eh heh


CRank: 5Score: 6260

Wii u is pretty much fizzled out at this point.Xbox one is doing okay.It's not dead or dying, but it's not melting the sales charts either.

PS4 is doing crazy tho.

It's doing better then PS1,PS2 or PS3 did in one day then what they did in one month.PS4/Xbone will be enough to carry the console business i think.


3870d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Incredible.Never imagined it would sell this well at this rate even before the Japan launch.

I hope all those "Analysts" who preach the doom and gloom of the console business feel very, very stupid right now.

3870d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not trying to fill in any gaps.I'm just going by common sense.

He was JUST at the Santa monica event.
The embargo's JUST lifted.
Every other site is talking of the same demo he is.
Why would he talk about a demo from 6 months ago on the day the new demo goes public??

It's not some crazy mystery lol

3870d ago 18 agree12 disagreeView comment

"Until just recently, no one’s actually seen the game. Sure, I saw a behind-closed-doors tech demo when I was at Gamescom last year, and we have the really pretty reveal trailer, too, but no one outside of Sony and Ready at Dawn has been privy to what The Order: 1886 is all about. Until now."

Keywords being until now.Since colin was at SM where they showed off the game (among others) i'm sure it's safe to assume he's talking about that, no?

3870d ago 11 agree21 disagreeView comment

He's talking about the demo shown at SM last week.

3870d ago 9 agree37 disagreeView comment

I said the same exact thing in another article last night and got 40+ disagrees lol.

Clearly the gunplay is stiff and in my opinion, downright horrible.I even mentioned as Colin did in this piece, it has the same crappy shooting mechanics of Gears of war.

I know they have a lot of time to polish things up but i'm still skeptical.This is their first big console AAA title they've ever done..

3870d ago 30 agree161 disagreeView comment

Maybe one day my grand children will tell me tales of The Last guardian too.

3870d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow i forgot all about this game lol
So many to buy this year :( / :)

3871d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This, titanfall and Ground zeroes are day one no matter what!

3871d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Any word of multiplayer or co op?
This is rapidly becoming my dream game!

3871d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

How is my but hurt? Look at the wonky aiming of the gun reticule.It's all stiff and robotic.There's no fluidity to the animation of the aiming.

I'm sorry but for a 3rd person shooter that's a big deal.Reminds of how crappy the gears or war shooting was.

3871d ago 0 agree30 disagreeView comment

Wow! the gunplay looks horrible in the first gif.

3871d ago 0 agree40 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry but these are 3 of the stupidest reasons you could ever come up with.None of which apply to Xbox One Winning, either.

1) Just because microsoft as a whole has a ton of money (all from everything except their xbox division) doesn't mean anything.If it did, why did they come in dead last sales-wise for the last two gens??

2) Games are completely subjective.And despite the propaganda floating around, PS4 certainly does have games.More so far in...

3871d ago 73 agree4 disagreeView comment

why did you reply to him with that comment mark? It had nothing to do with what software said.

Or..did you just want your comment at the top of the page? *eyeroll*

3871d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

I don't see how you can call yourself a gamer while passing on the Wii U.Any real gamer would pick one up to compliment their ONE/PS4/PC gaming setup.

Wii actually has games that can't be played anywhere else.That's why i picked mine up to go with my xbox one.Now if i could just find a god damn PS4 in stock somewhere i would be all set..

3871d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microsoft deff needs to turn things around.
To be outsold 2:1 in the US last NDP is troubling for them.

3872d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well that does't say much of Rayman legends, now does it?

3872d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Looks good to me!

3872d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I suppose i should rephrase that!

No AI + More players is what i would like.
There's more then enough room.

3872d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Definitely has a heavy COD vibe to it but im loving it so far.The Mech action feels amazing.

Not a fan of the AI tho.Would be better with no AI at all.

3873d ago 14 agree8 disagreeView comment