eh heh


CRank: 5Score: 6260

A few high brow jokes and people who probably didn't even click through to the source to read them are already calling foul lol

And i like how one guy who handles a twitter for a game engine is now the voice of thousands of EA employees.
I swear, people this generation are the most whiny, spoiled rotten S.O.B's there ever will be.Reminds me of an old Louis C.K bit about how people point and laugh at everything, until it hits to close to home for them and all o...

3829d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Teaser looked really good.Chalk up another to the return of the great survivor horror genre!

3829d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm sure you have

3829d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seen a lot of titanfall bashing in the 6hours since you joined eh?

3829d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's hard to set standards for xbox fans.They like to move the goal posts a lot, i find.

3829d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

Every trailer they release makes me care less and less about the game.

Ubi is really botching this one big time.I'm honestly more excited for Hell divers then watch dogs at this point.

3830d ago 11 agree15 disagreeView comment

As opposed to the kind comments left by PC guys at WOW, DOTA, LoL, Diablo etc, updates that screw things up? Give me a break.

Don't get me started on past behavior.

3831d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

I doubt console fanboys care enough to take it to this level.Especially since oculus never had anything to do with consoles.It's been PC fanboys who have been bragging about oculus forever.Then they turned on them when they sold out to facebook.Now they pull this stunt.

3831d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

Look at your comment history if you want see what a PC fanboy is.

A deep sense of entitlement, massive insecurity issues, the need to validate ones own preference by boasts, bitter jealously stemmed from nonacceptance by general gaming media coverage.

Just some of the traits of rabid PC fanboys - not to be confused with the average happy go lucky PC gamer, mind you.

3831d ago 2 agree15 disagreeView comment

sounds like typical PC fanboys.

3831d ago 23 agree52 disagreeView comment

That's how game companies go out of business.Spending large sums and not seeing profitable returns.

3832d ago 17 agree11 disagreeView comment

Exactly.Aside from their own exclusive indie offerings, they're taking the creme of the crop from Steam and porting them over.Which is great!

Let steam greenlight sift through the endless amount of garbage games and port over the gems that make it through!

Exactly what's happening.

3832d ago 40 agree3 disagreeView comment

Titanfall isn't bad per-say.It just gets really old, really quick.I was feeling the stagnation towards the end of the beta even.

The DLC should spice things up a bit but for how long?
Really wish this had some sort of epic SP portion tbh

3832d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Facebook is full of the most casual shmucks on the internet/ this type of tech may as well be alien technology to them.If they want the Facebox ™ to take off, they better have an extremely open dev policy and allow all console/PC compatibility or Project Morpheus will destroy this thing.

3833d ago 12 agree12 disagreeView comment

eh heh

I don't see no good coming from this

3833d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dedicated servers are innovative now? Is their a rock bottom as to how low you will stoop..?

3833d ago 24 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS1 and PS2 were the great ages of gaming.And, like you said, the pinnacle of their dominance.The didn't dominate with PS3 and look how last gen turned out.

Just a bunch of 3rd party FPS's with the odd good games sprinkled throughout the years.Ironically, the sprinkles came from Sony as well.

This is going to be a great gen tho.Everything is as it should be and VR is about to explode!

There is also more innovation coming from Sony ri...

3833d ago 54 agree5 disagreeView comment

Same thing that's been going on for a few months.Studio spring cleaning.

Guess we're going to get a new news submission everytime someone else gets canned.

3833d ago 14 agree17 disagreeView comment


If you want an example of an xbox lover this is your guy right here

3834d ago 30 agree18 disagreeView comment


3834d ago 105 agree34 disagreeView comment