
CRank: 5Score: 8090

The agenda is anti-EA, anti-xbox,anti-ms...
They shouldn't be mad at anyone but Sony for trying to monopolize their own ps plus service and taking away choices before the gamers even get a chance to weight in.

Sony showing their true colors and unveiling the true power of their console. It has transformed into the paystation.

3696d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

2014 : Sony announces DayZ will come to PS4.
2015 : Sony doesn't mention DayZ @ E3 or Gamescom
2016 : Sony doesn't mention DayZ @ E3 or Gamescom
2017 : Sony doesn't mention DayZ @ E3 or Gamescom
2018 : Article surfaces asking where is DayZ and Last Guardian
2019: Asteroid destroys Earth

3696d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

After all the time this game has been alpha I highly doubt it will ever get officially released. May go down as a huge blunder by Sony dealing with early access games

3696d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wonder how many sales Destiny will get in general. They said only 1.5 million people beta tested the game and that was after it was open beta out of the 15 million next gen owners. Im not sure if there was an open beta on the PS3 & xbox 360 but if they were then that isn't very good numbers for an open beta on 4 platforms that was free for almost a week.

3696d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Article is right both systems use 7000 series GPU's and the number of shaders on each GPU is close enough you really wont see too much difference in performance gains with console level optimizations. Which to describe console level optimizations in terms or what kind of power that means is equivalent to 2 7000 series gpus in crossfire about 50%. Hence before dev kits for either console they had pc kits that had crossfired gpus in them to simulate the console level optimization.

3707d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

To your point of why shouldn't PS offer it for free... Your right through the whole life cycle of PS3 they gave away free online multiplayer. Now you have to pay to play.During the whole life people said Xbox gamers were stupid for paying to play online.

Now its okay to pay for PS+ and with Sony gouging people for more money for older games that you can get at gamestop for $10 or less by charging half that to play it for 4 hours.

@Brien Sony previously offer...

3707d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't get the comparison to PS+ and EA Access. If anything its comparable to PSNow except its a subscription based and right now only a single publisher.

PS+ is comparable to Xbox Live because they are online subscriptions services offered by console manufacturers to play online.

I think $30 a year to get EA's games easily pays for itself if your a sports enthusiast. And with Dragon Age coming age coming soon it offer people a chance to play it for ...

3708d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sad Bungie would knowingly lie and keep wages owed to a employee that has been working for them for so long. Good for him but it should have never gone that far.

I wonder if this is a sign of how they will treat their customers.

3717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love it when an article tell me that I should be excited for something I care nothing for.

Another article for sheep.

3718d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

Just rewatched the CoD Ghosts Trailer. The reviews it flashes were very misleading. If the game was half as exciting as the trailer it would have worth the money.

3722d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

See your projecting your feelings about yourself onto me.

I am not like you nor did I scan an article... I watched the trailer and what I saw was literally mass effect... go play mass effect on last gen and try to pretend like it looks different.

3725d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I watched the video... I have 2 eyes and 2 ears and my very own opinion and that opinion is it looks exactly like mass effect...

3725d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony trolls same old line 50% more power yet it never translates into a truly better looking game or 50% extra fun or 50% more brain power for them.

Sony fans every one knows if you want the best graphics get a PC. If you want a regular old gaming console then get a PS4. If you want a gaming console that does more then just play a circular disc then get a XB1.

If you want me to read your message then you better find where I live and send it to me via pony expres...

3725d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

Looks like mass effect 3 on xbox 360. Isn't this supposed to be a next gen game? I don't see where the hype is coming from.

3725d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sniper Elite 3 is a horrible game to compare the 2 consoles as the game regardless is a steaming pile. They have on their web page flaunting a rating of 8.2 by IGN.

I want to say lets wait for the new COD before people get into specs as all I ever see is how COD is going to be graphically superior to the last game and its a multiplatform so then 1 year after release of both systems we have a standard model for how the consoles match up.

By no means is COD an...

3728d ago 1 agree26 disagreeView comment

The lesson in life isnt give the people what they want... you have to give them what they need.

I am not saying XB1 is what the developers needed as of right now both systems have hit the same threshold. But in 2-3 years will the benefit of a straightforward standard pc model console payoff? Or does the XB1 have something up its sleeve that will change the momentum of console gaming?

This is my perspective from the outside looking in not a console war. I don...

3730d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh boy your delusional. Watch dogs was downgraded for parity on pc and consoles but people found the evidence of what Ubisoft did.

Every game that has released on PC the counterpart on PS4 has been the equivalent of low/medium graphics on pc.

There isn't a game on XB1 or PS4 that looks better lighting wise, FPS, Resolution,or even has the same long term playability as members of the PC community create mods and addons that the devs could have done.

3730d ago 3 agree18 disagreeView comment

RT-N66U firmware been great for me and I have owned like 6 different routers. Its not a AC router but seriously firmware makes or breaks a router... if the company making the product cant put together a stable firmware then the unit is basically trash

3740d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bet its no RT-N66U which is easily one of the best routers on the market.

3740d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

more console war flamebaiting articles for webpage hits so they can get that $.

3741d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment