
CRank: 5Score: 21160

Congrats buddy

6287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

His comments were interesting about working on other consoles...

6287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you Bladestar. I don't even have to comment after what you said. Well put...

6288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Which goes back to what I've always been saying, play whatever you like best and who cares what others think. I personally love halo and to this day still play halo 2 on live. Im getting my ps3 shortly and will enjoy the games on there as well. However, no matter what games drop on 360 or ps3, halo will always be my fav regardless of how it looks. It plays amazing, the gameplay is balanced and the online experience is stellar. And now that I can shut up annoying 12 year olds it got even bette...

6288d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

As soon as the price drop comes I'll get a ps3. For now, I simply cannot justify it...

6288d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If that pic was in game then WOW....That pic looks almost as good as the getaway.

6289d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I keep wanting to say MGS 4 will be a ps3 exclusive but I don't like the way Konami is not confirming it. They're giving very "dance around" answers which seems to be leaving the door open for it to make it jump on the 360. I was planning to get a ps3 for sure soon but if Killzone is a flop (I doubt it) and mgs 4 is announced for 360 then Im holding off on the purchase. Halo 3 is more than enough to tie me over till more titles come over.

6290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMFAO @ Caffman's comments

6290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im a 360 owner but far from a fanboy. This is one of the rare times that someone actually understands why things work the way they do. *Post above* Sorry PS3 owners, I think you guys are getting upset at the wrong ppl. You should be mad at Sony. The PS3 is a fantastic machine, however, it is not nearly as easy to program for as the 360. Sony should've done a better job at providing tools for developers to work with. As noted above, developers will churn out the best product based on time and ...

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its only one flaw but its the flaw which ruins this article lol Excellent point you make.

6294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Couldn't have said it any better myself. There's too much hype around Halo that the japanese can't ignore. However, don't expect anything to save the 360 in Japan. And not to open up a can of worms or anything but who the hell really cares what Japan thinks? North America and Europe are far bigger markets. Yes I know their history with gaming but the way everyone talks about Japan is like they're the God of Gaming. As far as Im concerned, emphasis should be placed on North America and Europe,...

6295d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I hate to sound rude but alot of ppl are not thinking things through. The PS3 price will not drop anytime soon. The console is packed with expensive parts and they cannot afford to drop the price just yet. Please do not compare Nintendo dropping the price of the Gamecube early due to poor sales as the technologies due to their respective times are not even close. Secondly, if ppl start to buy games and consoles start moving, why would sony drop the price just yet? They'd hold off a little lon...

6296d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, its idiots like you who give the ps3 a bad name...

6296d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Obviously it wont be able to match the CGI trailer, I stated that in my original post. Remember Motorstorm was the same way, it didnt match the original trailer shown but it was close and the game ended up looking beautiful. But really, I dont care if the game doesn't floor anyone. Halo for me has always been the sweet sweet sweet feeling of rolling up behind someone and gun butting them for a kill or seeing them run by and sniping them for an instant kill. If KZ2 looks better and even plays ...

6297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dunno, to me things just don't add up. KZ 2 i'm sure will look good, I just hope that its "fun" factor is high. As for Halo 3, It makes no sense that Bungie shows the multiplayer beta and absolutely nothing from the campaign and take the level of criticism they took about the look of the beta with virtually no responses. Bungie has something up their sleeve and i think they'll unveil it at E3. If you read the bungie weekly updates, they damn near are floored by the way the game is...

6297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

*blows dust off PSP* lol

6298d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess it comes down to value for everyone. Im 26 and have a fairly decent paying job. Im quite satisfied with the Xbox Live service and for me $50 for the year is more than fair. I mean we're talking about $400 and $600 consoles plus $50 per game. If you can't afford $4.17 a month for Live then maybe you might have to pick up a new hobby...

6298d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm very interested to see how killzone turns out. I'm 200% certain it won't look as good as the trailer. I know it'll look fantastic but that trailer was too ambitious for this generation, maybe next for sure. I think you're gonna see something along the lines of a motorstorm. Not as good as the original trailer but pretty close.

6298d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the ppl who keep saying this is Halo 2.5 and the graphics are a little better you are going to be for a rude awakening come E3...I'm not sure have it will measure up to Killzone in terms of presentation(My opinion, killzone will look a little better)but this game is going to be beautiful. Think about it for a second, Halo is Microsoft's golden cow there is no way the game is going to ship without it looking nothing short of spectacular. And if you think the game is going to look like the ...

6301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im a 360 owner but ill defend the ps3 here (I've never understood why ppl on this site can't enjoy both systems for what they offer). I dont ever recall a launch system with alot of good games in the first year. Alot of ppl are bashing the ps3 when the 360 didn't have a lot of games, neither did the wii (and they still don't), and not to mention most other past systems (Dreamcast, ps2, xbox etc). Its the playstation, the games will be coming, no one can deny that. If you can afford both the 3...

6302d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment