and got one. However, when I got home and found out it was recognized, it was to my much dismay to find out Activision blocked the f*cking patch to le let people play GH guitars on Rock Band. So does any onone know if Gamestop will take back the controller since it's ...

5538d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's a whole lot of wishful thinking but I'll stick to the story at hand.

Shipped. Teehee.

That is all.

5542d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Gonna have to disagree with that Mae. The whole point of this parry is to reward the player with the speed and skill to predict a move of a character and negate that damage entirely. Parries do add depth because in a split second from a parry, your mind has probably raced through several options on what you or your opponent needs to do to gain the upper advantage. People who play the "Fireball Trap" game are then forced to actually think of what to do without throwing out random Had...

5542d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As inflammatory and asinine as that comment was, the only reason they sold out as fast was the price of the refurbished consoles. Did you think people bought another 360 because they're such "loyal fans?" Get your head out of your ass. God knows it's probably been up there too long.

5546d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

is no longer a PS3 exclusive. It was made multiplat a while back. Not like it matters considering the mass attack of games coming soon.

5547d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You 360fanboys make me sick. Why is it only when the NPD swings in their favor every now and then, it's like the 2nd coming of Christ? I'm a Sony fan who doesn't get caught up usually in the fanboy hooplah but the comments from the 360fanboys are not only childish but just sad. Besides, if I didn't have anything to play I would be buying every multifplat well. eyfhav

5548d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

LOL I understand that FFVII was most of N4G's first RPG but it's no reason to get upset just because your beloved RPG isn't really as great as people want to think. There are plenty of other games that could be remade. Jesus, FFVII alone has 3 side games and a movie to boot! Let the game die!

5556d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Let it die. FFVII at the time of its release was an amazing game on a scale no one had seen before. Now, the game has been praised as the greatest game ever when really, it was a decent RPG by today's standards. As cool as a FFVII remake would be, is it really worth all the hoop-lah for? Now a remake of FFVI for the PS3 would be amazing.

5556d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment