CRank: 5Score: 19840

as if you can read the future wake up it has yet to be proven until it gets the lead on the 360 and stop pissing down manfucter costs for sony. PS1 and PS2 lasted for 10 years because they still made them money Sony isn't going to support something for 10 years if it's going to kill there profits all these company want money sony is no different but yet you act like there a careing company only doing this for the Fans

5614d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you must have not been checking the DC library what about

Sonic Adventure
Soul caliber
Power stone
Jet set radio
Crazy taxi
Virtual On
House of the Dead 2
Resident evil CVX

everyone ignored those games because the dreamcast didn't have enough momentum and sega didn't have enough money due to the stupidity of pissing down money on makeing the most consoles

good god your last ...

5614d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Which I doubt is going to happen considering the fact Sony is selling PS3 less then actual other retail bluray players on the market and that it pissed all of PS2's profits down the drain I doubt sony is going to lower it at all and sorry Price isn't a good reason dreamcast was cheaper then the PS2 and it still didn't even last against the PS2 so yeah keep trying

@cmrbe your logic is flawed

If PS2 was still selling then why even bother releasing the PS3 heck th...

5614d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I own a 360 but since I can game on PC too I could careless

5614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

like a head start thing so let me ask you this If the Xbox was a failure for MS and they abandoned after 5 years then why would consumers even bother to buy the 360 If the first one was a profit killer Sony had the success of PS1 as well as Japan as support to back it up people knew the PS1 was successful so they obviously expected the same results MS didn't have any of that with the 360 and yet it still outsold PS3 maybe not as big of a margin as the PS2 vs the Xbox and cube but still so I...

5614d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

What exactly did leon due that was badass aside from the knife fight which he would have lost if ada didn't interfer not to mention Mendez got the drop on him 3 times in a row chris wasn't portrayed as a badass but then again he wasn't trying to be one

5614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just went back to replay it on insane mode

5614d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

1.Saying the one liners do justice for the series

2.saying RE4 leon was a good charcter

I'm saying to burst there bubble but leon was just flat out ignorant overconfident douchebag and bites off more then he can chew in most situtations. Mikami took a decent charcter from RE2 and turned him into a cliche cardboard hollywood action hero cutout at least chris was likeable in RE5

other then that the other 2 things they mentioned I can sort of agree w...

5614d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

And to be honest I could care for neither simply due to the fact that WE HAVE VERY LITTLE INFO ABOUT BOTH GAMES!!! other then the fact that huxley is a MMOFPS and mag has 256 players seriously so me some screenshots and then will talk

5614d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

okey name one exclusive for the PS3 that leaves gamers intrested and is still talked about after a month huh? Can't think of any thought so Remebmer how the sony fanboys were bragging about home only to find out it sucked ass how long did the hype last for that anyways about a week same with little big planet,Uncharted Resistance 2,Killzone 2 and Metal gear online. PS3 exclusives are overhyped and don't have any longtivity quit being butthurt and deal with it 360 may not have as many exclusiv...

5614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Probably just bitter because the PS3 version was inferior to the PC and 360 versions btw I own it on the PC and while multiplayer is nothing special I really enjoyed the single player portion

5614d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

there's 2 things wrong with the pics and the site for that matter

1. It's a PS3 international only sight that spells biased on all levels

2. The game is in alpha and hasn't even started development those shots are fake

It's funny now sony fanboys are saying The PS3 is more powerful then a High end gameing PC espically cosidering the fact that RE5 and FarCry 2 look way better then KZ2 ROFL

5615d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I doubt Sony fanboys even know how a PC works espically considering the fact that there a bunch of japholics usally the only ones that are gameing on PC's are 360 owners

5615d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

obviously you know didly squat about hardware Because you didn't mention any facts to back that up all you said was PS3 GPU = The Cell processor for vertex shading + The RSX for pixel shading that doesn't make sense what's so ever go look at beyond 3d better yet go look at IBM recent statement if the PS3 is more powerful like you tards like to make it out to be it shouldn't be haveing promblems with Multiplatform games looking worse on the PS3 FarCry 2,GTAIV Dead Space and RE5 are perfect exa...

5617d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

If you read beyond 3d you would see the 360 has the edge in gpu and cores and thread performance is pretty much the same in both system CPU and how exactly does not adding Japanesse voiceovers for The 360 version because of disc space did you ever think there not adding it because IT'S NOT BEING RELEASED IN JAPAN!!!

Seriously you guys sound just as bad as that ff13 guy from a year ago on youtube

_>>>>>>> >>

what's worse is they make up stupid excuses like the game is being gimped because of the 360 For your big fat information The 360 is more powerful then PS3 superior GPU and 3 cores instead of 1 and Lack of bluray doesn't mean diddly squat there is simple solution to make a game bigger without sacrificing quality and that is caching the god dam files to the 360 HDD halo 3,Burnout Paradise and crackdown do it and no quality is lost you sony fanboys seriously need to grow the **** up stop using ...

5618d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

the souce is a dead give away that this is BS article

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5625d ago

If western and american developed Products are stupid sony can give back all the western developed exclusives they own if that's going to be there BS response

5625d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment