CRank: 5Score: 19840

besides he pretty muched ****ed up the RE series with RE4 it better be damn amazing game for me to give confidence that he's a good developer back to him because right now the game looks meh

5225d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

quit being butthurt it's a good thing it's multiplatform so everyone can enjoy it but I bet if it does go Multi your going to bitch about that too right?

5229d ago 1 agree24 disagreeView comment

no I blocked you because your annoying little ***get are you still butthurt over this geez let it go

5230d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

seriously get a life loser it was actually amusing I kind of wish I didn't block you it's fun watching you make a fool out of yourself via PM me just to tell me all this dribble it seems like I caused you to go into a hissyfit LOL

5230d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

espcially using the devil bringer I don't know what you people are smoking you want to play a shitty DMC game go back and play DMC2. DMC3 was the best so they need to redefine it to top that game

5230d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

since you PS3 fanboys want to act like little toddlers developers should start treating you like ones and make you cry more by not giving you fanboys what you want

5230d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

@Offical general LOL the only one that has proven it's worth is UC2 the rest look medicore and MGS4 looks like last gen shit they fact that you brought it up as a graphical powerhouse makes your argument null and void

5230d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

so kindly STFU the only reason it is exclusive btw is because Rockstar promised an exclusive title back in the PS2 days due to the contract they broke with GTA that was suppose to be exclusive till rockstar decided to make it multiplatform believe you me Rockstar isn't doing this because they care there doing it because of the contract they have with sony

5231d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

SRSLY they might as well label this PS3 N4G that's all it is bitter little sony toddlers blabbing and crying about it not being exclusive to there smoke and mirrors POS system how is the agent coming along with no screenshots or artwork what's so ever

5231d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

just to teach you ignorant ****ers a lesson the way you all act like toddlers you don't deserve good games

5231d ago 15 agree17 disagreeView comment

So can MS people are still going to buy it so STFU and deal with it

5232d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

neither is uncharted 2 or Resistance for that matter I guess halo will go multiplatform as well even though bungie has already admitted a while back the IP is exclusive to MS before leaving the company when a game has an MS logo on it it's exclusive no if ands or butts retard MS isn't going to let gears go for any reason it's an Xbox staple

5233d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

last time I checked this wasn't offically a PS3 dedicated website. But it might as well be judgeing by all the comments anyways Light is right each system has there pluses and minuses but I'm not going into details because I've explained way too many damn times to you sony fantards

btw if it wasn't for the multiplatform move FF13 wouldn't have reached 5 million on the PS3 alone PS3 version may have sold more but the 360 version helped out quite a bit ac...

5233d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

it happens on every service espically TF2 and CS:S on PC and for all the retards that don't know this there's a little friend called mute player for XBL and steam PSN not everyone has mics so of course your not going to hear it all the time duh

5233d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

not over the IP but over the main games hench why there is a big fat MS logo on there box gears will never touch PS3 and for good reason deal with it

5233d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

spinoff and non canon games are different those are allowed to go to PS3 but does it really matter PS3 fanboys hate gears anyway the same way they hate halo

5233d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

LOL that's a laugh considering the later news about rage performing and looking better on the 360 thanks to the extra DVD's being used

5234d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

remember not all tv's support the so called resoultion same with PC monitors a game can still look like **** running in 1080P or 2054x1540 and still look like **** if all the settings quality are on the lowest same applys to consoles take out some nice shaders or lighting and what not and you still have a shitty looking game MGS4 is a good example runs at 1080P looks like ****

5238d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

seriously this is only a game for anime ***get loving worshippers

5238d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

let alone the sequal I'm sorry but no game on consoles can touch it expect for maybe farcry 2 but even the PC counterpart blows the console versions out of the water although the console versions still look good FACT crysis 2 will raise the bar again espically on PC

5238d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment