
CRank: 5Score: 9420

Its quite different over here in the UK, Coppers cant really do anything and most the time they dont want to because they will be hounded by certain media and nobheads!I have no problem with the PoPo I mean I got busted so many times for carrying weed I cant remember but only got a slap on the wrist.

4701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looter's readyyyy....Police readyyyy, Ohhh shit its the army RUNNNNNNN!
These riots are just idiotic, If you learnt a skill to get work instead of being such lazy bums you could properly afford have that gear ffs!
Give the police the power they need to control the peace. I disagree with guns but maybe Beanbag shotguns, waterguns filled with urine provided by the good people of the community!
I wonder what the comments on here would be if it was M$ building that got...

4701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My God this footage makes me want to get a high performance pc, but im so poor I cant afford to get a setup powerful enough to play this!But I guess ill have to suffice with the playstation version..I so want a PS4 now, I was content until I saw this ffs!I really cant understand why anyone would get MW3 over this cm'n just look at the gameplay its brilliant!
Those blk ops/MW2 fans play BF1943 its so much better!Even tho it has 3 maps (4 if you count the air superority one) EXCUSE ...

4706d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pos......Console........Americ as...Japan..EMEAA..Worldwide
1 ......Nintendo DS.......55.85....32.90..58.98 ...147.73
2..Sony PlayStation 2.....55.98....23.27..64.05... 143.30
3....Nintendo GameBoy.....44.06....32.47..42 .16...118.69
4...Sony PlayStation......40.78....21.5 9..40.12...102.49
5.......Nintendo Wii......42.16....11.68..33.93 ...87.77
6...Nintendo GBoy Adv.....41.64....16.96..22.89. ..81.49
7..........PSP............22. 20......

4723d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The way technology has been advancing so fast, good or bad!I can honestly see VR in the not to distant future maybe 10-20 years!But I feel they need to perfect 3d first next gen with photo realistic graphics.....You could have VR with a normal dualshock we all know how to use it without looking maybe headtrackinb would b nice, we could all burn 2 or 3 more calories per gaminb session

4723d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats a shame because I would put BF1943 in my Top 5 FPS of all time, up there with Counterstrike and COD4!

With BF I love the fact that a game can last upto and past 30 minutes. It really draws you in not like COD where you play 5 mins then wait 30 seconds and repeat!Its quite annoying and I have to some reason play longer on COD to get my FPS fix and usually finish frustrated...Im not shit either i think im 3.00+ KDR!Im pretty sure but add me and then check PSWarlord.

4729d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont shut down BF1943, its my only reason for turning on my ps3 at the moment!That and 42" porn!But i will be busy soon with BF3 UC3 Batman AC just too name a few

4729d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah both will have a fantastic graphically single player. Now wheres my single player demo.

4732d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think I'll be ready next year for a new console, Why not!If you can afford one great, If you cant enjoy your PS3 until you have raised the funds.

I really want to see what it looks like?

4732d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They both look amazing, but personally I think Uncharted looks better in all but one of those pics. That image showing ground textures looks like someone has vomited on the floor. I dont know why all sites decide too use this specific bit of a level to demostrate ground textures for UC3...and Gears has definately up'd their game, but I think there still not quite there.

I may be biased as my name properly shows but personally I haven't really enjoyed the Uncharted Bet...

4732d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I can admit that the ps3 interface is abit dull, but its simplicity makes up for that!Sure theres some hidden shortcuts like Pressing Triangle on Network Management to Sign Out, when you secretly want to play Harry Potter. But overall I personally think think that it has a high end quality interface!Xbox interface is more childish tbh, with avatars etc.
Anyone get the feeling like the PS3 is a test for the PS4, because I hope we dont go tho all these silly minor updates again, Ill b h...

4736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though this trailer sucked major balls, I can say I super excited about this. Hitman is in my top 5 game franchices of all time, Whats with this deja vu effect in this trailer either, I would have perfered to watch half the trailer than teh same thing over and over. Graphically looking much better than the last (which in my opinion wasn't the next gen Hitman, bro had on xbox and it looked like crap)!

Whatz peoples favourite franchices of all time?


4762d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

LoL Their was only one way it was gonna end after wasting 10 minutes of my life on that recycled crap. If anyone is thinking about buying MW3 give me your address and I'll send you my shit and DLC (Deadly life-threatning Crap) for free.

4764d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMFG You can now have a Acog and a red dot sight on your weapon AT ONCE, this is now a day one for me!Thanks for all the hard work activision, nice too know that the 100's of millions is being put to good use upgrading your engines...Douchbags I hope people boycott this and jump over to BF3 where 60 bucks is justified!

Check out the new BF3 trailer guys OMFFFFGGGFGFGFG

4765d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree with above, but the overall quality is shocking,I think they lowered the bightness on the 360 version to hide these God awful graphics !I haven't seen bad graphics like these since....I cant remember. I hope the gameplay is better than the visuals, even tho I wont be getting this.

4792d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uncharted has to be my favorite series created this generation. The story is fantastic and the gameplay even better. UC3 is looking good for even more GOTY awards and well deserved.

Do you reckon the PS3 is finally being maxed out, with games like KZ3, GOW3 and now UC3...There cant be much juice left can there

4827d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think they are both pretty much on par...Why argue which is better, your not gonna get aids if the other is slighty better...Cm'n grow up children.
My logical opinion is the PS3 still images look less blurry (Lush gonna go listen too puddle of mudd after I've had this rant) but what matters is the game in motion and they both look 99.9% identical.
Im gonna definately get this for PS3 because thats all I own. Enjoy the game whatever platform you get it for.

4839d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do agree with mightyboot about the proximity mines...lots of players just seem to be setting loads of em around their spawns den camping..I think personally you shouldnt b able to replenish proximity mines until you die or at least till the last one blows me up lol....But infiltraters are easy to spot keep an eye on radar and your know it them coz theres no dot!
On Topic- I may pick up Crysis 2 for the SP, the MP demo didnt really do it for me....but then again L.A Noire is out soon...

4841d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This truly is a next gen game, in the sense these graphics portrayed in the gameplay trailer aint feasible on the PS3 or the 360!Its a multiplat people...with the 360 holding the PS3 back with its inferior processing and storage capabilities, a multiplat of this magnitude isnt feasible!This footage will only blossom on a super high-end PC worth much more than the experience is worth!PS4 and xbox 720 YES this GEN Noooooooooooooooo

4867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EA says its a Next Gen Game and I think their right. I cant see these graphics being plausable on the current consoles not even the PS3, and especially being multiplat!The video shows graphics far better than anything on ps3 to date even KZ3!
These graphics have to be for PC on steriods!
I would love too be wrong because this video gives me a boner :0!

Battlefield > COD (With the exception of COD4)

4868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment