
CRank: 5Score: 9420

The NGP just keeps impressing me more and more!We know the graphics are going too be epic, but I want to hear more about the 3G/4G coverage and cost. Thats the main reason I would buy one, multiplayer on the go.

Dice engine (BF3) > CE3

4965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats a good thing right. The PS3 is only getting into its stride, just like the PS2 did in its 4-5th year in its cycle!

I would pefere to wait until 3D technology has improved, internet speeds have increased etc...

Dont rush Sony I can wait, Microsoft I feel wont rush either they have Kinect and I hope have learnt from their mistakes this Gen.

4969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does this banning mean that all hackers will eventually will get P***ed off with having to buy new consoles or is it just a soon too broken security measure too hold off a little bit bit longer before it HACKED agsin!I FUCKING HATE HACKERS AND CHEATERS!Get a real job or give up gaming coz your onviously shit

4989d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It may look fake, but thats what we thought about the Beta Killzone 2 footage at EA 09 (I think its 09),the GG games KZ2 gameplay footage. that ended up shiting on their finished aplha. And ended up improving what at that time was impossible!
I believe the PSP2 (NGP) can produce near PS3 graphics (At least 360 GRAPHICS) becuase thats just how SONY Rolls (FULL STOP).....As long as it costs £199.99 NO more then I will consider buying anymore then Im just gonna have too wait, but to...

4989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im properly one of the 1% of people that grinded though the first half of the game too the lower world (cant remember what its called) and started to really enjoy FF13. The battle system was great and the Cie stone mission and big bosses were brilliant, and the graphics were very well done. I have high expectations for FFvs13 and FF13-2!

But more importantly bring KH3 too the PS3 SquareEnix and will be a very happy man

5003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a sad day for gaming :(

5003d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They need to start banning hacked consoles. Even though the MW2 hacks are quite impressive but that game was crippled from the get go.

Why make other peoples experiences playing online S*it just to get yourself off being number 1..Just get better and then you can enjoy true victory

5003d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really cant see this being true...Anyway we haven't seen the true potential of the PS3(Beast) yet!But really how can something that small be as powerful!I can see it being maybe like a PS2.5!If im wrong I am more than happy to eat my hat (Because I dont owe one lol)!

One wish for the PSP2 other than being a reasonable price, is 4G support so we can play online without the need of Wifi

5003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is one of many reasons, I'm not getting Black Ops!I'm currently in the KZ3 Beta and never going back to this noob infested bollocks. Especially when those greedy fuckers are trying to sell it for 42.99 at my local asda at the moment (Preorder)!Cod:MW was great....Cod:MW2 Average (But getting abit boring now)....Black Ops properly better but same old shit!

5081d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone else waiting on a Key...Im still waiting :( I may have to kill my boss for keeping me late at work on the 19th (No Joke)!
Anyone else think they are just sending the codes out slowly not to overload the servers all at once....I was hoping that I was getting my code when I saw the theme was taken off the day after, I thought they removed it after the first 10,000 downloaded it heres hoping or im gonna be on the News tomorrow night, holding my boss off the office balcony bargaing...

5083d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im hoping your right PhoenixDevil, I had work until 9pm but managed to download before it was taken off....Well we will all find out laterz.

5083d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

3DTV's are 10x (Dare I say 100x) better than that at the cinema..I went to my local Comet shop and asked for a demonstration, I was amazed at the clarity/depth and the overall picture quality...At the cinema the picture is dulled by the glasses and it still seems fuzzy, but the 50" Samsung I was shown had brilliant colour and the 3D was crystal clear no blur effect at all (Must be the difference between the cheaper and more expensive shutter glasses)

Dont be fooled b...

5125d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this still Pre-Alpha because I'm blown alway with the visuals that was uber-friggging-epic..Most importantly the gameplay and fluent mechanics seem to have vastly improved upon KZ2!Day 1 purchase for me (May have to be a midnight launch even)!This game is pretty much the only reason I will get a 3Dtv next year. Already preordered Move (Starter bundle and Nav controller) for friday Yessss christmas has come early for me.

5125d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did I miss something did M$ wave the white flag or something, and decided to rally the troops for another onslaught against the impenetrable fort that is Sony's PS3 :)!Kinetic will be massacred by the move, I mean who wants to pay $150 for lagfest shovelware and look like a tit playing it. Yessss I love my PS3

5129d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Samsung are releasing a 40" Plasma 3D Tv next month for under £1000, considering I paid £1,500 for my current 38" LCD Tv a couple of years ago, I think the pricing are very reasonable for the first year release. Only reason I haven't got one now is that the Tv's out are too big for my room

5142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know I bought the best console, Thanks for verifying IGN!Even though PS3 exclusive is enough evidence I need

5142d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both look superb. I would like too know what rage is running on because its hard to believe an open world game could look that good on 360/(Mayb possibly on PS3), Im guessing its running PC in these screenshots.

@zippox Do you want every game to play like COD, because I for one dont I liked the feel of Killzone, Yes it was harder but much more satisfying.

5142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well Activision can F**K OFF then

5167d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really hope the selection of movies arn't as poor as those you can watch online as a Lovefilm subscriber, If it has a wide selection of movies and all new releases then u can definatly sign me up...If not ill stick too lovefilm the service is brilliant

5170d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LED is the way forward, colour and contrast is far superior to LCD and Plasma!I went an demo'd a 40" LED 3D Samsung at my local Comet and I was blown away at how crystal clear the 3D was..It's a 100x better than at the cinema!The only issue I have with 3D content other than the lack of it, Is 99% is just to give the picture depth, I want more things coming out of the screen about to hit me in da face!
I will be purchasing my new tv when 3D blurays come out and the content...

5175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment