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"which we believe will be a step in continuing to build the ‘Tomb Raider’ franchise as one of the biggest in gaming."

Square Enix, if you really wanted to make TR one of the biggest in gaming you should had make the game available on PS4 which righ now has the biggest fanbase and is the more popular console.

Releasing exclusively on x1 will not help you achieve that. In fact, it will make the game flop and stay behind.

3483d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

Why would Microsoft do this? Because Sony did it and it was a big success? So, just to copy Sony?

3484d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

For those who are saying, without any evidence whatsoever, that a second interaction of SF5 will come to xbox... This is what Capcom stated:

"Throughout all of our discussions with Sony Computer Entertainment, it is clear that we share a mutual belief that the fighting genre has a huge opportunity for growth. The announcement today is just the first step, of many, in creating the next generation Street Fighter experience our fans have been asking for."

3484d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Street Fighter V permanent exclusive on PS4 and PC is a big hit to the Xbox and there is no denying it. SFV is way bigger than Tomb Raider as SF has a big community.

Also, insinuating that Killer Instinct can compete against Street Fighter is a joke.

This deal will definitely has a big impact on PS4 that will continue to expand the already big lead of the PS4.

3485d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I got to say that I enjoyed it more than E3 because Sony was not in a rush like on E3. It was their event and with the fans, not just the press. I also admire that Sony and their community/fans give indies the respect they deserve.

PlayStation Experience success marked the trend and Microsoft and Nintendo will follow Sony's steps.

What a way to end this amazing year and to celebrate the dominance of the PS4 through all 2014.

3485d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

PlayStation Experience was a celebration of the 20th Anniversary, not a "reveals only" event.

I enjoyed the event a lot and I know it will come next year.

3485d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anonymous should hack them and expose them so the feds can arrest them.

3485d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

SF5 is a way bigger deal than Tomb Raider. Street Fighter has a massive community, even though the xfans now are trying to say the contrary.

3485d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just Dance 2015 for Wii U at $25 but $39.99 for the Wii?

Makes no sense

3485d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont get it. I am online without any problems and some of my friends are online playing too but other friends are telling me they have problems.

I hope the feds bring these criminals to jail.

3486d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Truly a bad weekend for the xbox haters

With Street Fighter not coming on Xbox this generation (yes, it was confirmed and Sony is collaborating in the development) and Uncharted 4 raising the bar once again there will be no peace on the xbox camp.

Not to mention all the awesome PC games that were announced to be console exclusives on PS4 and all the amazing indie games coming exclusive or timed on PS4 as No Man's Sky.

3486d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

On Twitter, Phil said he watched the PSX and praise it for being very good.

I am glad Phil is not as jealous and arrogant as the xbox community and can appreciate a good event even when it is from the competition.

3486d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

I hope they get caught by the FEDS

3486d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

PSX is here to stay. If you watched the keynote you could see the big support of the fans. The place was completely full.

Kudos to Sony for such a celebration uniting both the big, middle and indie community with the fans and the PlayStation executive as Shu and Adam.

To the Xbox community, keep hating the indie community. There is a reason why the PS4 is home now to indies and why indies preffer the PlayStation community.

3486d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

When is the release date of Zelda Wii U?

That is the day I will buy a Wii U.

3486d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Throughout all of our discussions with Sony Computer Entertainment, it is clear that we share a mutual belief that the fighting genre has a huge opportunity for growth. The announcement today is just the first step, of many, in creating the next generation Street Fighter experience our fans have been asking for."

I don't think that xbox will get SF at all. Not SF5, not ultra, not mega, no Street Fighter at all.

This is a joint development be...

3487d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

While not perfect, it was better than last year. There was kind of a balance focusing on the industry as a while and not taking sides. The show must be shorter, have all the awards on stage and have less music performances.

Also, I felt Ok with the winners of the awards. Did not felt like it was bought by money.

Interesting note 1: Most of the nominees for game of the year were RPG games. That is nice. Remember the time RPG were fading?


3487d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another buthurt writer. I bet they did not even said anything when Tomb Raider was announced as an xbox timed exclusive.

3488d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

My reaction to the article...


Cannot be that people are excited to celebrate PlayStation 20th anniversary and the announcement of new games?

Some people can be really buthurt about PS4 dominance.

3488d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry but Microsoft started this. Sony can't stay dormant, they have to react to Microsoft's business practices.

3488d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment