
CRank: 5Score: 9420

I may be wrong but 4.4 ghz overclocked!1.8 on the ps4, on that price the ps4 seems even more impressive too me now espesically knowing game developers will never take advantage of that power with >1% off people out there willing to buy one of these

3949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a load of salt!Im a fan off innovation, msoft have dropped the ball for next gen. 360 for most off it was on par wi4h ps3 but the last couple years have should their true colours!business is about money and msoft have made that its main objectiveb!ps3 has owned the last 1-2 years, Im a sony fan at heart but if u make a system thats worth my hard earned money (im a chef and work 13 hours a day for fucucuck all)!msoft spend those billions in 1st party developers and make great varied gam...

4118d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whats Black and Screams?

Steve Wonder answering the iron

4167d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How do we pay more!Yes we get discounts which you do pay towards but I guess there's alot of people out their who spend enough to cover that. Personally I pay £29.99 a year and just this year downloaded Just Cause 2 and Darksiders for free I think that's paid for my membership and the online is still free. But like I stated the cloud saves and automatic updates, which I would guess cost sonys for the servers needed to do so. Is a great services. NO PS+ is better value than XBL be...

4268d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have PS+ and the best thing is not just the free games, Its the great features you get too. The Cloud Saves are ace when I head over to mates and the automatic update of all game patches and firmware has to take No1 spot, So freaking handy!Im happy with the service and will continue until otherwise

4268d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Aim assist is what makes COD games. Its the sort of game everyone can master quickly, Some are better than others but that comes down to better reactions (majorly assisted by aim assist) and countless hours and waste of life a small minority put into these games. I haven't bought a COD since the original BLK:OPS, I now play (when I have the time) is BF3, Sure I know it does have aim assist but nowhere near the same degree of COD and I can get my fix in one game, as Conquest or Rush usuall...

4307d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Got the new store design, but cant seem to find the playsstation plus section?Help plz

4354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cheers good to know!I havent tried myself as it not out in uk yet, was just speculating from what i've seen!

4359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I saw a review of the new redesign on CVG and it does look sharp but its seems it has taken a step back in terms off simplicity. It took roughly 30 seconds to startup (which im sure will be quickened in a update soon)!But the steps to download an item has gone from 2 steps to 6.
I like the look, it looks upto date and easy on the eyes but the excitement wont last long. At the end off the day I want to be able to go into the store download what I want and be out within a minute or so....

4359d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not bothered this Gen or X-Gen but I would like to see a come back off classic franchises like; Onimusha, Getaway, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, A matrix game this gen could be amazing!These great and loved franchises havent seen the light of day on current gen and its a shame, I loved these and I'm positive I've missed loadz!

Quick question for xperts on here, Whats the best option for me I have PS3 and want a new TV for 3D (blurays mostly)!Can you recommend any, Im ...

4389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eyetoy came out with ps2 in the the early 90s!Possibly later but dont you think Sony would have spent loads trying to influence VReality!Why you think they have a VR headset coming to market!The thing is 99.9% of us, not just the gaming population know what and when we can do!Even at the moment their is something in the pipeline that will revolutise the future!Unfortunatly it seems to take a world war to speed the process with medicine and tech!!!But the way we are growing I cant see why we d...

4568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find people with depression just seem to play games more!I had depression a couple years back were I spent properly 30-40 hours a week playing games but now definately less than 10!I think the person who wrote this article has/had depressions issues and needs to blame gaming instead of him/herself.

4593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was very close to buying the vita, I was under the impression I was able to play multiplayer online tho the 3g! But turned out that its is only turn based games capable of this! So I think I will wait for a newer 4g model or the new psp! Its a fantastic peice of tech but I have a ps3 to play multiplayer on wifi.Think ill buy that 3d projector ive been wanting for awhile now

4594d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can any1 help?Ive researching online I cant find a solid answer!
I want to get the wifi psvita and want to no if i can tether it tho my samsung galaxy s1 (usin FOXFI APP)!Will all the features work?im currently gt my ps3 tethered to phone, internet browser wrks great, it signs in to psn but wont play games online!it is nat type 3 PLEASE HELP

4595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a gut feeling that this conference will be where PS show something PS4!I think Microsoft will show their their cards at E3, I cant see Sony being as late to the party as they have been this gen!TGS will be quite something for SONY I can feel it in my boner. Hopefully they show pre-render footage like they did for KZ2 and shit of over it with their release title!
What I would like to see with PS4!
- A xbox live invisioned Sony focused online experince (What im saying is ...

4599d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Have played Dark Souls, I really should but I havent got the patience BUT isnt it not a JRPG!

4617d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its true JRPG's have become abit rubbish this gen, but ill alwayz be interested in our slanty eyed friends in the west when in comes to RPG's!I enjoyed FF13, I even got the plat but I can say I enjoyed everyother FF I have played more than 13.
Bring on FFvs13 and please get your act together and make me a kingdom hearts for PS3, Im waiting!The last JRPG I played last gen was dragon quest 8 and it was epic.

4617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just smoked a huge joint and im fucked!What should I do
A)Rape a fox
b)Beat up a chav
c)Go to asda naked
d)stay up all night masterbting until I get at least a 10 k/d ratio on bf3 while obviously both hands being preoqupied
e)Bashing some xbots on

4618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4618d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

BTW I LOVE DB!I have watched every episode!I hope they will continue the story but ONE PIECE is giving me my MANJA fix at the moment!I have tried watching BLEACH and Natura (Ithink its called) but Im not interested!If I see the offical ssi4 I will die happy lol!

4645d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment