

CRank: 5Score: 19950

Uh, no shit?

3867d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, this is the biggest double edged sword ever for me. Yes, I want GTA V right row, but when it does come out I'll be back in class. That's the worst part of it all. GTA V when schools back in session? Ugh.

3972d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It seems the tides are turning on N4G. Interesting.

3979d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Come on guys? How does he "confirm" it? He said one word in his reply to a tweet and everyone acts like it's the word of god.

3993d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Actually, you know what the day one patch is for? The difference in the manufacturing process. Some consoles will be made months before others and they'll all be released at the same time. They need to updated each console to the latest firmware. There will also be a one time activation. It's not the remove the DRM features. It's kind of how the Wii U had a day one update, most likely for the same reason.

4000d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh, you only care what it plays not how it looks and that many people agree? Yet everyone's bad mouthing the Xbox One for how it looks.

4044d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everyone acts as if Microsoft shifted from games entirely and made a set-top box for TV only. Xbox One plays games just like the PS4, and don't forget that the PS4 will do other things than just play games.

But Sony gets a free pass right?

4045d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Looks like I'm skipping NHL 14 then.

4045d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember when Sony neglected to show their console? Many people were saying how they don't care what the console looks like. Double standards when it comes to Microsoft. Sony is glorified, Microsoft is hated: The N4G way.

4045d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sony has not confirmed or denied there being an activation code for the PS4. They only said it won't blocked used games, just like the One doesn't.

4045d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

- The 360 is weaker than the PS3 and how has that turned out? It's been about the same for both consoles through this generation. PS3 has had beautiful exclusives, but when it comes to multiplatform games it's been dead even.

- Although Kinect is required to be plugged in, you can still use the controller to control the console.

- It wasn't confirmed whether there will be an activation code with the PS4, only that it won't block used games an...

4045d ago 0 agree16 disagreeView comment

When Sony tried to do this and did it in Japan with it's PSX (PS2 + DVR) it was all fine and dandy; although the console was never released outside of Japan since it failed. PS4 will probably have similar features, as their conference was all about the games but it's obvious it will be more than that since the PS3 has multimedia features. When Sony announces their own multimedia features it won't be looked upon as badly as it is when Microsoft does it.

It was alre...

4045d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

Do you think Microsoft Would actually go through with this? They've got to have people working for them that see these stories posted here, IGN, reddit and other sites. Every site I go to that posts stories related to always online has a comments section that's in an uproar about this. I don't think Microsoft would throw themselves under the bus like that.

4092d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The logic on N4G is so messed up, glad I don't come around often anymore. Looks like the PlayStation fanboyism hasn't changed. Boohoo, PlayStation and their fans are so oppressed by gaming sites!

4120d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

The worst part of blocking second-hand games is that older games are so much harder to come by new. Buying used games is what's helped me find and play older games I never bought when they were first released.

4147d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

paid DLC? the fuck i hope not

4321d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

news for gamers - where you go to read people's opinions on gaming

4359d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

After spending 60 hours on this game in the week that I got it I just had to do this. I felt I was beginning to spend too much time on this game, and although it's great, it's gotta end at some point. I don't want it to drag on forever. This exploits helped me explore enchantments and armor creation I would have probably never been able to. I know some people will look down upon such exploits, but I just want to have fun with this game.

4591d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Halo 4 is coming out next year. Having a new XBOX come out at the same time wouldn't be smart for them unless it were a launch title for that system and not on XBOX 360.

4592d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm 12 years old and what is this?

4604d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment