
CRank: 5Score: 21160

Wow...I just barfed in my mouth reading that trash...

6039d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow....MS isn't playing around. Even if you're a fan of the ps3 this price cut is enticing for the odd game you'd want on the 360 (ie Gears or Fable).

6039d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thank you for being one of the reasonable people on this site. People see this and think MS is desperate. I think its fantastic as it forces Nintendo's and Sony's hand. You think if the PS3 was selling out at $599 that we would've ever got the $399 version? I mean we would've seen one eventually but not as quick as it happened. With the companies duking it out it benefits all of us. MS has to lower the price because of all the positive Sony news as of late plus in preparation for GTA 4. The w...

6040d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This website is now called News 4 Sony gamers. In my opinion its right beside the sony defence force.

6040d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Am I the only person here who has a problem with putting $400 and casual gaming in the same sentence? History has always shown the magic mark for the "casual" demographic is $200. The ps2 is a prime example of that. No one is saying the ps3 does not have the features to appeal to the casual demographic. The problem is the price. That is also one of the key features as to why the wii is doing well.Its price tag is not big.

6040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love my 360 far more than my ps3. However there is no denying how poorly it was designed. And I disagree with the 70% failure rate. I believe they're all bound to fail. The reasons why the others (launch and early versions) have not failed is because their kept under better than normal circumstances (not in a cabinet, a cool area, seldomly used). The new versions should have a sharp decrease in failure rates but overall the design of the 360 was not tested and implemented properly.

6041d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

and ppl disagreed with your comment...wow...

6042d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS messed up big time with this guys console, however, its hard to deny them and say they didn't try to make up for their mistake.

6042d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Don't bother. This is an official Sony site...

6043d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I can't believe that people are disagreeing with you. The sony fans disgust me with their denial. I can openly admit that 360's hardware quality sucks, halo 3 disappointed and DVD9 isgoing to limit the system. Why cant ppl admit that live isbetter than psn? The only goodthing about it is its free. Cause Godknows I wouldn't pay a penny for that horrible service.

6043d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Quite a bit actually. Whether its doing private chat while my buddy plays another game or easily sending invites live is the better online experience. You guys can all disagree for all I care. Just because a chunk of you are brainwashed by Sony you're not gonna get my vote. As of right now Liveis better. When Home arrives then maybe my opinion will change. But AS OF NOW Live is better thought out. And before any of you say im a fanboy please feel free to add meon both live and PSN: kingkongja...

6043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you re-read my commentIclearly said the services as they stand right now. I know psn is getting better but as of now Live isbetter. If you can't handle that comment then you're in denial.

6043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously...if you can sit here and tell me that PSN is a better service than Live with a straight face then you are a fanboy. I shouldn't have to justify that but unfortunately that's what it's come to. Yes PSN has a bunch of features in the pipeline and when that time comes we can then review it. As of now, Live >>>> PSN. And despite all the crying I hear on this website, I'd rather pay $60 a year and get the features of live than to get half the features of psn for free.

6043d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I love Halo but I dunno if I can back them on this one. As disappointing as the visuals were no one can deny the lighting in the game. I thought it was fantastic.

6044d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

.....let me get this straight. When VGChartz shows the PS3 ahead of the 360 its all "PS3 FTW!!!!", "We told you the giant has waken up!!!!", "The 360 is officially dead!!!!". But when they show the 360 ahead of the ps3 it's "oh Vg Chartz is not accurate anyway..." or "Why is this flamebait always being posted???". Honestly, how I can stomach the hypocrisy on this site is amazing...

6044d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

SMH @ Microsoft even responding to that piece of trash of an article. Sony fans were even questioning it and that says alot.

6045d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I've just about thrown up enough from all the fanboyism on this site. Its digusting. And if you read the gamepro article and just from a logical standpoint not see the inconsistencies of what the writer was saying then you're a fanboy as well...Why can't everyone appreciate games looking good on both systems???

6049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some how each and every one of you got so offended about your beloved ps3 you missed this point I said:

"Granted there are alot of things that can happen (price cuts, blockbuster games, etc)."

As I've said it before, I hope the ps3 is willing to die for you guys cause some of you sure do sound you're willing to die for it...

6051d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Rough calculations in my head. If the ps3 continues to outsell the 360 by 50k each week then thats 2,600,000 units a year. If the 360 is at 18 million and the ps3 is at 11 then it would take about 3 years for it to catch up. In addition, that's if the 360 doesn't sell anything. Granted there are alot of things that can happen (price cuts, blockbuster games, etc). SHould be interesting to see what happens from here on out. I own both systems so Im quite happy.

6051d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Maybe its just my ps3 but I cannot recommend the ps3 as a blu ray player. I can hear when the fan comes on to cool the unit which is fine, but when stage 3 comes on? Wow. It's far too loud and stays on far too long. At this point I have the vent in my room closed, the window open to have cool air in the room and my ps3 out in the open. I thought it was just my system but if you google it there is a fair share of other ppl who are experiencing this problem as well. Granted there are alot of pp...

6052d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment