this is why I have only 1 bubble


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Not just to play a demo, but the Xbox 360 has a lot of quality games, years and years worth. Definitely worth picking up for more then the demo.
Also, new 360 users get their first month of XBL for free. Just use a new Hotmail account when you sign up.

$150 would get you a refurbished 360 and probably 4 or 5 games. Not too shabby. Be a little more open minded, not like we actually work for these companies. Were gamers, were supposed to just have fun gaming, Remember? ...

4995d ago 17 agree7 disagreeView comment

Well I play a lot on Gamebattles, so we use different accounts there. I have a Jap and EA PSN as well. Also I use a separate account so I could use bayonet only on COD WaW, separate account once I got good at MW2 ect.... So it's easy to really get a lot of accounts going.

4995d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant wait. People who are complaining should just pick up a cheap 360, it has solid games and that way, nothing is exclusive to you. Like how I have the best of all worlds, 360, PS3 and Wii. Were gamers people, not Sony, Microsoft Businessmen.

4995d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment

I personally have 12 PSN accounts. Almost everyone I know has at least 5. Considering there are more people on average playing Halo 3 then all of PSN, I can see why people are suspect of the numbers Sony is throwing out there.

Also, I hate repackaged PS2 games or any last gen game for that matter. We should be able to play via backwards compatibility. Now I'm no Sony or Microsoft fanboy, but if it's fine for people to dislike Microsoft for charging for every little th...

4995d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

I still have four of the five games listed here.
I actually preferred NBA Jam on the Sega Genesis though. There were a couple of Castlevania games that were really nice on the SNES!

4995d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was also in the Beta, I think the game improved some areas over KZ2, but I don't believe the game is going to compete with the likes of Call Of Duty anytime soon.
Personally I cant get next to a game that is a shooter that lacks the ability to go prone. At least that's not what I look to in a realistic style shooter. I also am not a fan of the environments that I've seen so far. I guess Killzone just wasn't my thing, but I will say for anyone to call Killzone a "...

4995d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant wait to pick up this controller! Been waiting a very long time.

4995d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I knew Gears wouldn't die with the third game. Too much backstory and too much story in general to tell. I'll buy it no matter if it's a prequel, sequel, Kinect version ect... Love the whole Gears series. Gears Of War was the original reason I bought an Xbox when it released. Glad they are still cranking out fantastic games.

4996d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This wasn't a bad list. I could see a new Perfect Dark, Kameo or Lost Odyssey this year sometime, mostly because they were rumored last year and even the year before. Also with all the talk of Halo CE HD remake I'm sure we'll probably see that as well.
I already saw an article on Metro 2034, so we know thats in the making, Alan Wake 2 which is something I'd really look forward too, probably wouldn't come out till next year sometime.

I know Sony has...

4996d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

It was universally acclaimed on every platform. It was my personal Game Of The Year in 2010. Simply brilliant.

4996d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are both good games, but for me I prefer games with online modes. God Of War is a bit short and their is no replay value. There has also only been two Gears games, with the third due later this year.

I mean why argue which is better just because they both spell out GOW? It's a dumb reason for an article.

4998d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

This could be a prequel or Kinect title. I'm going to say Kinect as Cliffy B has a great relationship with Microsoft and has stated he loves Kinect.

While I bet it was too late to get Kinect support in Gears 3, I bet it would have been easy to use the Gears 1 or 2 engine for a new Kinect game.

With titles like Ghost Recon, Forza 4 and now possibly a Gears title, looks like the whole "Casual" tag thrown on Kinect can now be thrown out the window....

4998d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Kinect games I own aren't awful at all. Dance Central, Kinect Sports, Kinect Adventures, all of those games scored well and more importantly are an absolute blast to play.
People who have never tried Kinect or just hoping that it fails because it's Microsoft need to get over themselves. They are just games people! game for us all to either buy and enjoy or not, but there is no sense in arguing over it or numbers or any of that.

4998d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know I am enjoying mine. I will say that all games are casual fun. Isn't that why we play them? It's like if you don't have a game that requires a sweatband and Gatorade next to your chair then all of a sudden it's "Casual gaming".
Gaming is all casual and all for fun, so play what you want and what you like and don't worry about what someone else likes or considers "Hard core" or "Casual".

I will never let someone ...

4998d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure why people are upset over such a small number as far as reviews go.
Who really cares about reviews anyway? I mean most of us know the types of games we want to play and most of us have an idea of the games were going to buy beforehand.

I will say to those tauting "graphically better" I've seen comparisons and they look about the same, sometimes the shading is better on the 360 and sometimes the lighting is better on the PS3 version. Graphics don&...

4998d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't we already know which is better? Pretty sure we all got that message loud and clear. To each their own however.

4998d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually you can get Gears 1 used for $4.99 at Gamestop and Gears 2 for $9.99. The DLC for the all Fronts is pricey however.
Thats one of the things I love about the Xbox 360, you can buy used games for it cheaply, I mean $65 will get you a ton of games.

4998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice deal, I know quite a few people will be interested in this. They have done a lot to fix Gears 2 online recently, I might pick it up just to have in my collection.

On a side note, The Gears games while owned by Epic have a agreement with Microsoft, much like the one with Bioware and Mass Effect 1, which can never be released on another console. So the Gears franchise much like Halo is Microsoft based. Also, Epic and Cliffy B are huge Microsoft fans. Doubt they'd ever ...

4998d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought it new about a month ago, I think it's amazing. I am pretty sure it's around 1 million sold or something close, so it's not like nobody bought the game. Also I read somewhere here that Alan Wake was one of the most pirated Xbox 360 games. With near 2 million people pirating it.
It had to have picked up some steam lately with it winning Time Magazines Game Of The Year and several other awards. I only paid $29.99 for it new and it came with the free DLC. Here's...

4998d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, for the reasons I stated, the competition is really limited in games with dedicated servers.
Check the GB teams for Black Ops which has around 12 thousand teams signed up on the Xbox 360 ladders, while games with servers have hardly any teams, Battlefield Bad Company 2 would be a prime example, less then 100 teams signed up.

You look at any game that uses dedicated servers and it'll be a ghost town.

4999d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment