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PS4 dominated 2014 without its heavyweight exclusives. This year, with all the exclusives coming, it is going to be even bigger than 2014.

3548d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I doubt it could happen. The only way is if the PlayStation brand goes out of business.

PlayStation is a global brand while xbox is just popular on US and UK and it is loosing on those main territories.

3548d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS4 market is something you can't ignore that easily. Sony has the biggest market share on the console market.

For the good of the game, I think Microsoft did the right thing.

3548d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

The PS4 won in both hardware and software sales. The big PS4 success forced Microsoft to completely change their x1 from their original vision and forced Microsoft to make various price cuts. In fact there, the X1 is the first console in history to receive a price cut so early.

On the other hand, Microsoft has done nothing to stop PS4 momentum.

For me, PS4 was the clear winner of 2014.

3548d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I enjoyed Destiny at first but as the article points out, the game forces you to surrender your life to it in order to keep leveling up and to do so you have to play the same missions and bounties so many times just to repeat an endless cycle.

At the end I realized that Destiny is just about leveling your armor or weapon. That's all you do.

I cannot dedicate my whole gaming time to just one game so I quit Destiny.

3548d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS4 was the best selling console in 2014 in UK, Japan and US.

Wining 1 or 2 months, only on the US, while the PS4 outsold the xbone the whole year worldwide is not something I would call a "turn around".

3548d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is one very important point in all of the PS4 success that the article didn't mention. Apart from the fact that that the PS4 has a truly amazing design, historically, PlayStation consoles start to receive their big wave of exclusives after the first year.

The PS4 is crushing the competition and being a total success without its big heavy weight exclusives. What will happen now that the big exclusives will start arriving? The answer is simple, is going to be an ev...

3549d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How on earth these kind of garbage articles are approved?

I thought there was some king of quality verification before posting articles.

3549d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, I will pick up Drive Club now. Looks like everything was fixed and the game looks jaw dropping.

Forza is like a 16 bit game compared to Drive Club.

3549d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

PS4 was also best selling console of 2014 in UK

This is total domination

3549d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

No PS4 exclusives or free monthly PSN games?

No buy

3549d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Like on Skyrim, I find the excessive amount of books very out of place. I don't care if I have to read some essential stuff but when you ha e to spend more time reading in a game than actually playing, then is not fun to me.

I stopped reading stuff in Dragon Age because if not, I would never finish the game.

3550d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow and all this without the heavyweight exclusives. Pretty awesome indeed. China is next too.

3551d ago 30 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's remember that the xbone is being sold at a loss. Microsoft took an even bigger hit at $349 just to move some Units. Microsoft will drop the price once again soon. They hope is that the little momentum they had they can replicate it now at $400.

When you consider all the struggle and price cuts that the xbox is facing you have to take hats off to the PS4 in how they have sustained the same price since the beginning while being the most successful console on the mark...

3551d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS4 is the number 1 console generation and no tactics from Microsoft will change that. This year, with all the exclusives coming, is going to be even better than 2014.

3551d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

If we don't care about reality, technology and hardware then yes, the xbox One can be more powerful than PS4 in that world.

But in the real world, specs are specs and hardware is hardware. The PS4 hardware is more powerful than the xbone and there is nothing to do about it. There are optimization tools and stuff but that is what it is.

Only a xbox fanboy or someone who doesn't know anything about technology will tell you that the xbone is or can be ...

3551d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny how some people react pretending like nothing has happened while microsoft itself has stated there are problems.

I guess some peoples pride goes down too when xbox live goes down. Very ridiculous but is the fanboy way.

3552d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

My main reason for why I don't own a Wii U

There is no Metroid or Zelda right now.

3552d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

After the big failure and how they dropped kinect after preaching it was necessary and essential for the xbox experience. After many developers simply refused to do something on kinect and the majority of the xbox community asked to drop it, Microsoft resolution is

Let's keep working on kinect


3552d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Microsoft took a big hit by selling the console at a loss just to celebrate they "won" November while the PS4 has outsold the X1 for 10 consecutive months at the same price while making profit on each console sold.

Let's remember that Wining only in one market does not make you the leading console nor make you the winner of a generation. Even if the X1 manage to outsold the PS4 for 10 consecutive months, as the PS4 did and I doubt the x1 can, that will not ma...

3553d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment