CRank: 5Score: 19840

just like home watch GT5 be a colussal crash like the world trade center falling besides those are bullshots

5178d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

it isn't open world so um no

5178d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

heck even the PC version was embarrsiongly craptastic visual wise of course

5179d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

more will come in 3,2,1

5179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have been hankering for an out of this world type adventure game for years now

5186d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

about the failbox 360 and how PS3 is thez best because of the blurayz and cell duh duh duh

and PS3 fanboys don't own PC's anyways there too busy playing in anime land the game was amazing regardless of the ax of openworld gameplay and as remedy already explained it was a design choice

5186d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

blurayz and cellz is the best duh duh duh PS3 has the best gfx 360 is inferiorz hardwarez and is the fail duh duh duh duh

5186d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

I lieks to talkz about the powerz of the PS3 and how the ****box 3shitty is gimping are games duh duh duh duh alan wakez would sell and look better on PS3 because of the cellz and bluray duh duh duh PS3 is the best it only does everything 3shitty is the fail duh duh duh

5186d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony only uses this stupid copout because they know damn well it's publised by them GOW3 MGS4,UC2 and KZ2 or all Sony property's it has nothing to do with the power of the system itself if that were the case 90% multiplatform still wouldn't look superior on the 360 till this very day similar to how the xbox had no promblem smoking the **** out of the PS2 last gen Nintendo might as well go around saying games like mario galaxy 2 and Zelda skyward sword can only be done on wii

5187d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

this site should be shutdown seriously

5187d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
5187d ago

here they come in 3 2 1 saying put it on PS3 and it will sell better

5187d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

were begging for Mass effect 2 and Splinter cell conviction a few months back it's going to happen sooner or later square doesn't owe sony are you ignorant ****ers anything there a business company and that's what they do I love how a get bash and many diaagrees just for stating the truth about this cesspool could a site swarming with PS3 fanboys but the bluray but the cell but the 360 will gimp are games seriously stfu and get some new trolling material because it's all retar...

5187d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

go to IGN go gamespot go to any other forum board it's not nearly as overrun with PS3 fanboys as it is here seriously you want a pacifer to go along with your bottle spoiled brat

5187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah watch it suck completly on the PS3

5188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yet you still are immature enough to troll 360 ones I hope FF14 doesn't have a chance because it's an MMO and MS smart because MMO's have always sucked on consoles VS however will be announced probably by next month for the 360 or at least at TGS10 you ignorant sony ****ers don't deserve games

5188d ago 4 agree31 disagreeView comment

in the anime he also got a bunch of hugh spikes going through his entire body and he still didn't die I would like to see kratos take on berial or any creature that defy the laws of physics without getting his ass kicked

5190d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 fanboys to be exact

5197d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

despite not having a native resoulation of 720P but the higher AA compensates for that and yes RAGE and crysis 2 are going to kick the living ****out of Killzone 3

5197d ago 10 agree13 disagreeView comment

that's the ***est show ever to be appear on T.V in the history of Animated T.V shows

5197d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment